The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Web site structure mess

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on April 16, 2013

The overall structure of the web site has some problems. The menu does not reflect the actual hierarchy of parent-child pages in WP.

For example, the Academic Track page appears under the Programme menu but is a top-level page. Everything else on that menu has a URL under /programme/

Worse, the About FOSS4G menu goes to the /welcome/ page, but the other pages under that menu item are parented under /about-foss4g/, which means their breadcrumb lists have /about-foss4g/ as their parent, which is now a very blank page. The sponsorship menu jumps around the page hierarchy too.

I'd like to rationalise all or most this but that might break existing links from external sites (or even internal).



Jo Cook on April 16, 2013:

I agree with the desire for a tidy site, but my gut feeling is that very few people will mind *that* much to be honest. Given that any rationalisation is likely to break links, I'd be minded to avoid, unless someone comes up with a really good reason for it.

For what it's worth, this has happened as a by-product of changing the top-level structure as our requirements for the website have evolved.


Barry Rowlingson on April 16, 2013:

Fair enough, but the empty 'About' page in the breadcrumb link on pages below MUST be fixed - suggest:

The 'About FOSS4G' becomes a shorter, more practical page with some links to content about the conference.

 Then the current About FOSS4G page becomes a sub-page of 'About', titled 'Geo For All', or 'FOSS4G 2013 Mission' with the same waffley buzzwordified content :) No offence, Steven!

I'd LIKE TO reparent academic track under the parent programme page, I wonder if WP can implement redirects to external URLs don't break, or it can always be done at the apache level.