The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Academic Bursaries

Posted by Addy Pope on April 30, 2013

Just opening this up for extra eyes to provide some feedback.  I have created a sub-page on the main site (not published yet) which details the conditions and application process for the academic bursaries.  The idea is that all the info is on this page and there is a link to Survey Monkey which will have a handful of questions and a CV upload box.  Have we missed anything?

Link to page (you have to be logged in to see the preview page):

Questions to be added to Survey Monkey when approved:

1. Position (MSc/PhD/RA:
Answers: MSc / PhD / Postdoctoral researcher

2.  Country of Study
Answer: free text box

3. Name and email address of supervisor or Lead investigator
Answer: free text box 

4. What do you hope to gain from attending FOSS4G?
Answer: Free text box (250 words)

5. How will attending FOSS4G benefit your studies/research?
Answer: Free text box (250 words)

6. Why should you be awarded a bursary for FOSS4G?
Answer: Free text box (250 words)

7. Please upload a short (2 pages) CV (pdf)
Upload document box


Suchith Anand on May 1, 2013:

Hi Addy,  I couldnt see the preview page but the questions for survey monkey looks fine.


Steven Feldman on May 1, 2013:

Preview page looks good to me

1 question - is 20th May too short a deadline? Why not give them until mid or end June?

Suchith Anand on May 1, 2013:

Yes, we can extend the application deadline to June 15th and notification of successful applicants by June end.

Addy, please update this and i think it is then ready to publish.

Suchith Anand on May 7, 2013:

Hi All,

Claire has now added the survey monkey url for Academic Bursaries at

Could i request Jo, Barry to add this url to the Academic Bursaries preview page  that Addy put at ( i cannot see the preview page link as not logged in ) and do final check and then make it public.

I will then start promoting the Bursary info in all key mail lists. Thanks.


Addy Pope on May 7, 2013:

Stop!  The page is there already!!! Dont copy anything from anywhere....

Jo - can you make it appear in the registration drop down, i dont seem to be able to work out how to do it and don't want to break something

Jo Cook on May 7, 2013:

Hi Addy,

Sure thing :-) One question- where will they submit a blog post to?


Addy Pope on May 7, 2013:

Not sure, but we can sort that out at some point.  Could go on the FOSS4G2013 site or OSGEo UK..... thoughts?

Suchith Anand on May 7, 2013:

I suggest they can put thier blogpost where they wish (for example , if they have thier own blog page ) and provide us the url to the blogpost on FOSS4G 2013


Jo Cook on May 7, 2013:

I've published as is, and added to the menu.


Steven Feldman on May 7, 2013:

Press release?

Suchith Anand on May 7, 2013:

Thanks Jo.

Yes, it will be good to have press release on the bursaries announcement.