The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Volunteering Actions

Posted by Abi Page on June 25, 2013

Here is a draft for the volunteering webpage - please post any comments.

I would like us to have this up online as soon as we can - let me know if I can do anything to help with this, or whether someone is happy to use what I have and put it up.

Also please let me know the lists I should post on to publicise...

Thanks, Abi


Steven Feldman on June 28, 2013:


Suggest changing Session Chair to Chairs
I would love 2 videos - one for the opening and one for the close, may have some common content

Can you get this on the web site or do you need help?

Jo Cook on June 28, 2013:

Which main heading do you want me to put this under?

Steven Feldman on June 28, 2013:

There is room for a top level menu item Volunteer to the right of Registration or if you don't think that works then at the top of the About drop down

Abi Page on June 28, 2013:

Sounds good, whatever you and Steven are happy with - thank you

Steven Feldman on June 30, 2013:

@Jo and @Abi

I have added the "I'm volunteeering" badge to the draft page

Is there any chance of embedding the form rather than linking out to it?

Jo Cook on July 1, 2013:

I'm out all day today (at a funeral :-( ) so can't make this live till tomorrow. I tried embedding it and couldn't make it work, but web designer hubby says there should be a way. So... If you can wait till tomorrow for it then we'll see what we can do.

Abi Page on July 1, 2013:

Sorry about the funeral, thanks for looking at this.

Barry Rowlingson on July 1, 2013:

Abi, the presentation database has a field for each session for storing the chair and the helper. I'm hoping Rollo will put proper titles to the sessions so chairs might be able to choose sessions according to their specialties (although its not compulsory to be an expert).
If there's any reports that might be useful (eg list all sessions without a chair, or without a helper) let me know and I'll implement them. Or at least put them on my todo list.
I'll give you access to the database once we settle things down.

Abi Page on July 2, 2013:

Thank you Barry, you're amazing,

Those reports sounds good and probably also a list of all the session volunteers and what I have put them against.

Jo Cook on July 2, 2013:

Abi, can you share the original spreadsheet for the volunteer form with me- as an editor- I think I need a different link to be able to embed it into the page, according to the internets



Steven Feldman on July 3, 2013:

Any progress? If embedding is too much of a hassle let's go with the link now and sort later if we can

Abi Page on July 3, 2013:

I shared the spreadsheet - but perhaps it isn't straight forward so a link is probably fine, appreciate the help getting this on.

Jo Cook on July 3, 2013:

I'm trying to sort it now- got to mess with the size a bit to make it fit nicely on the page- and annoyingly you can't see the form till you've published it!

Jo Cook on July 3, 2013:

OK that's done- it's quite a long form! I took the liberty of removing the description text which replicates what's in the page above, and I've adjusted the size of the iframe to avoid scrollbars. I had a quick look at the form in google docs to see if it was possible to have two columns of check boxes (for example) but it doesn't seem to be possible. If by chance you find that you can, then you can edit the wordpress page in html mode, and change the size of the iframe. Or ask me to do it!

Let me know if there's anything else to do with it


Abi Page on July 3, 2013:

Yes, I couldn't see a way to make it shorter without getting rid of text boxes and having free text which I wanted to avoid...

Thanks for the help and hopefully we will see some sign ups shortly....

Abi Page on July 4, 2013:

Help Help... the name and email address questions have dropped off the form?? So someone has signed up to help and I don't know who they are.
Can you have a look Jo - I am struggling here with wifi/ editing the form on my phone.

Jo Cook on July 4, 2013:

I'm not having much luck on my tablet either- I can sort first thing tomorrow- would suggest tweeting to get responders names tonight

Jo Cook on July 5, 2013:

Abi, have you managed to sort this out? I can look at lunch time if not.


Jo Cook on July 5, 2013:

Abi, I've added in some new fields- and tried filling it in myself- it seems to be OK but let me know if you need any more edits.

Abi Page on July 5, 2013:

Thank you Jo - I am away just now and the wifi here is really poor.
That looks good and seems to be coming through fine, the only contact details missed were Stu Lester (fine, I have his details) and someone called Jorges who speaks Spanish - anyone know him?

Abi Page on July 8, 2013:

Found Jorge, so all is good.
7 sign-ups just now.... need to keep pushing.

Abi Page on August 1, 2013:

Update - 48 Sign ups to date

Still working through assigning full paying conference attendees and matching to sessions they have expressed interest in

Will then use the students to fill some gaps - Addy or Suchith, you need to prompt the students to sign up on the form, only 2 have - or pass on their details and I will just assign them anywayn - sorry they need to cover gaps so won't get a huge choice on the tasks.

Will then look at day passes - many of the day pass people want to attend multiple days - I'm not comfortable with giving day passes to the same person for 4 days, so need to look at this when I have filled as many slots as I can from above groups.

I am managing this in a Google spreadsheet just now, although there is probably a better way of doing this.... I am thinking of passing around a coloured version of the programme at the end of the week to everyone who has signed up as volunteers to highlight chair slots that are still empty (lots just now, but hopefully less when I have finished sorting through people) and get some more people taking an extra slot or so.....

I am not convinced I have a full list of when we need the volunteers apart from for the sessions - I am concentrating on chairs just now, but will post what I have so far for other tasks when I can.


Abi Page on August 1, 2013:

Presenters chairing the session they are speaking in - helpful or bad idea?

Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

In theory I would say no, in practice I think it might work because many presenters would stay in the session for the other talks. I'm opening this up to all for comment

Jo Cook on August 1, 2013:

I think no in the majority of cases, because of the language barrier- and the perception that chairing a session is hard work. You could ask, and see if people agreed though.

Antony Scott on August 1, 2013:

We could maybe email all the presenters and ask if they would chair a session other than the one they are presenting? Agree that presenting and chairing in the same session would be hard.

Abi Page on August 1, 2013:

ok 2 things here -

Someone volunteered to chair their own session and I wondered if this was wise (not everyone is good at keeping themselves to time?) - so I may pencil them in for now and if someone else comes forward swap them out?

But if we end up with sessions without chairs then I guess we could email the people in that session and see what they think about stepping up to chair it... better than not arranging anything I guess?

Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

This prompts the question from me - who has an email list of presenters and workshop folk?

It would be great to add that to the delegate list on Google

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

Presenters chairing 'other' sessions - OK, but not their own. It's too open to bias and pushing of personal agenda. I'd strongly suggest we try and avoid this option.
If there are sessions without Chairs we (LOC) need to step in - but there's only a few of us.......ideally we need more volunteers. If take up is really low on this, perhaps we need a bigger incentive?

Abi Page on August 2, 2013:

theoretically with the total number of hours offered via the volunteer form and the hours I have added up we should be able to just about cover the chairing - the logistics of matching this up when volunteers want to cover specific sessions is more tricky, but working on this...... will update later

would be useful to know the travel time between sir clive granger and EMCC in terms of people being able to chair sessions in different locations across breaks/ lunchtime.... how long to walk between the two?

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

The first time someone makes that journey it could be as much as 10mins - but once they know the way it's much nearer a 5mins walk (and a nice one at that - assuming it's not snowing).

Abi Page on August 5, 2013:

I have made available this document to the volunteers:

As you can see, the sessions are filling up and we still have quite a few who have offered that are still to get back to me.

If there are any other tasks we need volunteers for (collating delegate packs, decorating venue/signage... etc?) let me know where, when and how many.

I really want to push this on this week, as I am then on leave for a couple of weeks - while I am going to be with web access, I would rather not spend it all online if I can help it.

Antony Scott on August 5, 2013:

Abi, happy to step in if there's stuff to do with volunteers while you are away.

Rollo Home on August 5, 2013:

Abi - can't edit the document, but is it worth adding "Maptember t-shirt sales"? Or perhaps this is covered under 'registration desk' support?

Abi Page on August 5, 2013:

@Ant - thanks I will let you know - I am going to be around mostly, just want to have a bit of a break so hopefully get most things out the way this week - the chair slots are filling up nicely. Will give you a shout if there is anything that will need urgent attention.

@Rollo - getting a little obsessed with trying to tie up various documents/ emails so turned off editing so I don't get confused, but I can add that. I would suggest we keep tshirt sales well away from registration time, and perhaps have the "shop" open during lunchtime or break each day - could have a day allocation if they are flying off the shelves, particularly if we are looking to co-ordinate with GeoCom. If GeoCom AWG are happy I can probably arrange for volunteers to do this throughout the week, I have a few volunteers who are doing the full week and have offered to help out elsewhere if I need them.

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

Claire or Steven - I have had a query from a volunteer about how to book a room on campus (they aren't registering for anything other than volunteering).
Is this an option using the online registration, or does it need to be done separately?

Thanks, Abi

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

Any decision about where / how on tshirt sales?

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:


People can use the online registration system to just book a room

t-shirt sales - I assume you mean the Maptember t-shirts? If so i suggest we have a volunteer at a separate table near registration with a pile of t-shirts and a bucket in which people place a £10 note.

We will need to work out how to handle the cash, @jeremy is there a bank branch on the site where we can deposit cash?

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

Yes - maptember shirts.
If ok, I would suggest having sales for an hour or so at lunch to avoid registration busy times - if so, I have the man to do it...

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:


Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

Steven, thought this evening that the volunteer day pass people won't be getting the delegate emails. Can I do something to get these people onto "the system" once I have definitely confirmed the day pass with them?

Barry - it would probably be good for me to start getting the chairs and assistants into your database, but I'm not sure how. When you have time in the next couple of weeks can you send me details.  There are people helping with other tasks / events - if there is anyway I could get these in somewhere then it may let me have a report per person on what they are allocated to do? But if this is a big pain then I will do something else away from the database, it isn't an essential.

Barry Rowlingson on August 13, 2013:

Abi - If there was a database table of volunteer time allocations which had Person, Start (date-time), End (date-time), Activity (free text) fields then you could add miscellaneous volunteer activities into that. Sound okay? Any other fields it might need? Then I could write a few reports that pull out an activity list for each volunteer or for each day etc.

Will write some docs on using the django database backend soonish...

Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

Hi Barry, That sounds great. I have contact info for these people too (email / phone) - this doesn't need to go into the database though I don't think. Might want to record what type of delegate they are (ie full paying, student bursary, volunteer day pass, recording day pass..).

Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013:

There is a contact field for people in the database, as well as a text field for random notes so you could put their status in there.

Steven Feldman on August 14, 2013:

If you send me and Claire a list of volunteer names dates of their day passes and email details they will get included in the future mailings

I am going to post the previous delegate mails onto the web site later on so then you can direct them to the past mails there

Abi Page on September 4, 2013:

Update - I have closed the call for volunteers form on the website, no more day passes.
I need to sort out the final list we have and send to Claire & Steven to ensure they are registered.

I will email anyone who came in late to the process or has not responded to my emails and let them know they have been unsuccessful for day passes, I will do this asap, please don't contact volunteers about this directly yourself until I have done so.

Rollo has been in contact with Ollie so that is sorted out.

Barry has been working on a lovely volunteer database for me.

Mark - as per your dms on twitter,  I can't quite follow what you are asking me for.  There is no record on this thread and I can't see any emails you have sent me asking for volunteers. Can you outline what you need & point me to the place where you raised several weeks ago as you mention? 
We have an abundance of LOC that can jump in to help with the Saturday party and a few volunteers I have assigned. I will have a look at my records and get back to you on the situation once I have sorted out the issues above.

Mark Iliffe on September 5, 2013:

I'd asked for three people to help a few weeks ago on the team call, I can't see it in the spreadsheet. I'm honestly against using the LoC as volunteers for the final party, I think it should be a relaxing treat not 'another thing to do'. Who are the volunteers you have assigned? It would be good to know what they know. Regardless, we'll see eachother at SoTM.

Abi Page on September 6, 2013:

Volunteer call closed
Contacted unsuccessful VDP requests
Reminder sent to those on passes who have not committed yet

Email sent to Claire & Steven with VDP attendee details.

Abi Page on September 7, 2013:

volunteer details in database
volunteers against sessions in database
closing party discussed with Mark & details emailed

additional volunteer tasks cleaned up & to go in database
briefings for each of the tasks & notes on volunteer briefings

Abi Page on September 11, 2013:

Here is the list of additional tasks (ie not chairing) for conference & volunteers pulled from the database.
Can you check :
  • Anything missing?
  • I have got timings correct?
  • Send me an updated description for your volunteers - where do they need to meet you, what time, anything else they need to bring / wear?

my remaining to do list today:
  • clean list of volunteer contacts then tell SF when done
  • complete briefing notes
  • email volunteers

Steven Feldman on September 11, 2013:

What's the chance of finding a couple of budding photographers/videographers to capture some images of the hall filling up and then to quickly paste them into my presentation before I get to the end?

I love living close to the edge

Steven Feldman on September 11, 2013:

If we can find a couple of aspiring video journalists who would like to go round during the event and do some interviews, it could make great content for the closing session

Peter Batty on September 11, 2013:

Steven, I can probably help with pics of the opening session. We can discuss logistics on how best to get them into your presentation.

Matt Walker on September 11, 2013:

Hi Abi,

Can I check on the cover for the Main Workshops (Tue, Wed) and the Free Workshops (Thu, Fri, Sat). Can you point me to where I can find details of who is covering each session?



Abi Page on September 11, 2013:

Hi Matt,

My understanding was we just need someone to check the list of who is there? Speaking to Steven he suggested you and someone from LOC would be able to do this for the paid workshops - or at least give a list of names to the presenter to check? We have no interest from volunteers on Tues & Wed during session times - as pretty much the only people coming are booked into a workshop or hack.

Again for the other days my understanding was we just need to get the list of names to the start of the workshop? If LOC can't do this then I will have a look at where we have other help - possibly Angharad Stone on Thursday and Giuseppe S on Friday.

Is this way off the mark of what you need?


Matt Walker on September 11, 2013:

Thanks Abi just thought I'd check. Mark's pulling together a schedule for workshop cover at the moment. Barry R has produced a report from the website database which we can use to check delegates off.

Abi Page on September 11, 2013:

Ok Matt, let me know if you need someone to check in delegates to the free workshops or not and I will sort it out.

Steven Feldman on September 11, 2013:

Thanks Peter

Addy Pope on September 12, 2013:

I will have my camera with me as well.

Abi Page on September 14, 2013:

all details emailed to volunteers yesterday afternoon
only outstanding issue to be looked at next week is accommodation for Elisabet

Mark Iliffe on September 14, 2013:

There is potentially a mattress at Chateaux Iliffe going spare, if she
needs it.

Abi Page on September 14, 2013:

that's very kind of you Mark, but I'm not sure I would be comfortable with asking her to do that - worst comes to worst I will move off site and give her my space.