The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Nerds requirements

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013

This is mostly for me, Jeremy, Abi to sort out things...

The Nerds' agent is trying to set up a call for me to talk to the nerds to arrange things. What I need to know is the dimension of the marquee (specifically the end wall), and the stage.  It seems that the nerds need to be visible as well as the screen at all times, so ideally it needs to be projected above or to the side of them. And needs to be as big as possible. If this gets tricky it might be easier to decamp everyone to the auditorium for their performance.

Any other matters Nerd-related that need sorting? I can only think of transport and accommodation and possibly feeding and watering.


Abi Page on August 14, 2013:

me? I'm not sure how I can help here, unless you want a report back from the show I saw?
They had a projection onto a screen the whole time and various props that were wheeled on / off, then a "desk" with a couple of laptops that 2 of them sat at out of the way when one was "performing", from where they threw in their own heckles.  I guess it depends on what they are doing, I am sure they will be able to detail what they need.
Does the venue need to see anything from them, like the risk assessment? They have a few lively experiments...

Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013:

@Abi just in case we have any volunteer reqs, but your input from the gig is useful! Once I get the stage/marquee data from Jeremy I might ask you to figure out how they'd do their thing in the space.

I am starting to think that the auditorium might be a better space if we can clear the stage - everyone will get a better view, the AV eqpt is near enough ready, we can set up while people are in the tent listening to the band, there's no need to clear the band for the nerds etc... just need to file the crowd into the auditorium (assuming everyone can fit, we can't do overspill into the other room for this).

Jeremy Morley on August 15, 2013:

Just sorting some of the marquee details with Shelley and Field&Lawn now. More to report asap. I don't want to split the event really as it makes dining & moving people around much more complex.  I'll confirm asap.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

How long is asap? I've got a phone call with the nerds at 16:45 tomorrow (Friday) so details needed by then (never mind asap!). I'm worried about sight lines and audio, we might benefit from extra PA speakers down the tent or slave screens towards the back.  Which obv. requires more cables and power and VGA repeater boxes...

Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

I agree re not moving nerds to auditorium, anyway I expect our numbers will be too large.

Don't we just need a simple platform style stage say 5 or 6m wide by about 2-2.5m deep and say .75 to 1m high? A back cloth would be nice but is not essential.

From what I have seen of nerds a biggish screen would be good if we can get one, probably the type that roll up from a box on the floor rather than the ones on a tripod like stand which flap all over the place.

Nerds have some other equpt requirements which we need to get sorted. 

Jeremy Morley on August 15, 2013:

Might be a couple of days rather than tomorrow. I've cc'ed you on one of the emails - please chip in the thoughts above.  It might be worth just making the stage taller, eg. 1.5m. Then with a big screen vis would be ok - just extra speakers further down?

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Okay, the one thing I really need is the dimension of the end-wall of the marquee - which I assume has a rectangle plus triangle shape - or is it flat-roofed or single-slant? We might get the screen above them...  I really need to know the size and then I can draw some diagrams and get my head round the dimensions...

Mounting the projector on the tent frame would be the best option.

Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

Marquee is 30m by 20m and sides are straight up top about 2.5m see for some images

So 8-10m wide stage is possible across the back 20m end with a large screen either hanging or on stage. If we make stage 1.2-1.5m high that will give good visibility but we will have to allow for some steps up to the stage which should not be a problem

Jeremy Morley on August 15, 2013:

I hope this stuff is in-process with Field&Lawn. Agreed though - big screen, high up.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

The height of the tent is critical. Attached plan shows a 20m wide end with 2.5m sides with a 10m x 1.5m high stage. There's no room for a screen if the apex height is 5m, and hardly any headroom for a 2m person at the edge of the stage. If the marquee apex height is 8m them we've space to put a decent-sized screen up.

Steven Feldman on August 16, 2013:

Checked with F&L
Sides are 3m and Ridge height is 5.5m
We probably need to limit stage height to 1m, can someone draw up?

Jeremy Morley on August 16, 2013:

Thanks Steven. I'll be back "online" to follow up on Monday pm. Got the stuff re electrics too & will follow that up too on Monday.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Updated. 3m sides 5.5m to roof line, projector, PA, mixer, steps

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Nerds phone call followup...

They'll sort out their transport and accommodation (and charge us).

They'll turn up about 6pm which gives us 90m to do setup for them and the band, which mostly means checking connections, setting mixer levels etc. @Abi: We need the techie volunteer (apols, forgotten his name) there from 6pm.

They can work round the drum kit on stage (as long as its not anything like Keith Emerson's drum kit).

They're okay with the 2m high projector screen above their heads (as in the diagram), and the stage size.

We need to supply a techie to sit at the PA mixer and switch mics on/off or hit the volume control if there's feedback - nothing too taxing.

Remember they need headset mics, a/v from the stage laptop to the PA, and a DI box for the uke, mic on boom stand, tables, etc (exact details in rider). It would be convenient if the PA mixer has enough channels for Nerds and band so we don't have to swap inputs. That might be as few as 12, maybe 8... I've not done the maths yet...

Special requests: is there any of their items that people might have seen either live or on youtube that people would like them to do?

Also, if there's anything they could make comic capital of in the foss4g/open-source/maps arena then let me know and I'll pass it on to them via the agents. I've already had one idea for them which they liked...

I guess we'll feed them conference dinner, so make sure they get some.

No other crazy riders mentioned, so we just have to feed and water them.


Barry Rowlingson on August 19, 2013:

Just had an email from the Nerds agent - they can't arrange accomodation, so can we book two rooms in the hotel for Thursday night for them? Claire?

They are arranging their transport.

Claire Gilmour on August 22, 2013:

Yes I have booked them in.  What are their names?

Barry Rowlingson on August 22, 2013:

Steve Mould and Helen Arney