The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Final Party

Posted by Mark Iliffe on August 1, 2013

The final party will be a beer tasting, with on table entertainment (Cards Against Humanity, Jenga etc.) with a potential break out area for even zanier activities and an open mic. From a conversation with Steven, he seemed quite keen on a massive version of Twister. I've also reached out to an improv group, clearly with a geo theme!

Logistically, the EMCC is taking a bit longer than I would have liked, but things are moving. I've already spoken to Castle Rock brewery ( regarding our requirements. It's a shame that we couldn't get BrewDog, however, the EMCC were unwilling to speak to their suppliers about this. That said, Castle Rock are a good brewery, with a wide range of interesting and delectable beers for our delegates. When I get more information from Shelley, I'll disseminate it to yourselves.


Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

That's great Mark although I think twister was more your thing than mine :)

Can you post something onto the entertainment page of the web site