The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshop Registration Closed

Posted by Matt Walker on July 5, 2013


We've closed the workshop registration as we now have more workshop hours sold than we have available across all workshops.

I've just confirmed the rooms and their capacity with Jeremy and we have additional capacity in room 4 (from 20 to 48). I'll take a look at the schedule to see if we want to move any workshops then I'm planning on contacting those workshop presenters that are not using the capacity of the room next week to see about creating some additional spaces.

I think we should also consider filling the 2 empty slots in the workshop schedule to try and avoid too many refunds. I'd propose the following the didn't quite make it from the community vote (

2 hours, 40 delegates, INSPIRE compliant OGC services with GeoServer, GeoWebCache and GeoNetwork: a hands on introduction Alessio Fabiani, GeoSolutions

4 hours, 30 delegates, High level map interaction using python and GRASS Pietro Zambelli, University of Trento


@Barry Further to your email earlier, I think it may help to remove the status messages in the workshop descriptions to avoid confusion. Those that have already registered will still be able to use the booking system to book their places.



Barry Rowlingson on July 5, 2013:

The other opportunity for space-filling may be to ask presenters to run a workshop twice.

Steven Feldman on July 5, 2013:

+1 from me on re-running most popular or oversubscribed

Barry Rowlingson on July 5, 2013:

Status messages removed, mod to text on the workshops listing page to tell people there no new registrations, existing registrants can still book.