The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

FOSS4G Cookbook

Posted by Steven Feldman on May 29, 2013

When we bid for FOSS4G 2013 we said that we would capture lessons learnt.

Arnulf has been prompting via the mail lists for input, particularly re the selection process. I know Antony had captured our process, has it been published anywhere? If not could we put something representing our process on the Cookbook at and maybe also on our own wiki at

Other thoughts are can we offer any of the wizzo stuff that Barry has done as code that others can use for future events?


Antony Scott on May 29, 2013:

I’m happy to write this up, but would appreciate a review from someone else who was there before we publish. Will aim to do it this week.

Steven Feldman on May 29, 2013:

I will review

Jo Cook on May 29, 2013:

I have been adding some stuff to the lessons learnt page . However all of this hassle (from Cameron and Arnulf) is all well and good- but how can we tell something is a lesson, and what we've learnt from it, until we're done? Should we be recording the minutiae of the arguments about pricing etc and workshops yet, or when we have a clear idea of the outcome? We could spend all of our time tweaking the cookbook and not enough time actually organising the event. I also don't see the previous conference organisers contributing much!

Steven Feldman on May 29, 2013:

Good points Jo

Maybe we capture on the 2013 wiki as aide memoires and then transfer tot he cookbook after we agree what we have learnt?

Peter Batty on May 29, 2013:

I agree that you are organizing a conference at the moment :) so hard to spend time on the cookbook, unless someone feels especially inspired to do so. I think it is good to try to briefly capture lessons learned in the wiki as you go along (once you feel something is a lesson learned), doing it after the fact makes it much harder, and often it just won't happen. You can always add detail later.

Jo Cook on May 29, 2013:

Thanks Peter- however I do feel like we could do with some support from previous conference organisers (not just yourself- as you're doing a sterling job) on the various public OSGeo lists, particularly when it's issues of policy (voting methodologies, free tickets for projects etc) Hence my slightly ranty comment! However for now, I'll keep on adding to the lessons learnt page for the moment, and will respond in kind to Cameron and Arnulf.

Jo Cook on May 29, 2013:

I've added a bunch of thoughts to lessons learnt keep adding if you think of any!

Steven Feldman on May 30, 2013:

I've chipped a bit in