The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Newsflash box on the web site

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013

I've hacked a newsflash widget called "Newsflash Home" into the web site - it covers the full width below the main boxes and currently is advertising the programme announcement. It is editable via the usual WP widget options, and I'm going to perhaps tweak the CSS to style it a bit more zingier.  All suggestions welcome (except for the blink tag).
When empty, nothing is seen.


Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013:

And no of course I haven't tested this in Internet Explorer.

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

Is anyone who is interested in our event likely to be using IE? :(

Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013:

Am changing the tag line to Geo For All Except The Browserly Challenged. And then I can go home.

Rollo Home on May 3, 2013:

I was disappointed to see that you hadn't actually made that change. It works fine on IE8 by the way (#workingforthecivilservice)

Jeremy Morley on May 3, 2013:

Hold on, are hash tags allowed in a Basecamp thread?  #justtwitter