The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Promotion in GeoConnexion:UK

Posted by Mike Saunt on July 25, 2013

I'm pulling an article together today for GeoConnexion:UK Sept/Oct (published late August I think) and it will have a focus on FOSS4G.  I think (but could be wrong) the demographic is slightly different  i.e. 'traditional GIS users', think Public Sector, Large Corporates who may not be totally engaged with the promotions so far.

Current items I'm going to mention:

Geo for All - 200 varied sessions
Focus on Free - (Speech, Freedom but not the beer)
Community - international
Code sprints and Core developers

Well known modules - QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer etc - lots of momentum

Sponsors -

Any other thoughts people have?  Am I missing anything?


Barry Rowlingson on July 25, 2013:

The keynote speakers? Any of them particularly appeal to your demographic?

Antony Scott on July 25, 2013:

Workshops? Entertainment?

Rollo Home on July 25, 2013:

Emer might be a good one as ODI and figurehead.