The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Hackathon 'platform'

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on June 27, 2013

This in on the info list:
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Richard Murby <> wrote:

I wondered if you have a platform to showcase the projects from the FOSS4G hackathon?

My company, ChallengePost, does and it's free for use at hackathons. We also have a large community we can help promote the hackathon (and the conference) to.

Can you let me know?

I suspect he doesn't mean a stage platform. Maybe some of our hackathon veterans know what he's talking about, or find out,  and can draft a response here.


Ian Edwards on June 27, 2013:

I'm happy to reply.

If anyone in has a strong preference either way then let me know.
Otherwise I'll forward this to some of the people here who've ran quite a
few events and get their thoughts and then respond based on their feedback
of whether this would be useful.

Mark Iliffe on June 27, 2013:

I'd be concerned that it isn't open source! There are platforms which support post hackathon development, there are also things like AppCircus and the like. On a side note, apologies for missing the call the other day, I'm currently homeless and in a travelodge due to my ceiling caving in. Getting back on top of things now!

Jo Cook on June 28, 2013:

Agree that we need to go for open in all it's senses- but otherwise I have no idea what he's actually talking about so would want someone else to respond...

If, as Mark says, it's about post-hackathon development then why not just use github or am I being stupid?

Steven Feldman on June 28, 2013:

Suggest you just ignore or say no thank you, another platform application to assess, worry about, confuse delegates is NOT what we need IMHO