The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Gala Night

Posted by Antony Scott on May 13, 2013

Barry/Matt, we seem to be responsible for the Gala Night, and are suppose to come up with some proposals for the team call on the 31st... shall we fix a time for a call? I'm out quite a bit over the next couple of weeks, so would prefer to get something booked in, maybe next week (Thur?). Can do a doodle if this is easiest.


Matt Walker on May 13, 2013:

I'm happy to do a call any day this week except Friday when I'm on site.

Barry Rowlingson on May 14, 2013:

I'm good for any day except next Thursday at all or this Thursday at 12.

Antony Scott on May 16, 2013:

Hi, Barry are you OK for the call this pm? Matt and I had a quick chat, but if you can't make it,.  next week sometime should be OK for us both.