The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Change of presenter for W14

Posted by Matt Walker on July 20, 2013

Hi Barry,

I've heard from Mario Basa the original presenter for W14 "FOSS4G routing with pgRouting, OpenStreetMap road data and OpenLayers 3" that he is no longer planning on attending FOSS4G. Hal Seki of GeoReublic ( is going to take his place with Yves Jacolin of CampToCamp ( as a co-presenter.

I'm not sure how to update the website to reflect the change and whether the co-presenter can also be listed on the website and the programme?




Barry Rowlingson on July 20, 2013:

I can probably do that later today. Is your spreadsheet (Workshop Plan July 2013) out of sync of the database in any way?

Err yes, I've got Ian Schneider for W7. I can't keep manually syncing all this, you need to figure out how to set everything from the Django admin.

The DB structure for Workshops is a bit fiddly because its using some of the pyconde database objects. The Workshop model is just to relate Session objects to Workshop Bookings - all the info including presenters and copresenters is stored in the related Session object in the Schedule section. The people themselves are Speaker objects in the Speaker section, and have a related User object in the Auth section. If you need to create a new Speaker it can be a bit tedious. I dumped most of that for the presentations for simplicity since speakers don't need full django auth records and I'm not using the pyconde model for timetabling.

There is the facility for copresenters but I'm not sure I put any into the database.

If you can assure me the spreadsheet is the truth (and compare it with the web page from the database since changes may have been made to the database) I will reconcile the database to be representative of the spreadsheet. I may have changed some of the rooms and capacities to fit the changes we made, if you didnt also mod the spreadsheet then changes will get lost.

The database should be the truth from now on! Delete the spreadsheet!


Matt Walker on July 20, 2013:

Thanks Barry,

I'll do a reconciliation over the weekend between website and spreadsheet
and from then on we will use the website as the source.
