The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Author Message Date Comments
Steven F. Website - Thanks ever so much Barry September 29, 2013 15 comments
Barry R. project donations - £500 for Django and £500 for OJS is good. November 25, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. Wrap up meeting - 20th Nov - Wizard stuff @Matt & @Barry I have stuck a direct link at the top of the About menu. I've also inserted a page on the top of the News menu which includes all of the blog posts that we have collected within this basecamp. If anyone finds othe... November 20, 2013 5 comments
Steven F. Wrap up on 20th and wiki - I've put a stub here Can someone step up and extend this October 31, 2013 33 comments
Franz-Josef B. Draft accounts - +1 for OSGeo training fund or similar things. I appcreciate the work of OSGeo foundation, but IMHO it's to much centralized to North Amerika. I am sure that AGI people did a great and supportive job. November 19, 2013 7 comments
Steven F. Post event articles and feedback - Here is the summary of the sponsor responses And here is the detailed report If I can anonymise the summary I w... September 24, 2013 4 comments
Antony S. Post Event Actions - Hi Claire, am getting hold of bank details for payment of MapAction sums - assume that's best for you? October 4, 2013 1 comment
Matt W. Webex meeting? - I'm not going to make it, as I've got to pop out to pick Reuben up from school. September 27, 2013 12 comments
Jo C. FOSS4G sponsorship - I'm OK about this as long as our disclaimer says specifically that we offered a single email blast for each sponsor as part of their package, so that people know they are not going to get bombarded with emails or have their addresses sold to mailing lists. October 2, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Wrap up tasks - Thanks Steven. I can make the call between 3 & 4. October 2, 2013 2 comments
Steven F. Post event delegate and sponsor feedback surveys - I have amended slightly September 9, 2013 18 comments
Mark I. bits left in the vol room... - I think the fleece is mine! September 21, 2013 3 comments
Suchith A. Map Gallery updates - Thanks Barry. This is looking good. Ken - good work on the map gallery success and also good to see the public participation. It will be good to plan to do this again for ICC 2015 in Rio. September 26, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. ELOGeo - Certainly, to re-iterate, the two systems are for different purposes, although those are similar in this instance. ELOGeo is there as an archive of re-usable teaching & learning materials, albeit essentially presentations & workshop docs in the main part. Any materials are uploaded with a CC-by-S... September 25, 2013 8 comments
Barry R. New web page widgets - Have added an 'Archived Material' box (hopefully Andrew will sort out some tagging system or playlist so we can link to foss4g vids) and moved event photos to homepage right. Have added a link for Foss4G 2014 in a widget box too. September 25, 2013 2 comments
Peter B. Feedback on "#bestfoss4gever" - Hi all, thanks for the understanding responses. And again thanks for the fantastic job :). And just to be clear, I wasn't criticising anyone for not being in Denver, just pointing out that because nobody was, you couldn't directly compare. And you did handle the emergence of the North American lo... September 24, 2013 5 comments
Barry R. Set up twitter archive - Wednesday afternoon instead? This is from a random sample of 8000 tweets, since my PC would fall over trying to wordcloud all quarter of a million. September 8, 2013 17 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G Heros - I deleted some of the people at the top once we had given them their badges e.g. Will and Jeff. There are probably a couple more who have received a badge e.g. Ivan who was also recognised for his song. September 18, 2013 9 comments
Steven F. Academic Bursaries - write ups - News would be fine September 24, 2013 3 comments
Jeremy M. Photos needed for FOSS4G press article - Barend - yes, I remembered that he was just asked to review the conference. It was just his name that I was missing! Overall, some coverage would help point people, particularly those who weren't there, at the videos online & talks in ELOGeo & elsewhere. Jeremy September 24, 2013 12 comments
Mark I. Closing party video - Jo, of course. I'm waiting/hoping for more videos to integrate. Also have a bit more time to cut things about the code sprints and map galleries in. September 24, 2013 2 comments
Steven F. Blog roll - Can someone add the post event articles on FOSS4G to our news section I found this and of course there is this by our very own archaeogeek September 23, 2013
Steven F. Pledge selection - 27, 48, 53 September 21, 2013 5 comments
Jeremy M. Pledge Display - You beat me to it!! September 21, 2013 3 comments
Abi P. Conference team hoodies- choose your preference an - I have been missing my ladies fit M hoodie since Monday... I have come to the conclusion that one of you guys has probably picked it up. Can you check what you are wearing - the clue is on the label (and probably the zip being the other way around). If you don't want the rest of LOC to know you h... August 3, 2013 23 comments
Matt W. Content for next delegate mail - Hi Steven, Can you please mention the free workshops in the next delegate email: sign-up on the day at registration, first come first serve: “Thu 12:00”“Fri 08:00”“Sat 08:00” All workshops are in Sir Clive Granger Building B29, some sharing of machines may be required in order to allow the maximu... September 18, 2013
Matt W. Workshop Briefing 18th Sept - Thanks for everyone's effort making today run smoothly. Notes for tomorrow, very similar today so I'll cover it all in the morning :-) September 17, 2013 1 comment
Ian E. Icebreaker seating arrangements - Also... Jo asked for reminder that Suchith an I (Ian E) will not be at icebreaker September 15, 2013 8 comments
Antony S. Programme Booklet: Post-print Errata - Latest version of programme changes printout. We will probably make this the last.... We need to decide whether to give to everyone or to just have a pile, or even just stick on wall. I say have a pile, ppl can take one if they want. August 16, 2013 31 comments
Matt W. Workshop Briefing 17th Sept - Booking report available here: September 16, 2013 3 comments
Barry R. Update Sept. 17 workshop timetable table - swapped it! September 16, 2013 2 comments
Suchith A. Truck need to move Foam boards to EMCC - Foam boards have arrived and kept in the reception area of NGI. I have been informed by the Building safety officer that it need to be moved asap. We need a big van/truck urgently arranged so we can get it to EMCC. Thanks. Suchith September 16, 2013
Ian E. Test that lab PCs boot OSGeo-Live 7.0 *USB* - Not booting from USB in Hallward library: WUIHALTR machine numbers...18, 25, 26 ± machine 20 starts to boot but gets stuck on a black screen. These machines not checked 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8 September 7, 2013 20 comments
Jo C. Deliveries at EMCC - Wristbands are due today (Monday) September 13, 2013 7 comments
Matt W. bookreport.pdf - Current workshop delegates list. I'll update tomorrow or maybe Tue morning for the registration desk to ensure we're up-to-date. See you all tomorrow. September 15, 2013 1 comment
Antony S. GeoCommunity Cross Over - Another party? Why not, +1 please. September 14, 2013 8 comments
Abi P. Volunteering Actions - that's very kind of you Mark, but I'm not sure I would be comfortable with asking her to do that - worst comes to worst I will move off site and give her my space. June 25, 2013 62 comments
Mark I. Late night GeoCamp movies? - I was going to suggest the Coca Cola Cup winning years of '97 and '99 for Leicester City. However, that little barb seemingly found its mark. September 12, 2013 13 comments
Jeremy M. Marquee is up - do we need step-free access? - Bah! Hmm, I'll try to get a good understanding - how hard can it be?! ;-) September 12, 2013 7 comments
Jeremy M. OGC/OSGEO Meal - Thanks Mark September 13, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Check if the PCs in Trent B16 can run 3D content v - Re. B26e - I've checked, Chrome is now on (at least on the machine I tried) & runs the 3D torus example without problems. Virtual Box is still 4.1.0. I checked & tried installing the add-on pack but it fails because it does need administrator permissions. So B26e is feasible & they may just have ... August 22, 2013 22 comments
Jeremy M. Check that the GeoSolutions GeoServer LiveDVD runs - I've email further about this - looks like we can run off a local drive in Windows (but I must get the associate account sorted!) August 22, 2013 5 comments
Addy P. Thank you - +1 for scran September 10, 2013 22 comments
Steven F. What Steven needs to mention in his session on how - Thanks Antony, that's done it August 15, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. Corner logos for presentations - Brilliant Thanks September 13, 2013 1 comment
Antony S. Team Call 2013-09-13 - Details of login for people who manage to get lost in webex (and that is a very very easy place to get lost): 1. Go to… 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password:... September 13, 2013 3 comments
Abi P. Advice for session chairs - Ok, I have made it open to view. Can anyone who is interested check the notes for session chairs / helpers please, before I print copies for the volunteers later. September 12, 2013 7 comments
Steven F. Changes to the master delegate list - Let's wait until Tuesday or Weds as there may well be one further cancellation. Claire can you ask Shelley once more whether we can squeeze one more person into student rooms September 11, 2013 20 comments
Steven F. Contacts List - I have added the emergency numbers for Field and Lawn (marquee) Might be an idea to get numbers for deVere contact and .... July 19, 2012 2 comments
Jeremy M. Geosolutions Workshop - Matt, Where did we get to with Geosolutions, who wanted to run on Windows using their own package of software? I know I tested it (and still have a USB drive with the software on) but there were some wrinkles because their ZIP file wouldn't uncompress properly on a cluster machine. I had to uncom... September 13, 2013
Abi P. Final Party - Many apologies Mark, thanks for prompt - emailed. September 12, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. Short call today - Lets keep the call brief today and focus on checking off to do's and any issues I'm about to go out. Could someone create a short agenda for each of us to add any issues to Speak at 2.00 Steven September 13, 2013
Jeremy M. Timetable - First beer or two at 7:15; break to get food & come back; then continue with beers & people can come and go for more in between. September 9, 2013 6 comments
Jeremy M. Proxy settings to allow OSGeo Live 7.0 to access t - OK, this has been double-checked running in Live 7.0 DVD in the Hallward cluster. Could anyone take this and produce a version for distribution, e.g. on the web page? September 5, 2013 2 comments
Jeremy M. Test that the QGIS InASafe plugin can be installed - Yes (after proxy set up) September 2, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Test that USB drives are mounted in OSGeo-Live 7.0 - Yes September 2, 2013 1 comment
Mark I. Logistics: Produce workshop staff schedule - September 3, 2013 14 comments
Jeremy M. Not going to the dogs... - I agree with Jo - I'll tell the stadium to let the block booking go (as they'll probably want to anyway) but we can leave it there as an idea at least. Maybe modify the text on the website to remove the references to the block booking? September 12, 2013 5 comments
Steven F. Route map - Might be an idea to reduce image sizes so that it will fit on less pages September 11, 2013 2 comments
Jeremy M. Steven's opening and welcome bit - I'd go (have been going) for #FOSS4G13 for the event - it's a toss up between utter transparency (not the 13th event) and losing 2 characters from the tweet! (I wish I'd gone for a shorter ID than jeremy_morley sometimes!). Remember, no Gary now to mention, unless just for being willing. WiFi acc... August 30, 2013 4 comments
Barry R. Add co-presenters to booking report - Done. Check it! September 11, 2013 3 comments
Matt W. Update Workshop schedule graphic on website to sho - Hi Barry, We've moved W3 to Hallward Library to satisfy their technical requirements. I've updated the programme on the website and updated the programme changes page. Could you please update the table here: I've attached the update html for the tab... September 11, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Provide a document detailing what's required to co - Yes, I think so - if we had the luxury of lots of time I would put screenshots in of some of the interface panels, etc., but the instructions should be detailed enough as text. If you know what you're doing (!) it takes about 5 mins or so to run through. Jeremy September 3, 2013 6 comments
Jeremy M. Confirm number of individuals that require guest l - Hopefully not relevant - I'll check where it's got to, but I should have an associate account (in my name) that we just log people into on multiple machines. (And hope they behave!!) September 3, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Test configuring internet access within OSGeo-Live - Tested - the text pad I put up in Basecamp has instructions I've tested in Live 7.0 (I burnt my own copy, went to a lab, and tried it all) September 2, 2013 1 comment
Matt W. Check Firefox or Chrome is available in Sir Clive - I've just checked off those that I think are done. I think all remaining items are live. August 23, 2013 15 comments
Suchith A. Marquee has arrived. - Good to see this Jeremy. Thanks. September 11, 2013 1 comment
Addy P. Music - revised - Cheers Ken, adding them in. Should be something for everyone in their. Next task is to make it "run" without massive mis-matches..... September 10, 2013 8 comments
Claire G. No Nathan Woodrow - I have marked Tim Sutton as a presenter on the delegate list. September 8, 2013 5 comments
Abi P. LOC Schedule - Thanks guys. Bared: 19 Franz-Josef: 49 Barry: 57 Ant: 58 and now all the sessions have chairs. Jo, I am sure you will be tied up with other things, although with 70 odd volunteers chances are we will get a few issues / gaps to fill on the day. August 30, 2013 28 comments
Ian E. Live DVD - Just to allay any fears - I'll be bringing the DVD's with me rather than posting. I'll also have a small van on site all week (Sunday - Sunday) if anything needs transporting anywhere. August 26, 2013 27 comments
Steven F. Stuff We Need to Have at EMCC - Thanks Mark July 22, 2013 7 comments
Jo C. Ice-breaker details - Hi Jeremy, Many thanks for chasing this up- I'm not sure where the buffet decision came from in the first place but this is brilliant, and I'm happy with your menu choices. Jo September 5, 2013 16 comments
Jeremy M. Gala Night - OK, outcomes from meeting Shelley: • Shelley will print drinks vouchers, give them to us on Monday. May not be quite in house style but takes a job off us, though if someones wants to send her a JPEG of the conference logo that would be fine. • We should encourage people out of the EMCC between 6... May 16, 2013 49 comments
Antony S. Time table - There is one in the gala night thread, can't access on phone but should be near end. Jeremy could you ask Shelley about beer tokens for gala night, ie we give delegates a couple of tokens of some kind which they can use at bar? -------- Original message -------- September 9, 2013 3 comments
Jeremy M. Timetable - Please hold off till I've finished my meeting with Shelley & I'll update you all. September 9, 2013 2 comments
Matt W. Check VirtualBox version in Geography Lab - Hi Jeremy, Do you think it would be possible to install the extension pack to enable 3D acceleration. I think it's: Cheers, Matt. September 3, 2013 2 comments
Claire G. Web site updates - I dont mind when we close registrations. I am still updating numbers and will get the delegate list out later. September 6, 2013 2 comments
Rollo H. To unconference or not to unconference - While I hate to see another thing drop by the way, I think from a practical point of view without Gary we should let this slide. Giving space to BoF is a good replacement (as there is a known demand) - and self organising as well. September 6, 2013 7 comments
Rollo H. Jobs Board - Can this be merged with the 'notice boards' discussion? They seem highly compatible ;-) September 8, 2013 2 comments
Antony S. Notice boards - Notice boards = good. -------- Original message -------- September 8, 2013 3 comments
Mark I. Team Call: 2013-09-06 - Just fossing doing it? September 5, 2013 9 comments
Addy P. Create Flickr account - will do, do we want other delegates to add pics to it? If so, we should pop a note in this weeks delegate email. September 9, 2012 3 comments
Matt W. Email workshop conference list with details of tim - Thanks Jeremy, I've just sent it. September 3, 2013 4 comments
Claire G. Table-arrangements - No I am up to 153 bookings at the moment, but that includes the AGI team (and we may duck out of the meal part of this event) I will send you a list tomorrow - hopefully we will nearly be at capacity then. May 20, 2013 6 comments
Jeremy M. Room bookings outside EMCC / Hotel / GeoCamp - 1) 55 2) Yes, 7 3) As far as I know - Claire would know otherwise. May 10, 2013 3 comments
Matt W. Consider moving PostGIS 3D to Geo Lab in Sir Clive - Can't move due to lack of Chrome or Firefox September 3, 2013 3 comments
Abi P. FOSS4G Sound Track - "Hi! just to let you know, i am working diligently on this. Still researching some leads on stuff related to the examples you sent, but also i think this instrumental may be useful in your purposes somewhere. more soon, -Henna " Ok for general background... August 18, 2013 9 comments
Addy P. Construct Geo-Quiz - Some great questions, i would have not done very well. Glad i have an excuse not to do it ;) Thanks Jo. May 20, 2013 12 comments
Jo C. Decide on technology required for geo-quiz - Robin Hood hats require scissors and glue for (optional) feather May 20, 2013 2 comments
Abi P. Programme Booklet: Requests for changes - Thanks! July 24, 2013 67 comments
Jeremy M. Lanyard - All, having tracked down this thread, please ignore my request about the badges elsewhere. I'll forward the lanyard and wristband designs to the Hallward Library people to help them identify workshop attendees. Jeremy July 31, 2013 58 comments
Steven F. Provide workshop delegate details to presenters - Go ahead, it is likely to be easiest September 3, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Confirm that delegates can use their own laptop an - It'll be wireless only - De Vere network on EMCC or in the GeoCamp & hotel; UoN-Guest on campus. Wired needs the machine to be registered and be up to certain security standards (eg antivirus, etc.). September 2, 2013 1 comment
Rollo H. Team Call 2013-08-30 - I'm happy with the PR element - in regards to what we offer I was being guided by this page: but you will need to advise me what is available. In regard to volunteering, do you actually want him to volunteer for something (and if so, what an... August 30, 2013 4 comments
Ian H. Workshop Facilities catch-up - I have a clash, but will join as soon as I can. September 2, 2013 1 comment
Matt W. Collecting the iPad Wall - Hi Rollo, I'm down in the Astun office in Epsom Tue, Wed this week. I normally travel by train but if the iPad Wall still needs collecting from London I'd be happy to pick it up Wed afternoon. We've got a part converted camper van with no units down the one side which I assume will be plenty big ... September 1, 2013
Antony S. Team Call 2013-08-23 - Sorry, I can't make the call this pm either. Update on venue signage (see also Google doc • Banners, aero flags and popups delivered to NGI - Lukasz checking • Table flags and bunting ordered • Foam bo... August 21, 2013 19 comments
Ian H. Team Call 2013-08-23 - I'll be there August 23, 2013 3 comments
Antony S. Venue Signage - Ignore that, found it! August 6, 2013 51 comments
Matt W. Programme changes - Hi Barry, Thanks for checking, all of these changes have made it into onto the website and printed programme. They just hadn't been checked off. Cheers, Matt. June 7, 2013 12 comments
Rollo H. Location maps on the web - Mark - what happened to the bike (and you - obviously) and was it connected to the ferry in some way? August 28, 2013 12 comments
Ian E. Workshop Technical Requirements - Thanks Jo - It was keeping up to date with registrations (and communicating with people to make sure they really are coming) that I fell behind with. I caught up last night and we now know that registrations are healthy enough for us to be happy - currently: 25 confirmed 30 more registered but un... August 23, 2013 8 comments
Matt W. Reopening Workshop Registration - Thanks Steven, I'm happy to go with that as we've all got a lot on at the moment :-) August 27, 2013 5 comments
Jo C. Single colour "laptop rest instructions" required - Hi Rollo, No, it can't, what we end up with is a teeny tiny logo rotated through 90 degrees within the print area as is. I tried :-( What we have is the best we can get I'm afraid. **EDIT** I've attached the mockup that they sent with the text rotated. Let me know ASAP which you prefer- I'm out o... August 6, 2013 22 comments
Jo C. Quick feedback required - Looks great guys- thanks for all your work while I was off gallivanting. I'll get this off to the printers today. Jo August 21, 2013 30 comments
Rollo H. Change presenter from Robin Smith to TBC - Piergiorgio Cipriano now replaced by Armin Burger - change made after the programme deadline - info added to Errata doc. July 30, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. T-Shirts - Blame Messrs Peucker and Douglas! At least we haven't done this: August 5, 2013 28 comments
Abi P. Delegate email 25 Aug - Thanks all, sent now, no more comments on text please. I'm not too sure what sponsor email list Steven has been using for emails, so I will leave it unless anyone else is sure? We didn't have anything specific for sponsors anyway I don't think and I think most of them will be on the delegate list... August 25, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. Code sprint venue - If there's a cost for the porter then we could consider covering that. Would make sense to cluster multiple Sunday activities in the same place. Steven Steven Feldman KnowWhere Consulting +44 (0) 7958 924101 Sent from my iPhone On 23 ... August 22, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. Live Presentation Timetable - If you go to the daily pages, and star some things: then go to faves: you should get a download of those. What I'm not sure about is how iOS calendar (or any calendar) will cope with 9 streams of stuf... August 1, 2013 38 comments
Ian E. Additional room bookings - Google Spreadsheet for managing additional room bookings (e.g. OGC board meeting in Humanities) Let me know if I need to share this with a different email account for you August 22, 2013
Barry R. GeoCamp Layout - I suppose people at the back can stand on the tables. Sitting round the outside is pointless for the Nerds' performance, you won't be able to see anything unless everyone in front is sitting on the floor. August 22, 2013 4 comments
Matt W. Workshops and hack - I'm sure that would be fine, you may find that some workshop presenters would like to come over to the hack when they are not hosting their workshop. Maybe post to Matt. August 22, 2013 1 comment
Claire G. Ordering promo items - Maureen is paying this one by bacs (there was a 3% charge for credit cards) August 15, 2013 6 comments
Barry R. Nerds requirements - Steve Mould and Helen Arney August 14, 2013 17 comments
Jo C. Goodies discussion - Hi Antony, They are on the event signage page (top option) with a link to an example place we might get them from. Jo July 29, 2013 38 comments
Addy P. Team Call 2013-01-25 - Cheers Barend, anyone got the access number for the meeting? January 25, 2013 3 comments
Jo C. Sponsor Logos - Hi Antony, I think this looks fine. Maybe we should put it out for general comment (Rollo, Jeremy, Barry, Steven)- then when they are happy (today if poss) we need to create the white on black background version for the clipboard. I'll put it out for comment now. Thanks a lot :-) Jo August 14, 2013 14 comments
Rollo H. Map Gallery - In regard to displaying maps (bringing the off-line discussion on line) we're hoping to have - 6 plasma screens: 'dump' screens with usb slots to run 'slide show' mode off. - 1 ipad wall: still seeking confirmation of the software that will run this. The plasma screens use in-build "slide shows" ... October 30, 2012 32 comments
Rollo H. Barry - can you send me some hi-res of the Maptemb - Oh. I think she's gone home. We won't know if those files (which I had forgotten about - sorry) are OK until tomorrow now. Bother. August 20, 2013 10 comments
Rollo H. Media Partners - this sounds a good idea. PR would - I'm guessing - go out 'generally' to all our media contacts. Do our Media partners get anything special? I personally think not - we gave them the opportunity to attend.... Abi - if you do identify a volunteer I'm happy to work with them on this. August 16, 2013 5 comments
Ian E. FOSS4G Hackathon Update - The changes are perfect - thanks Barry July 28, 2013 13 comments
Ian E. Birds of a feather - We're announcing the Birds of a feather wiki page in the next weekly update to delegates. Before the email goes out, I'll look at the programme and grab a good break slot for the Local Chapter Meet ups and also the OSGeo UK AGM... if anyone h... August 16, 2013
Rollo H. Team Call 2013-08-16 - Logging in shortly - extracting myself from another phone call... August 15, 2013 18 comments
Rollo H. Remove Blake Crosby (slot 142) from the programme - No replacement found July 30, 2013 1 comment
Rollo H. Open Layers Showcase (session 52) under threat: To - Tom Payne will be replaced by Éric Lemoine. Hurray! August 8, 2013 6 comments
Barry R. Co-presenter affiliation - Done! August 13, 2013 1 comment
Steven F. Delegate Info Page on web site - I have created a page on the site for Delegate Info (under about menu) I have uploaded the text from the last 4 delegate mails to the site with links from this page. Any later registrations will then be able to browse through the previous mails r... August 14, 2013
Steven F. Team Call 2013-08-09 - Sorry that was me. We need to know the screen size that they want, I thought I had copied you in on a mail about that a few days ago August 9, 2013 12 comments
Steven F. Wristband proofs - Looks fabulous, I want a full set pls. Agree it would be good to get even space between 2013 and Geo and also between All and FOSS4G August 14, 2013 3 comments
Jo C. Badges for "FOSS4G Heroes" - I've sent our existing pdf as a starter, and asked a bunch of questions- if they tell us we need to simplify it then fine, but it would be nice if we can get away without. I'll let you know how they respond. August 6, 2013 34 comments
Barry R. Workshop delegate numbers - Possibly! It needs root access on the web server because the spreadsheet import code uses django libs to talk to the database directly. You could add them manually from the django admin but I've been trying to keep it in sync with Claire's spreadsheet... But given that we are going to have to com... August 2, 2013 8 comments
Rollo H. Workshops: Change co-presenters for W9 to: Nathan - I'm using this list double check that changes I've made to the programme are checked against the draft programme....I've not included Workshop details. If you do use this list for that, please mark the items as Workshop. Cheers August 12, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. Robin Lovelace [ - Revised abstract (already added to database) Interactive visualisation of the energy costs of commuting The energy impacts of commuting are large and highly variable over space, time and technology; this presentation will describe interactive methods for communicating this. Commuting is important... August 12, 2013 5 comments
Rollo H. Move vasile craciunescu from session 59 to session - This is done -will check as complete once checked against the draft programme. August 12, 2013 1 comment
Matt W. Free Workshops: Change of presenter for W23 to Tom - Hi Barry, I'm unchecking this one as the change of presenter needs to be made in the printed programme. The website is correct. Matt. August 1, 2013 1 comment
Claire G. Marketing Collateral - This is the company AGI usually use. They have a really quick turnaround. October 11, 2012 26 comments
Barry R. Providing delegate profile to sponsors - Throw a couple of fictional ones in for a laugh and to keep them on their toes. "Tyrell Corporation" perhaps? "Crimson Permanent Assurance"... August 9, 2013 3 comments
Antony S. Team Call 2013-08-02 - Not sure how much of the call I will make this afternoon - Abi also a bit doubtful apparently. In case neither of us are there, for Programme Booklet we are expecting proof back any time (still some LOC pics needed), and we will get the lanyard content together over the weekend. The venue signage... August 2, 2013 19 comments
Steven F. Unconference stream: Day 2 (Friday 20th) 11:30 - 1 - Special event sounds like the better approach to me August 8, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. AV extras - I am going to go with the one way link unless anyone shouts loudly before tomorrow morning I will order a projector and a screen for the GeoCamp, we all ready have a PA ordered or about to be ordered from Field and Lawn by Jeremy August 6, 2013 7 comments
Rollo H. remove Claus Nagel paper: session 41 - I've tagged this presentation as 'cancelled' - rather than removed it. Just as an experiment really to see what it did - and I've also unassigned it to the session, so the programme shows the correct information now. August 8, 2013 1 comment
Rollo H. Programme change - Cheers August 7, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. caricature - Nice idea What would it cost? Could he self fund by doing paid for delegate caricatures? August 7, 2013 1 comment
Jo C. Goodies Requirements - Happy to include it, budget should allow it. However we're just using different colours to delineate the different "activities"- it keeps the cost right down. August 6, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. Press stuff - Agreed re "free" August 6, 2013 8 comments
Steven F. Programme Listings - I have added Jeremy's text on Going to the Dogs and I have made up a bit about the closing party (Mark can you check?) July 24, 2013 39 comments
Steven F. Information for Presenters - OK that's on the site at and under the About menu Abi's suggestion incorporated August 4, 2013 7 comments
Rollo H. Pledge page - If that's how the Swiss came up with Toblerone, then it's got to be worth just to contradict my earlier negative comment (obviously Monday blues) and further to Steve's comment above, he made an interesting suggestion about using a system similar to Waitrose charity bins....peop... April 27, 2013 78 comments
Matt W. Workshop and presenters info - Now with added link: July 29, 2013 8 comments
Abi P. Academic Bursaries - Hi Addy, I thought it was half a day of volunteering for bursaries? Please confirm. For the local folk, feel free to send a reminder. What was the situation agreed with these folk, that we would offer them a volunteer pass for 1 day? (ie do I just treat them as the regular non-registered voluntee... February 21, 2013 24 comments
Rollo H. Presenter emails and details - or August 2, 2013 2 comments
Jo C. AGI Geo Top Ten - Hi All, Andrew Newman has asked if anyone from FOSS4G would be able to do a GeoCom Top Ten lightning talk on the Tuesday evening (just before the AGI party). If anyone has any ideas about things they could talk about, please let Andrew know at Ta Jo August 3, 2013
Jo C. Entertainment - Ice-breaker done January 11, 2013 30 comments
Steven F. Final Party - That's great Mark although I think twister was more your thing than mine :) Can you post something onto the entertainment page of the web site August 1, 2013 1 comment
Steven F. Team Call 2013-07-26 - In case you are searching for the webex Go to Login with pw met5724foss4g Then search for an "Unlisted Meeting" with no 848 738 248 and Robert is your uncle July 25, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. Promotion in GeoConnexion:UK - Emer might be a good one as ODI and figurehead. July 25, 2013 3 comments
Barry R. Logistics Meeting (5th July) Agenda - I notice a *lot* of questions still on this document - I thought the logistics meeting on July 5 was going to sort them out? June 28, 2013 20 comments
Jo C. Photo collage for the closing plenary - What are they offering- to make the collage, and do a song? I think I'd want a better song... Other than that I like the idea of something like that to finish off on a light-hearted high. July 16, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. Workshop schedule - Can we get that info on the web pages now then? I see nothing about the community workshops on the programme menu, and we should at least have a description of what they are and the booking process even if we don't have a databased timetable page of them at the moment. May 21, 2013 108 comments
Rollo H. Programme Booklet - 1. 'other bits' of the main programme are all in place on the Google Doc ( 3. Lunch - the above doc should show this clearly Day 1 (Thurs): 13:00 - 14:30 (note: there are sessions running during lunch - this ... June 19, 2013 114 comments
Steven F. Conference Workshop List - thanks July 20, 2013 10 comments
Matt W. Change of presenter for W14 - Thanks Barry, I'll do a reconciliation over the weekend between website and spreadsheet and from then on we will use the website as the source. Matt. July 20, 2013 2 comments
Steven F. Stepping up the tempo - Firstly a big thank you to everyone who has been ploughing so much of their time and energy into this FOSS4G thing. Who knew it was going to be such a massive undertaking. I am indescribably grateful to all of you. Now for the catch, from here on in it gets even more intense! We have 59 days left... July 19, 2013
Barend K. Team Call 2013-07-19 - I am off now, will send the maps with last changes to Barry H. tomorrow morning. Will be available for changes to them until the 24th, then off on holidays until 14 August (with intermittent email access)... July 19, 2013 3 comments
Ian E. Weekly team meetings - Hi All, I've updated WebEx for a weekly Team Call every Friday from 2 pm - 3 pm. Access details should be the same as before: Topic: FOSS4G Team Call Date: Every Friday, from Friday, July 19, 2013 to Friday, September 20, 2013 Time: 2:00 pm, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00) Meeting Number: 848... July 18, 2013
Jo C. Promotional Items and Signage - Hi Abi, Good catch about the volunteer gifts- it probably should be included. Can you start a new sheet for that, with the figures as you have them and some rough projections for final numbers? Regarding t-shirt sizes- I understand that firelabel will do a mixed batch of sizes- we need to decide ... July 17, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. Editorial process for programme - Okay. June 7, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. Hotel Rooms for LOC - @Ian E @F-J I am under a lot of pressure to fill rooms in the hotel as our hotel bookings are much lower than expected, so i am going to keep you in the hotel for the moment. If we get a late flurry of interest in the hotel then I could move you if you wish. @f-j Great to know that you are going ... July 9, 2013 16 comments
Suchith A. Archiving FOSS4G 2013 Workshop materails & tutoria - Hi Matt/Ian, Could i request you to send an email reminding all workshop organisers to upload their workshop slides/tutorial materials to ELOGeo. Please find the draft text below. Please feel free to modify as needed. "We are aiming to archive all workshop tutorial materails of FOSS4G 2013 for th... July 15, 2013
Steven F. Financial Forecast and Budget - Thanks Peter Until Peter gets the mechanics resolved please keep this within the team. July 9, 2013 13 comments
Steven F. Team Call 2013-07-12 - Apologies for the lateness of the agenda for this afternoon's meeting. I know a lot of people aren't able to dial in today so we will probably have to skip a couple of topics and keep this as a short call. Feel free to add as usual July 12, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Electrics in the GeoCamp - Shelley and I have to confirm dates but I already have a task to meet with Field & Lawn which is the first step. Could bring in the volunteer but this would be on site. (PS: back from Girona so I'll backtrack the email torrent since Friday!) July 10, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. Updating Workshop Room Allocation - That's done, and I changed the text a bit to make it clear that conference registration is still open. July 9, 2013 8 comments
Steven F. Communications Sub-Committee - If we wanted a cast list on the back of the conference team t-shirts then I think gives a long enough list for us to work with July 13, 2012 223 comments
Steven F. ISPRS Brochures - Yes I said “In fairness to our generous sponsors we can only allow sponsors to distribute marketing materials at the event. Our smallest sponsorship package is quite modest and includes a fee delegate pass for FOSS4G you can find the details here”Haven't had a response July 4, 2013 6 comments
Barry R. Workshop Registration Closed - Status messages removed, mod to text on the workshops listing page to tell people there no new registrations, existing registrants can still book. July 5, 2013 3 comments
Matt W. Tomorrow - Hi Guys, Just to confirm I am planning on going to the FOSS4G meeting tomorrow in Notts. Did either of you have a view on when we need to close registration for workshops based on the update I sent over the other day? Cheers, Matt. July 4, 2013
Jo C. News item for osgeo-discuss - Volunteers is up- I wouldn't announce the delegate numbers- keep 'em guessing July 3, 2013 2 comments
Steven F. LOC Bios for Programme Booklet - I have shortened my biog a bit. If you feel the need to hack further feel free July 2, 2013 7 comments
Matt W. Programme format spreadsheet - Hi Rollo, We've made one small change to the workshop program, moving the popular "W9 QGIS Plugin Developement with PyQt4 and PyQGIS" to "Sir Clive Granger Building: B29 B" to allow us to increase the capacity. I've updated my local copy of the prgramme_format_april spreadsheet but I'd like to be... June 19, 2013 1 comment
Steven F. Team Call 2013-06-28 - A big thank you from me for everyone's contributions today June 28, 2013 2 comments
Steven F. Hackathon 'platform' - Suggest you just ignore or say no thank you, another platform application to assess, worry about, confuse delegates is NOT what we need IMHO June 27, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. Student Mentoring - Raise at team call May 15, 2013 8 comments
Jeremy M. Workshop facilities -> Jeremy - Ian, if you could be a bit more detailed about what you want to know per room I can get that information together. Jeremy June 28, 2013 1 comment
Steven F. Team Call 2013-06-14 - The presentation that I put together for FOSS4GCEE is at Feel free to reuse if you have an opportunity. Should it go on our web site as an embed? June 14, 2013 14 comments
Barend K. Request to move slot between days: Michelle Walker - Fine by me... June 7, 2013 3 comments
Claire G. Logistics (especially Hackathon) - Mark - have you updated the marquee layout with the power/lighting etc? June 27, 2013 1 comment
Barry H. FOSSG4 Booklet Timings FOSSG4 Booklet Timings - You got it ;) June 26, 2013 2 comments
Barry H. Content delivery timings for Booklet - I have added some content delivery timings to the FOSS4G 2013 Programme Booklet Tracker to get the content ball rolling. It is column F, “Content to designer Barry H”. Thanks Barry June 26, 2013
Jo C. Web site tweaks - Nice work :-) Jo June 21, 2013 1 comment
Barry R. WPS Shootout - On the info mailing list - can someone from the programme ctte respond (and cc to info@) Jachym Cepicky <> 8:25 AM (29 minutes ago) to info, Jody, Gérald, benjamin.pross Hi, we representatives of various OGC WPS server implementations would like to ask for timeslot, where ... June 24, 2013
Steven F. Running total of papers, workshops and registratio - Early bird prices removed February 15, 2013 42 comments
Jo C. Education "Birds of a Feather" meeting - Maybe flags that people can write their own topic on? Would be cheaper and more fun that way... I'm thinking that using the wiki page as the primary place for people to add their sessions would be good- then hopefully we can have a screen with the sessions on and their locations. January 30, 2013 10 comments
Barry H. Programme Booklet - Lanyard with 4 A6 cards: There’d be an additional cost for these – I would need a detailed brief for costing. June 18, 2013 4 comments
Barry R. Programme Overview on web site? - Have edited the tables on both pages and added some text about AGI GeoComm. June 12, 2013 14 comments
Steven F. Presentation - I put together a very short presentation for Jeff McKenna to use at FOSS4G CEE Anyone can use it if they just want to give the details of FOSS4G to an audience in a couple of minutes Steven June 16, 2013
Steven F. Question on the Sponsor Passes: When do organisati - @Claire can you send a message out to sponsors explaining process and reminding them that they still need to book accommodation and places for any additional delegates June 13, 2013 1 comment
Barend K. Bursary query - That'll be Patrick Rickles I'd guess, as he is a co-author on Claire's paper... June 13, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. Workshop Community Vote Results - • All workshop submitters mailed • List made public without email addresses • Posted to discuss and foss4g lists • Tweeted • Added link to Workshops page on site I'm off now June 11, 2013 11 comments
Rollo H. Program Booklet - Barry - we (you and I) discussed editing the content (as there are spelling mistakes etc.) ahead of publishing the programme. Your thinking at the time was to wait until it was in the database as you weren't sure whether the changes would be picked up? At least that was my understanding of the di... June 3, 2013 13 comments
Barry R. Count down.......101...... - That's that fixed! I was also considering taking out the "Get Ready!" heading in the widget on the home page (see any sub-page for how this looks without a header). June 7, 2013 15 comments
Ian E. Global Geohack - Thanks Steven I've added a link at the bottom of "Where and when" May 24, 2013 26 comments
Abi P. Volunteering Tasks Scratchpad - Thanks, I saw the pledge page as being seperate to getting specific volunteer roles filled, where we need pretty detailed information - but if we want to integrate these then I am happy for suggestions. After contacting those on the original pledge list we now have our first 2 volunteers :) May 12, 2013 13 comments
Rollo H. Programme: draft v2 done - All If you receive a change request to the Programme - here's what to do: • I have created a 'to do' list (Programme Changes) under which you can add updates for change request that we receive. • • These ca... May 28, 2013 23 comments
Rollo H. SoTM - Just in the process of booking a ticket at SoTM; now compare and contrast: with Does anyone have any links with the conference committee there? Is all going well? June 6, 2013
Jeremy M. Keynote Speaker Suggestions - Go for it, Steven. September 6, 2012 24 comments
Rollo H. Web Site Security - Doh! I've been foiled again :-( May 31, 2013 2 comments
Jo C. Team Call 2013-05-31 - I appear to have been kicked off the call- I'll try not to take it personally and will attempt to reconnect May 31, 2013 13 comments
Suchith A. More interaction with OGC Board at FOSS4G - Also to add, having OGC Board meeting/dinner will also help us bring bigger publicity to attract more high profile delegates from industry, government etc in addition to direct benifit to building OSGeo-OGC relations for the future. Suchith May 31, 2013 1 comment
Barry R. Signing up for workshops - Just to keep you up to date, the booking system is pretty much done, I just need to deploy it and then do a bit of testing and hope it doesnt run too slowly.. Its not an 11pm job anyway because of the increased potential for screwups. Tomorrow... May 25, 2013 21 comments
Steven F. Eclipse LocationTech FOSS4G Sponsorship is back on - @barry In the acceptance mails we offered an opt out “We may be video streaming sessions after the conference. If you have any objections to this, please let me know.”So i think we are ok to video, unless Claire has received objection mails May 30, 2013 6 comments
Jo C. Extending the Early Bird - Silly Rollo, assuming I'd remember it had been actioned to me in the first place! Anyhow it's done now :-) Jo May 28, 2013 15 comments
Steven F. Additional Workshops at FOSS4G 2013 - Go for it :) May 22, 2013 20 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G Cookbook - I've chipped a bit in May 29, 2013 8 comments
Rollo H. Extending Early Bird Deadline - PR. Please review - • Claire, this document is now ready for release as a PR statement. Can you send to the usual suspects please? • Jo, can you add this document to the website? • Jo, can you also post to the discussion list? Many thanks, May 29, 2013 8 comments
Steven F. Sponsor benefits - The sponsors have been mailed several times to tell them that they need to book their accommodation and their extras (workshops etc) I have always assumed that the sponsors got party entrance with their pass. No package for all 3 days without party included May 29, 2013 2 comments
Matt W. Contact previous individuals involved in workshops - I guess a little more publicity wouldn't hurt, so far I think all we've done is an announcement on discuss and Twitter. I did wonder if we should look to post to the various project lists but this may come across as spammy as it's likely that people will be subscribed to more than one list. September 6, 2012 4 comments
Jeremy M. Victor Olaya's rejected presentation - BTW, Barry, I was very happy that you did get stuck in! ;-) As Steven said separately today, your intervention was as effective and well put as a committee-finessed email was likely to be. I agree we shouldn't get drawn into detailed reasoning of individual decisions as there were all sorts of ba... May 21, 2013 17 comments
Rollo H. Team Call 2013-05-17 - Claire, I do not believe that we will be extending the early bird - yet at least. We are currently discussing the idea of giving speakers and volunteers a discount (which will equate to the EB or better) - all to be confirmed. The thinking is that this should address the problem of speakers needi... May 16, 2013 26 comments
Claire G. Icebreaker logistics - GeoCom will be out of the EMCC by 5pm. I think we were originally thinking the auditorium and atrium for the icebreaker (so stands/plenary seating can be set up in the Banqueting Suite). I think basing it on 200-300 is fine - if it looks like it will be closer to 600 that will be a good problem a... May 20, 2013 1 comment
Addy P. Icebreaker - contact request sent..... stand by. May 16, 2013 8 comments
Antony S. Gala Night - Hi, Barry are you OK for the call this pm? Matt and I had a quick chat, but if you can't make it,. next week sometime should be OK for us both. May 13, 2013 3 comments
Barry R. Press release: Full programme - What seems to minimally need doing is for Rollo to assign talks to sessions, and for the workshop team to assign workshops to days. Stuff in plenaries can wait. I am working on a nice timetable management system but if we can get out a giant ugly HTML <TABLE> with everything timed on it then that... March 1, 2013 2 comments
Matt W. Workshop selection comments - Hi Peter, Any details on numbers for each workshop would be useful to allow us to plan. Thanks, Matt. May 10, 2013 43 comments
Barry R. - yes, but how does Claire put it all together into a mailout? One lot of HTML might not work with another lot... I've just sent something to you and her that might fit the bill. May 13, 2013 6 comments
Antony S. Bloggers - Here's a starter for three on our list of blogs, please add any you think are relevant, particularly if they are a bit outside the FOSS4G sphere of influence... May 13, 2013 1 comment
Abi P. Email addresses - Thanks, sorted. May 10, 2013 4 comments
Abi P. Matt Travis would like to volunteer :-) - Thanks Matt, noted - I will email a thanks/ holding email until we are more organised. May 11, 2013 1 comment
Rollo H. Sponsorship - Mark has been removed from basecamp and then a new request to join sent to him. I'll email him separately so that he knows what's happened. July 19, 2012 7 comments
Steven F. Provisional Program Presentation Page - Some of us interfered less helpfully than others (mea culpa) April 28, 2013 39 comments
Jeremy M. Rooms outside EMCC - I'll close this discussion and create a text document to track the current room bookings May 7, 2013 9 comments
Steven F. going.png - Great stuff Matt Now everyone let's "spread the word" May 6, 2013 6 comments
Jeremy M. Cancellation policy - Sounds like it, Barry. May 6, 2013 27 comments
Franz-Josef B. ACADEMIC TRACK List of reviewers - Jo, if you want (and if not yet done) remove the names of lesser engaged reviewers as well! Thanks! October 1, 2012 12 comments
Suchith A. Academic Bursaries - Thanks Jo. Yes, it will be good to have press release on the bursaries announcement. April 30, 2013 11 comments
Steven F. Email q on Workshop process - Matt can you chase Ian H then May 1, 2013 14 comments
Jo C. Registration for sponsors - Yup, I just wanted to confirm the registration process for sponsors- I've contacted him anyway. FWIW the reason he hasn't had an email from Claire is that he's a new sponsor- hasn't been invoiced yet. Jo May 7, 2013 4 comments
Barry R. Upgrading amazon instance - Looking at the apache logs, I've noticed there's quite a few hits from image hot-linking of the logo from slashgeo and I don't think this is causing a load problem but I do wonder if they'd be better off hosting the image somewhere themselves. Glad they trust us not to change it to s... May 3, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. Volunteering - May 3, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. An opportunity for art - I can see this working - we could have a 'paper' session where the background is explained (it needs explanation) followed by a later performance in an evening session or one of the 'group sessions'. My only concern is that we're running out of space/time - especially with the need to now fit in ... May 3, 2013 1 comment
Jeremy M. Newsflash box on the web site - Hold on, are hash tags allowed in a Basecamp thread? #justtwitter May 3, 2013 5 comments
Rollo H. maptember - Barry, like it - going for the resale value. Always thinking of the long-game. #investment February 22, 2013 30 comments
Steven F. Finishing off the programme - My mistake :-( April 30, 2013 26 comments
Rollo H. Team Call 2013-05-03 - Barry - getting requests for Maptember t-shirts from the other conferences. Potential for you to make a 'bundle' out of this me thinks.... ;-) May 3, 2013 7 comments
Jeremy M. Minutes of F2F Meeting Nottingham 2013 04 24/25 - Computer lab capacities: Sir Clive Granger Building - B26e : 30 [this lab we have a little more control over. it has Oracle VirtualBox on the machines] - B29: 97 [dividable into two roughly equal halves] George Green Library computer teaching room: 20 - need to confirm it's the lab I think it is.... April 24, 2013 15 comments
Steven F. AGI Expense Claim Form general.doc - Here is the expense claim form to recover your expenses from the F2F Please send claim forms to me for approval, I will then forward to Claire for payment. Remember to provide bank details. April 30, 2013 1 comment
Suchith A. FOSS4G Abstracts and presentations archiving - Excellent. It is the author's responsibility to upload the files to the repository. We only provide the url details in the acceptance mail etc. I believe the workshop tutorials especially will directly be of benifit for our OSGeo Education efforts in the longterm. Suchith April 26, 2013 11 comments
Jeremy M. FOSS4G 2013 Legacy - "Geo for All" - Hmm, well I'd love to host OSGIS at least one last time... Might give us some time to work out a hosting rota, etc. April 22, 2013 9 comments
Steven F. Paper Selection F2F - 2013-04-24/25 - Paper selection spreadsheet updated April 24, 2013 2 comments
Jeremy M. summary.html - Working on mine this evening- sorry, I had to complete my catch-up of work business first. April 23, 2013 15 comments
Matt W. Submissions formatted for review and ranking - wal - 0-2 rankings following Barry's categories (0 for "don't accept/wtf", 1 for acceptables, and 2 for "interesting/innovative") April 23, 2013 1 comment
Steven F. Team Call 2013-04-19 - I have posted the results as a file this morning April 19, 2013 6 comments
Jeremy M. Selecting a date for Paper Selection F2F - Yes, we should have guest wifi access (all being well!!) January 25, 2013 44 comments
Steven F. The Appliance of Crime Science.docx - This is another late paper for possible consideration if we are looking for case studies April 22, 2013 1 comment
Barend K. Programme - stage 1: development - Great Barry. I agree, we don't need the full texts. Over the weekend I'll try to get a first ranking, based on the reviews that are in. (not all, not even close :-( November 13, 2012 82 comments
Rollo H. Late submissions allowed? - Jeremy - that is indeed #lazyweb ;-) All that you need can be referenced from the last post made in this thread: April 17, 2013 7 comments
Peter B. Useful article on making tech conferences newbie f - Pamela has some good points, thanks for sharing this Jo. But I think part of the challenge with FOSS4G is that much of the core techie audience does NOT want a "newbie friendly" event. They want to talk to other serious geeks and are fairly intolerant of non-geeks. That's a generalized statement ... April 16, 2013 1 comment
Barry R. Web site structure mess - Fair enough, but the empty 'About' page in the breadcrumb link on pages below MUST be fixed - suggest: The 'About FOSS4G' becomes a shorter, more practical page with some links to content about the conference. Then the current About FOSS4G page becomes a sub-page of 'About', titled 'Geo For All',... April 16, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. Email contacts web page - I think automatically forwarding a public email to basecamp (if that's possible?) might get us swamped with spam. April 12, 2013 2 comments
Rollo H. Promotion Opportunity (18th April, London) - I've not heard anything - was there any response to this? It's next week. January 28, 2013 8 comments
Antony S. Team Call 05-04-2013 - No, strangely no full nameor other contact details, just Have not heard back from him as to whether he wants to attend or exhibit. April 5, 2013 9 comments
Claire G. Letters of Invitation - For GeoCom, if the delegate books and pays for the conference I would send out an invitation letter. I have attached the letter I would use for FOSS4G. April 6, 2013 4 comments
Rollo H. Workshop call? - The dates for the Hack on EventBrite are wrong - should be Tues/Wed (as per the main site) and NOT Mon/Tues. Mark - are you able to correct? December 7, 2012 5 comments
Rollo H. SoTM Meeting - In regard to the Map Session, that's good to know. I was under the impression that they were already putting things in place. As they're clearly not, then we can progress and invite them to join in where we can accommodate it. Thanks. April 1, 2013 1 comment
Franz-Josef B. bio and photo for committee page - It's great, thank you Jo! March 22, 2013 2 comments
Matt W. Team Call 2013-03-22 - Hi, AOB stands for Any Other Business. Cheers, Matt. March 22, 2013 10 comments
Claire G. Press release: Deadlines - Press release sent out March 1, 2013 1 comment
Barry R. Code Sprint page - Done! Did some minor edits (Replaced "we plan to provide" with "we provide" because its more positive!) and its there. Now, who else needs to write their programme page? Hackathon, Presentations, Map Gallery.... March 24, 2013 1 comment
Franz-Josef B. Updating the Team page - I sent the informations to Jo today. March 22, 2013 3 comments
Steven F. Abstract submission pattern in 2011 - Consider me as a cool as a cucumber re papers etc, well not really considering temperatures where `i will be when the calls close will upwards of 40C! March 22, 2013 1 comment
Jo C. FOSS4G 2013 Code of Conduct - I've been quite quiet about this whole debate (in the widest sense- it's impossible to spend any time on the internet at the moment without being bombarded by concerns about sexism and other forms of discrimination)- because I feel incredibly lucky to never have experienced anything remotely akin... March 21, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. Media Partnership Details - Typical - they just cut and paste all the text including the "notes to editors" and leave out the pictures. That's journalism for you ;-) February 20, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. Booking Agreement - FOSS4G - Thanks Peter Whether we negotiate with the venue to increase from 100MB pipe (which is still an ongoing discussion) or not they have agreed to invest in increased access points which they believe will support the number of connections that we have requested. We can only push this so far and I thi... March 20, 2013 4 comments
Antony S. Details of workshop submissions to date - Matt/all, at MapAction we are looking at some QGIS plugin development - but though we have lots of people with development skills (incl. Python), we don't have plugin experience (with one exception, and he's busy in Beirut). It would be really useful to have a workshop on this - do you think this... March 18, 2013 1 comment
Jo C. Draft mail to OSGeo lists re developer access and - I feel strongly that this is a decision for OSGeo rather than us, and it should be specified in the RfP rather than being discussed now. March 7, 2013 4 comments
Antony S. Team Call 2013-03-08 - Hello , Ian Edwards invites you to attend this online meeting. Topic: FOSS4G Team Call Date: Every 2 weeks on Friday, from Friday, January 25, 2013 to Friday, September 20, 2013 Time: 2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT) Meeting Number: 848 738 248 Meeting Password: met5724foss4g ---------------------... March 5, 2013 11 comments
Rollo H. Flyer - Thanks Barry. Yes. That's exactly what I've been doing. Sorry. January 30, 2013 16 comments
Barry R. Geo4All - Its still a giant file, all its 2 million pixels are being downloaded and then the browser shrinks it. I'll try and do a proper resize and upload a small version. January 11, 2013 11 comments
Steven F. Press release: Keynotes - The Keynoters page has been published and sits within the Programme heading on the menu. I will chase Edward again later today March 1, 2013 4 comments
Suchith A. Team Call 2013-02-22 - Good to hear that Ian, Addy are attending GISRUK in April. Good opportunity to promote FOSS4G esp with the OSGeo:UK award for the best student research using open source geo software arranged. btw I wont be able to attend this Friday's LOC team call as this whole week (4th-8th March) i am partici... February 22, 2013 16 comments
Barend K. Academic Track running stats - Well, reviewing should be done by April 22, which means we should be able to deliver a list of papers "accepted for presentation and publication" a couple of days after that (let's say we decide on that during the F2F, we'd have news by the 26th). The decision which ones are finally published in ... January 30, 2013 12 comments
Jo C. Tonight's Workshop & Code Sprint Hangout - I'm thinking of exactly the same event, Barry :-) It might be worth a quick ask, as it's a very easy option for everyone with a web connection February 20, 2013 15 comments
Jo C. Media Sponsors - Media Package details are up, and I've added Sensors and Systems (Matt Ball of Vector1 Media) Jo January 23, 2013 13 comments
Claire G. AGI-Scotland Promotional Slide - There is a holding slide being run during breaks which has the logo, dates and location on one of the slides. (this will be used at all future showcase events as well) February 26, 2013 4 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G 2013 Bursary contact list - Looks like a rather dull and UK centric list. I agree with Addy need more international and educational focus, small commercials unlikely to sponsor February 24, 2013 2 comments
Antony S. Some confusion when registering - Hopefully marginally more competent... ☺ February 22, 2013 10 comments
Mark I. Team Call 2013-02-08 - Unfortunately I'll be absent from the meeting tonight. Have a good one. Best, January 26, 2013 8 comments
Barry R. Keynote speaker section - I've added the sub-pages for the programme menu, currently they are set private so don't appear on the menu and can't be seen by the unwashed masses. If anyone digs in and does some editing then either make the pages public or just advertise the fact here, and then maybe we can mass-publicify the... February 9, 2013 9 comments
Jo C. Workshop and Code Sprint Hangout Feedback - No, Matt and Ian are, I can't make it. Jo February 14, 2013 7 comments
Jo C. Advertising - OK cool, I will put a doc up on basecamp with the current media sponsorship package on it so that people can use as they see fit. I'm going to set up a email account that can be used as the contact email (which will come to me)- then I guess people should just make a note of... February 14, 2013 6 comments
Jo C. Registration Page - Hi Mark, Does anything need doing to indicate that the hackathon registration is open- eg is there a link that needs to be added to the registration pages somewhere? Ta Jo February 14, 2013 21 comments
Jo C. While I'm away! - Hi All, Just trying to catch up with things a bit- has anyone done any announcements about registration other than on twitter? ie to the mailing lists, blog posts etc? Thanks Jo February 15, 2013 8 comments
Mark I. State of The Map, Birmingham - I've reached out to a friend/Taarifan on the LoC of SoTM. I can do cursory intel. February 17, 2013 4 comments
Rollo H. "Wacky" keynote speaker/after dinner speaker - Addy - are you OK to make contact with Mike Parker? I'll see if I can get through to Nick Crane.... Cheers February 8, 2013 12 comments
Franz-Josef B. Feedback after submission of a workshop? - OK, an alternative! February 13, 2013 4 comments
Suchith A. Archiving FOSS4G 2013 presentations and workshop m - Providing archive facility to those authors, workshop presenters who are willing to share their materials is important. Maybe not all will upload but if there is a platform available many would. We can include the request to upload to ELOGeo in our mail confirming that their abstract has been acc... February 11, 2013 6 comments
Barry R. Workshop and Code Sprint Community Communications - now has a 1000x300 banner on white version - its just the logo left-justified in a white box... February 11, 2013 6 comments
Steven F. Workshops out of sync - Have uploaded to a google doc for collaboration at February 6, 2013 5 comments
Steven F. Pricing for FOSS4G - Just to try an clarify The conference and the accommodation are separate. If delegates want to book their own accommodation they are free to do so and that will be shown clearly on the web site before they start to register. If they choose to book the onsite accommodation it will be added to thei... February 2, 2013 27 comments
Franz-Josef B. Delivering on Geo4All: Scholarships and Widening P - I'd like to second Antony's suggestion. I hope that OS can be a benefit especially for developing communities / countries. One thing to consider is (if feasible): Is the applicant really in need of funding? It was always a liittle strange for me if people, for example, receive funding to come to ... January 30, 2013 10 comments
Ian E. WebEx Team Call (tomorrow) - This is now scheduled as a recurring meeting... Hello , Ian Edwards invites you to attend this online meeting. Topic: FOSS4G Team Call Date: Every 2 weeks on Friday, from Friday, January 25, 2013 to Friday, September 20, 2013 Time: 2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT) Meeting Number: 848 738 248 Meeti... January 24, 2013
Jo C. Press release re sponsorship - Geocat logo/blurb should go up today, now I'm back Jo January 17, 2013 3 comments
Rollo H. Twitter account profile photo - That Rabble is the ESRI UC ;-) Best that it's changed then....I like the new icon. Cheers January 17, 2013 5 comments
Steven F. Press release re Paul Ramsey being first Plenary s - Should we get a press release out announcing Paul as our first plenary speaker? Should it appear as a news item on our web site? Should we also do a thankyou post on the lists? What about twitter? Lots of questions January 17, 2013
Barry R. Anti harrassment policy - Had a thought that we may be subservient to EMCC's T&Cs, which include: Code of conduct 14.1 Unless we are notified in writing otherwise, the person signing the contract will be responsible for the behaviour of the delegates, guests or third party service providers. You must ensure that they do n... January 17, 2013 8 comments
Ian E. Relevant discussions about FOSS4G on OSGeo Lists - I'll comment on the benchmarking mailing list and find out who organised the previous shootouts. January 15, 2013 2 comments
Jeremy M. "News" on the website - Hi all, There's not much in the "News" section of the website. Could we at least put up a couple of brief messages to welcome the sponsors? Jeremy January 17, 2013
Mark I. OSGEO Workshops and Code Sprint Community Particip - I think we should potentially go for late next week, just so we can advertise it. However we should definitely talk this week! I think we should draw up themes here. January 15, 2013 2 comments
Barry R. "Call for papers" and email from David Herbert - I've tweaked some of the website pages to better describe the presentation/workshop/academic paper structure. January 15, 2013 11 comments
Jo C. draft sponsor pages - Sweet! Thanks ever so Jo January 13, 2013 19 comments
Barend K. Five (new) submissions - but from the same author! - Yes, noticed that too. And not too impressive ones, at least on first sight.... Well, at least it shows that people are finding the site and it works ;-) Barend January 11, 2013 1 comment
Barend K. Team Call 2013-01-11 - Hi all, sorry for missing the Team Call, had to substitute for a sick colleague in teaching... January 6, 2013 6 comments
Steven F. Media partnership for FOSS4G 2013 - Peter - Do you think Matt would volunteer to do this again? Team - would we like a media organiser? January 10, 2013 2 comments
Jo C. OSGeo AGM and F2F - Hi Steven and Jeremy, Just to let you know that, of the OSGeo board members that have bothered to respond, I have had universal agreement that the AGM and F2F should be at FOSS4G 2013, and that Saturday 22nd would be good for the F2F. Since I assume those that aren't responding don't have a signi... January 4, 2013
Jo C. Web site backup - I've done a little digging and there seems to be a plugin for ojs to do backups: or here for the probably latest version: If this works on our system it claims to backup databas... January 2, 2013 4 comments
Franz-Josef B. Testing OJS installation - The TGIS ones could be informed specifically by editing the prepared email manually (as I understand your suggestions). November 10, 2012 1 comment
Mark I. Linking OCS to main website prior to launch - +1 Franz-Josef December 21, 2012 7 comments
Jo C. Team Call 2012-12-21 - All, I've tweaked the bits I needed to tweak on the homepage and added in the logo guidelines: Feel free to suggest comments/changes- bearing in mind that all the widgety bits on the front page will change when we add the sponsors ... December 6, 2012 1 comment
Steven F. 1694660 - Foss4G - Sept 2013.doc - Hi all We have a near final contract from EMCC for our event! Contents have been checked by Claire and me but feel free to read through and comment. Outstanding items that I am aware of: • Needs a paragraph from Jeremy re internet access etc • Needs someione to spec what AV equipment we need and ... December 17, 2012 1 comment
Barry R. Web design - Okay, I've put "Geo For All" in the big green button on the home page and we await some illuminating text for the Welcome page! November 28, 2012 21 comments
Antony S. Guardian article on Google Maps - Good idea – maybe with the Apple maps debacle too, they’d be interested in a feature at some stage. Antony December 9, 2012 10 comments
Jo C. "Main Track" blurb on site - I've removed his Bio- he is definitely not on the committee any longer Jo December 7, 2012 11 comments
Jo C. Academic Track blurb - Done! Jo December 7, 2012 2 comments
Antony S. Team Call 2012-11-30 - Hi all Notes from Friday's call are here Next call Fri 21st 2pm GMT, will send webex invite in due course. Antony November 30, 2012 1 comment
Rollo H. Web site information architecture. - My corporate PC runs XP with IE8 as the default (apparently about to upgrade to Win7, but that's an aside) - the site looks and behaves well. Only noticeable difference is the lack of scrolling images on front page. I really think you've done an excellent job Barry. Congratulations to you and Bar... November 11, 2012 22 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G NA - Just to be clear I was not in any way suggesting that we should be comparing ourselves to their site. Just thought i would share the link as we will need to be aware of what they are doing sponsor and messaging wise November 29, 2012 3 comments
Mark I. Local Organisations and Workshops - I've started to reach out to local organisations to try and energise a local base. I've started with the Nottingham Hackspace now trying to get a list of organisations to target. Ideas people! November 27, 2012
Suchith A. OSGeo:UK IRC Meeting today - Hi All, OSGeo:UK IRC meeting is at 12-1pm today, so if you are available please attend. I will be attending today's IRC meeting. As i am going on A/L to India from Nov29- Jan9, i wont be able to attend Conference meetings during that period. So wishing everyone a very advance happy Christmas and ... November 26, 2012
Jo C. Team Call 2012-11-16 - Doh! I think my previous comment only went to Addy, apols... Anyhow, minutes (sanitised and without sponsorship stuff) are on osgeo wiki. If Barry is busy, I could pop a quick email out to the various lists? Jo October 30, 2012 17 comments
Suchith A. Keynote Speakers ideas for FOSS4G 2013 - Yes, once the draft list is ready and everyone agree and finalize the invited speakers then Steven can start contacting the speakers (atleast by Jan beginning) to get their confirmations and we can put the confirmed keynote speakers in the conference website with their short bio and talk abstract. November 19, 2012 9 comments
Rollo H. Prgramme_format.xlsx - Programme format - working document November 13, 2012 1 comment
Steven F. Communications Channels - I have an invite to speak at foss4gna Attendance depends on budget August 10, 2012 8 comments
Antony S. Programme Thread - Evenings (after 6) good for me next week, daytime might be possible but hit and miss (ie at work). Wed is good. Antony October 30, 2012 6 comments
Antony S. Sponsorship Announcement Press Release - OK have made a start on this, see new tracking spreadsheet (shared with comms group) If you send any, please add. There are three sources of contacts to work from (so far): • Comms Channels list https://base... November 1, 2012 7 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G 2013 Sponsorship Proposal.pdf - OK let's try for a bit and see how it goes and if we start to get spammed we can switch to a contact form October 10, 2012 42 comments
Steven F. Logo - Brilliant, thanks to you and Naomi November 5, 2012 1 comment
Steven F. Press contacts - Here is my old press list (it needs checking for currency) and it is very uk centric but perhaps a few to add to our master list November 3, 2012 3 comments
Steven F. AWS outgoing email problems - Worked fine for me this morning October 30, 2012 12 comments
Antony S. Add interactive map (from OSM-GB?) - Jeremy, we assigned this website task to you - I think you suggested that you might be able to do something using OSM-GB. So just a reminder really, as we ramp up the website, in case it's something that one of your students might like to have a look at for example. Antony September 7, 2012 1 comment
Jo C. "Buzz" - Can all be adjusted, sub-menued, whatever.... This is me signing off till Thursday now Jo October 30, 2012 4 comments
Antony S. Next team call - Call-in toll number (UK): +44-20-310-64804 Access code:702 365 955 October 17, 2012 6 comments
Jo C. Team Call 2012-10-29 - Minor updates on comms from me Jo October 26, 2012 2 comments
Barry R. Create design brief - New version with bigger and better foss4g ribbon. This also uses a free open font rather than Myriad. September 7, 2012 83 comments
Peter B. Internet Requirements - Just catching up on this thread, I think you probably all know this but I just wanted to reiterate that network capacity is the biggest concern I would have. We went over and over this with the venue in Denver, and they assured us that they'd handled WiFi successfully for similar size events befo... September 6, 2012 19 comments
Steven F. FOSS4G 2013 Outreach - One thing that we could ask speakers to do is to ensure that they have some good speaker notes with their slides so that people viewing the decks after the event can understand what they were saying even if the slides are very graphic (in my case my slides usually only have a 1 or 2 word title so... October 18, 2012 6 comments
Jo C. Venue Contract - I know it's a bit late in the day, but this looks fine to me. Jo October 17, 2012 1 comment
Jeremy M. Academic CfP Themes - I'm afraid I support Barend on this. Open access is good, and JOSIS for example is a well run journal. But at this stage of FOSS4G's life, if we actually want the conference to be taken seriously as an academic outlet we need a well rated journal. T.GiS's ISI rating gives it that. TGIS will need ... September 26, 2012 38 comments
Jo C. October Team Call - Hi Antony, I should squeeze in time for that- it's OK, thanks for offering though :-) Jo October 5, 2012 11 comments
Rollo H. Eclipse Countdown.odt - Ah. Forgot to upload this. I've reviewed the Eclipse timeline in conjunction with ours. There are no significant oversights in our list despite ours being significantly shorter than theirs. This is more do to with the level of detail provided in the action points than anything. I have normalised ... September 12, 2012 6 comments
Jeremy M. OSM mapping of EMCC - So, would anyone like to confirm for some form of OSM mapping party in and around EMCC on 12 December? Claire, is this level of access to EMCC feasible for Shelley & co. on the 12th? September 20, 2012 15 comments
Rollo H. Publish sponsorship packages - Jeremy, Mark. After the conference call with Jo et al. on Friday it was confirmed that Barry is not that comfortable with doing any hard-copy design. He's happy to stick with assisting with the website. Thus are you able to follow up your contacts at Experience Nottingham and Tourist Board in rel... October 1, 2012 11 comments
Matt W. Code sprints - becoming marathons? - Getting some feedback from the community would be good. I may also be worth sharing some of our thinking so far on code sprints: My personal view is that people will not want to book out 9 consecutive days for t... October 6, 2012 2 comments
Mark I. Access to Basecamp - I was confused to who the new people posting in the track were. I didn't see a resolution either to the discussion, but that may be down to me. Wish newbies would introduce themselves, but that could be me being cranky. September 24, 2012 8 comments
Steven F. website while I'm away - Have a great holiday October 5, 2012 1 comment
Suchith A. FOSS4G 2013 - GIS for All - May i suggest that we use both as needed for different audience. For example for Twitter and web stream "Geo4All" is good. For decision makers, professional audience, we can use "Geo for All" We will also announce "Geo for All Declaration" at FOSS4G 2013 welcoming all interested to join and suppo... September 17, 2012 18 comments
Claire G. Venue contract - Shelley is going to send it over to me today September 28, 2012 3 comments
Peter B. Some thoughts on conference calls-for-papers - Yes, a good response. Not quite all in favor, but certainly a good majority so far. Including Paul Ramsey who is influential and has always run the community voting system in the past. As I said I'm on the fence personally, but certainly happy going with the anonymous route given the level of sup... September 23, 2012 18 comments
Rollo H. Website Design Brief - I've loaded up what we've received to basecamp (4 so far, from 3 different people - is the 'bow' one from Mark then?) September 25, 2012 7 comments
Barend K. News Items for osgeo-discuss mailing - You might want to include the agreement of Transactions in GIS to have a special issue with AT papers. September 28, 2012 1 comment
Addy P. Academic Track kick-off - I am back on the grid. Good work Mark, i have added a few ideas and comments. Would like to see some techie stream for programmers and a theme that entices applied GIS from non-core geography subjects. July 13, 2012 31 comments
Antony S. Thinking about sponsorship packages - Clipboards could be fun, presumably a potential sponsorship emblazonment item? Can we have a memory stick holder incorporated....? Agree avoid flyers if at all possible - they have the status of junk mail. July 24, 2012 15 comments
Jo C. Add blog aggregator - I've added Rollo's site to the list- at the moment we're not grabbing posts but as soon as I get chance, I'll add a "Buzz" page, as discussed. I guess we need a general shout out to people in basecamp for some more urls to include... September 12, 2012 7 comments
Jo C. Website Content Framework - Fixed- someone made an extremely determined attempt to hack the site- they got locked out by our wordpress security but made enough attempts to kill the database. Currently I'm the only one able to administer it at command-prompt level as it's on my Amazon instance, but I'll stick a bit of monito... August 9, 2012 14 comments
Jo C. Banner for website - Will see if we can combine two sections to let us keep search box etc September 7, 2012 6 comments
Barend K. Idea for a trip - As the non-local LOC member Nottingham for me said: Robin Hood. Surely there's a Sherwood Forest tour...? September 17, 2012 3 comments
Barry R. Abstract/Paper Submissions Systems - Just been experimenting with OCS on my desktop while waiting for the OSGeo sysadmins to give us access. Install was straightforward. it can do blind anonymous reviewing, so that's good. The admins can put in a checklist for authors, so you can include '[ ] I have removed my name from the title pa... September 11, 2012 11 comments
Rollo H. Get a logo - this was done - deadline now set to 24th Sept. Message to be shared on OSGeo lists.... September 7, 2012 2 comments
Steven F. Volunteers - +1000 on mailing lists I'll volunteer to help with those 200 bottles September 9, 2012 5 comments
Barry R. preliminary setup for AT track (incl. timeline) - Whover added 'I'll look at that' should probably initial their change! I suspect Barend! September 5, 2012 2 comments
Jo C. Site house-keeping - Dear Comms Chaps, For information, I have updated the site to the latest version of wordpress. I have not set up FTP access to the site at the moment, so the automatic upgrade doesn't work. I don't intend to set up FTP access at the moment, as it's by far the easiest way for the site to be hacked... September 9, 2012
Jo C. Blog aggregator - done news posts about team meeting (with photo) and Mike's article- that's enough for today :-) Jo September 7, 2012 7 comments
Rollo H. Following up from F2F on 6/9 - Steven - it's best that I don't over commit at this stage (Council, #w3g, SIG and the day job, oh, and some 'other' stuff......) September 7, 2012 10 comments
Antony S. F2F Meeting 6th Sept 2013 - Minutes - Addy Have dropped my bits of the minutes into this doc. September 7, 2012 1 comment
Jo C. House-keeping in basecamp - Dear All, Thanks to a prod from Mike I've figured out how to create groups in basecamp so you don't have to manually decide who to send an email to. When you create a message you should now see the option to select people from a particular group- eg comms, academic track, workshops. I couldn't re... September 7, 2012
Matt W. Workshop and Code sprint planning notes - Just updated to capture what we're looking to do. Feel free to add / amend. I guess the next thing is a list of tasks. Matt. September 6, 2012
Ian H. Preparing for our F2F on 6th Sept - I'll be there between 9 and 10, depending on traffic. August 30, 2012 6 comments
Jeremy M. Dinner before F2F, 5 Sept 2012 - Dear all, For those of you at OSGIS staying over for the FOSS4G F2F planning meeting tomorrow, I suggest that we go for dinner this evening at Mr Man's chinese restaurant. This is fairly nearby, on the edge of Wollaton Park. It's probably easiest to drive or get... September 5, 2012
Peter B. Location Tech - Events - I'm not quite sure what the proposal is ... that Location Tech themselves sponsor for $45K, or they are guaranteeing a total of that much in sponsorship from their member companies? As Mike says, there are several companies who have sponsored in previous years on Andrew's list, including RadiantB... September 3, 2012 2 comments
Suchith A. AT co-chairs selected - I am forwarding Rafael message on AT chairs so all in the LOC get this info. Suchith AT co-chairs selected Posted by Rafael Moreno 16 hours ago The AT selecion panel has chosen the following people to be co-chairs of the 2013 AT (in no particular order): 1. Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr Applied Geoi... August 31, 2012 1 comment
Suchith A. AT inputs needed - If you can send me your inputs for the AT so we can add to the presentation , it will be greatly appreciated. Suchith August 22, 2012 2 comments
Steven F. Non-urgent requests for files etc for the website - Jo I have made the FOSS4G Google Calendar public, took me a while to find it (getting old) July 14, 2012 8 comments
Steven F. twitter - Site is looking good folk. Look forward to hearing more about your plans at the F2F steven July 16, 2012 3 comments
Suchith A. AT summary - Thanks Barry. This is good info. That is why i included all key people involved in the previous FOSS4G ATs to our group, so that we gain their collective knowledge and experience. Only one missing is Thierry Badard for 2009 , i will add him. Denver 2011 - Rafael Moreno Barcelona 2010 - Lluis Vice... August 23, 2012 1 comment
Jo C. FOSS4G Archiving inputs - Good plan. To Barry- personally I'd say yes- let's insist on odp and/or pdf but we might want to seek consensus on that... August 23, 2012 4 comments
Jo C. Comms catch-up - Hi Antony, Today, not good, either during the day or the evening, then I'm out tomorrow and Wednesday. I can arrange to call you on Thursday morning, but otherwise email might be easiest for the next day or two- sorry! Jo August 6, 2012 11 comments
Steven F. Academic Track meeting - 6th Sep - Addy (and others) I am expecting to finish by 4pm to allow everyone to get home at a reasonable time on the 6th August 17, 2012 2 comments
Jo C. Sponsorship Team - Happy to start with the list of supporters- shall we stick with a google doc for this so we can add columns etc? I have also approached Tyler Mitchell again, in his Locate Press guise, as I think it would be wonderful to have an open source GIS book stall at the event. On that note, there's also ... July 24, 2012 1 comment
Matt W. Kicking Off Workshops and Coding - That's good for me, especially as I'm then off Fri 10th - Wed 15th inclusive. July 13, 2012 9 comments
Mark I. Food and Drink - I've kicked off conversations with EMCC about the food, drink and wifi at the centre. Wifi: Very important. There are issues with proxies if we're using EMCC's internet connection, due to it being on the JANET University cable. However as the hotel and management group is changing this is in flux... August 1, 2012
Peter B. Eclipse Location Tech Group sponsorship for FOSS4G - I have no real reservations about having Eclipse as a sponsor. In some ways I have greater reservations about other potential sponsors like ESRI, who don't have the commitment to Open Source that Eclipse does. In Denver I had to push back on sponsors occasionally. But it's a tricky balancing act ... July 26, 2012 9 comments
Matt W. Notes Code Sprint / Workshop Conf Call #1 - July 27, 2012
Steven F. Jeff McKenna - Mike, not sure what details we need, I assumed that everyone had the mail contacts but I have now updated mine to include 1st and 2nd mail preferences. Everyone add whatever contact details you feel appropriate. July 19, 2012 2 comments
Rollo H. We have a mailing list - I'm happy with the idea of a 'formal and private' means of communicating with the board outside of our discussion area (i.e. the private discussion list). We need to keep our channel of communication with the board clean and simple. Indeed I'd propose that only the Chair posts to it as he is the ... July 13, 2012 18 comments
Jo C. Proposed workshop/sprint Skype call - Guys, in the spirit of openness can I remind you to record the minutes of this call and pop them somewhere sensible so I can bung them on the foss4g wiki page etc Ta muchly :-) July 15, 2012 1 comment
Jo C. Blog and twitter - Hi Rollo, You should have had an email automagically from the wordpress install but no matter I will send another one. Jo July 15, 2012 3 comments