The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Extending the Early Bird

Posted by Matt Walker on May 28, 2013


I'd like to propose that we extend the Early Bird for at least a couple of weeks past the current deadline of the 31st (this Friday) to allow us to have the workshop booking system that Barry is currently working on in place and tested.

Three questions arise: any objections; what date should be choose and how do we communicate the extension?




Antony Scott on May 28, 2013:

Sounds like a good idea - how about mid-June, or two weeks after the booking system is up and running, whichever is later? Communicate through usual channels - website, twitter, lists, press release, etc?

Rollo Home on May 28, 2013:

1. I don't object - infact I see no way around it (considering the late delivery of the programme). There has been some off-line discussion, and the consensus was that this was not a financial nightmare. I would suggest that we make it +ve decision to extend and not simply because I was late with the programme ;-)

2. 14th June is good (a Friday is a good day)

3. The Comms Team can handle this - we've delayed on the 'demise of the Early Bird' PR for just this reason...
Plus the usual Twitter and posting to the discussion list. ALso need to have a large red update on the website (
Can we make the decision tomorrow by the latest so that we can post ahead of the rush of bookings on Friday.....

Barry Rowlingson on May 28, 2013:

And now some chatter on the info@ email...

Rollo Home on May 29, 2013:

I'll address that....

From the off-line discussions with Steven I believe that we can make an executive decision this morning to extend the deadline. I therefore propose that we that extend to 14th June (12 midnight GMT) with the following actions:

1. update the website with the extension (Barry)
2. Issue to RWH details of the workshop selection process (to be put into PR) (Barry?)
3. Publish Programme (Barry? Again!) (PS - no-one has picked up on the programme thread, so I guess we're going with the current version?!)
4. post to discussion boards (Jo) - I can provide a text
5. issue the PR via the usual channels (Rollo to supply text to Claire - I'm working on it now and will post in this thread)
6. Tweet (all)

Please comment now.....

Rollo Home on May 29, 2013:

a link to my thread on the programme if anyone missed it (

Barry Rowlingson on May 29, 2013:

1. website update is not a problem
2. workshop selection system is still a work-in-progress but we can explain the credit system on the web pages
3. I can take the output of the slotdrop system and push that as a standalone page

i'll try and do some of this today but the day-job is calling...

Rollo Home on May 29, 2013:

Day job?! ;-)
I think that important actions are
1. get a version of the programme open to the entire LoC (not just programme committee) Possible?

2. website - notice (Claire - do you need to do anything with the booking system?)
a - front page
b - workshop notes
c- programme schematic?
3. discussion boards (Jo)


Jo Cook on May 29, 2013:

I'm happy with this plan. I think we need to get an announcement out that we're going to extend asap, then we can work on the actions after that. Happy to do the discussion groups, and anything I can to help with the website side of things.


Steven Feldman on May 29, 2013:

I am ok with extending early bird to midnight on 14th or 16th (Sunday) - do we need to state what time zone?

@Claire can you do the magic on regonline? Also the changes to workshop.

@Comms people assume you will blast the news out and also re changes to workshop booking (may be worth also mentioning community voting coming up)

Claire Gilmour on May 29, 2013:

I have updated regonline with the workshop info.

I will be updating the early bird prices manually - when will it be changing the 14th or 16th?

Rollo Home on May 29, 2013:

Claire, the EB will finish on the Friday June 14th at mid-night BST. That gives people 2 weeks extension.

Antony Scott on May 29, 2013:

Have done a quick round of updates on the website.

Jo Cook on May 30, 2013:

Thanks for website updates Antony- has anyone posted to discuss/conf/foss4g mailing lists yet? (Saw twitter but can't see anything on discuss). Happy to do so if not


Rollo Home on May 30, 2013:

Jo, please do so (I had placed your name against that action [above], but I should have checked. Sorry).

Jo Cook on May 30, 2013:

Silly Rollo, assuming I'd remember it had been actioned to me in the first place! Anyhow it's done now :-)
