The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Quick feedback required

Posted by Jo Cook on August 21, 2013

Hi All,

Antony has very kindly put together the attached composite logo to be used on the clipboard- any feedback? I'd like to get our approval today, so it can be turned into the white on black background version for the clipboard and then sent out to the sponsors for quick (hopefully) approval tomorrow- then I can get the order sorted.




Rollo Home on August 21, 2013:

If you're *really* looking for comment:
1 - OS and MO logo are not level to each other (but other rows are all aligned). Just looks odd to my eye.
2 - OS and MO logo's are not large enough (but I would say that)
3 - do you mean white on black? Or black on white - as our B&W logo is:

Anyway, OS will be very happy with this whatever.

Jo Cook on August 21, 2013:

3) White on black- for the clipboard- we have already asked for white logos on transparent backgrounds from all of the sponsors so it's really just positioning that we need feedback on- so all comments are welcome :-)

Barry Rowlingson on August 21, 2013:

The fonts in the SVG for FOSS4G don't work if you dont have the font installed - I guess not a problem if we supply the PDF for print, but I try and make a point of turning fonts to paths when creating PDFs (actually I think the PDF has had this done...)
+1 to Rollo's comment about alignment. Will there be any more distinction between the two platinum and the five gold sponsors?

Jeremy Morley on August 21, 2013:

The FOSS4G logo gets scrambled when I view the SVG in Chrome or Safari (looks like not enough gap for the target to fit between the F and first S). It's fine in the PDF

I'd shift the gold sponsors down a little, increase the size of the platinums a bit, and align & space the two platinums better. Maybe have the platinums align vertically on their bases, and pull that base to be slightly lower than the FOSS4G logo to give in biggest prominence.

Jeremy Morley on August 21, 2013:

Should there be an OSGeo logo on there...?

Jo Cook on August 21, 2013:

There is?

Jeremy Morley on August 21, 2013:

D'oh!!!  0/10 for observation - I think I was just seeing a "gold sponsor group"...


Jo Cook on August 21, 2013:

Antony, would you be able to incorporate the changes people have suggested? If not, can someone else? I'm in meetings all day...


Antony Scott on August 21, 2013:

Jo, yes I can do this, though won't be till tonight, is that OK? To summarise the changes:

  • Improve alignment of OS and MO logos
  • Sizes - make all sponsor logos a bit bigger (per Rollo and Jeremy)
  • Change to white on black - a bit worried that we don't have all these from sponsors, I haven't checked yet - unless there is a way of making the whole things white on black in Inkscape, anyone know?

Jo Cook on August 21, 2013:

I think we should have white logos from everyone- if not then try and do it in inkscape. Tonight is OK- then I'll put it out to the sponsors for approval tomorrow. I'll check with the clipboard people what our timescale is like for getting this order in- I think we have plenty of time but I'd like to check for my own peace of mind...

Jeremy Morley on August 21, 2013:

From a position of not knowing what I'm talking about... Could turn-off anti-aliasing if possible, convert to GIF, munge the colour table to just black and white entries?  Too brute force?

Barry Rowlingson on August 21, 2013:

@Jeremy: the way to do it would be to apply a threshold filter in Gimp, setting the threshold just above the background white.

My inkscape has a "black and white" filter in the extensions, but it only seems to threshold at 50% gray, so some bits of the logos disappear. I tried fiddling with other filters to darken everything but decided that wasn't going to work either. And it seemed to be a bit buggy with doing undo operations...

Antony Scott on August 21, 2013:

We don't seem to have Sopra, Envitia, Google (they sent us a file but I can't load it) in white, not sure about OSGeo. For FOSS4G logo, we'll need to edit the colour reversal one to get it all white I guess. Jo is there anything you have which isn't on Basecamp (or which I missed?).

Jo Cook on August 21, 2013:

The ones who sent eps files- I just left as is because they are (presumably) quite easy to switch to white? (I don't know, to be honest)

Antony Scott on August 21, 2013:

All, here is the white on black version - with the black to be taken out before it goes to the printer. How does this look?

Rollo Home on August 22, 2013:

Looks really good to me. We so need a like button on basecamp....

Jo Cook on August 22, 2013:

Fabulous, good work :-)

I'm going to send this to the sponsors with a request for quick feedback- the printers say there's a 10 day turn-around once artwork is approved so we do have enough time for this.

Thanks a lot for sorting this out Antony!


Jeremy Morley on August 22, 2013:

Looks good - if it's not too late, there are a couple of small problems, at least on my display.

In the PDF there's some antialiasing problem or such on the top of the "O" of "Ordnance".

In the SVG, the edges of the conference logo are not as sharp as the others (antialiased).

Does any of this mean is not truly a binary monochrome? Does that matter?


Jo Cook on August 22, 2013:

Not too late- I don't mind minor fixes like this as it's not going to impact on the sponsors at all. If someone wants to tinker over the weekend (I'm away camping) then that's cool- I'd like to get this order off on Tuesday.


Jeremy Morley on August 22, 2013:

Um, probably outside my skill set...

Jo Cook on August 22, 2013:

All sponsors are happy, so it's just up to us to decide if we want to make any final changes. Bear in mind that the printers will be vectorising the image so it might not matter that much, if I understand things correctly...

Antony Scott on August 23, 2013:

I’ll have a go at tidying the OS logo up at some stage over the weekend. Jeremy, the SVG is the source doc and the FOSS4G logo is SVG, so it should all print OK – maybe an issue with whatever you are using to view?

Jeremy Morley on August 23, 2013:


This isn't my area of expertise - if you can check and are happy then I'm happy! (I've just been viewing the SVG in browsers. Between Safari, Chrome and a desktop application on Mac, Graphic Converter, there seems to be a mixture of effects, either antialiasing or spacing (in the FOSS4G logo particularly).)  I can send screenshots if you're particularly fussed but if you think what you have will pass through the printing process ok then I'm very happy to defer to you guys.


Antony Scott on August 23, 2013:

Rollo, we only seem to have a high res png of the black and white os logo, ,if you can get hold of an eps that would be useful.

-------- Original message --------

Antony Scott on August 26, 2013:

Barry if you are around could you try pdfiing the B/W logos file and see what we get? The source is in the Dropbox folder, jos_foss4g_logos_wb.svg. Given the OS logo is a png, there may not be much we can do, but worth a try.

Barry Rowlingson on August 26, 2013:

The pdf in there called jos_foss4g_logos_wb_1.pdf looks fine to me.

I can't believe the printers will be vectorising the graphic, as Jo says, they are more likely to be rasterising it...

I've just found a vector OS logo (ripped it from a PDF) and replaced the png - resulting file is allvector.pdf (source allvector.svg) in the dropbox share.

Antony Scott on August 26, 2013:

Ah thanks Barry, that's better. Suspect the issue is something to do with Acrobat reader actually, it all looks fine in Foxit.
Anyway... @Jo, the PDF file for printing is attached - it has had the black  background removed, which I assume is what you need. The one with the black background in is also attached for reference.

Jeremy Morley on August 26, 2013:


Jeremy Morley on August 26, 2013:

Oops! Looks good, I was going to say.

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Looks great guys- thanks for all your work while I was off gallivanting. I'll get this off to the printers today.
