The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Code sprint venue

Posted by Matt Walker on August 22, 2013

Hi Jeremy,

Just thought I'd follow up on sorting out a venue for the code sprint on the Sunday. I'm unlikely to be around on the Sunday but I've asked Ian Turton who is happy to coordinate on the day.

Ideally I think we need a room with power and fairly unfiltered wi-fi for about 20 to 40 people (although only a handful have signed up on the wiki). What do you think are the options?




Jeremy Morley on August 23, 2013:

Working on this.  I'm checking the hotel meeting room availability first. Any space that's not EMCC / hotel / GeoCamp involves paying a porter for the day to open up the building.  However I think the hotel meeting rooms are all smaller than 20-40.

What's the deal on the Sunday? Have we got access to EMCC (I seem to remember not) - we can't really use the GeoCamp on its own because of toilet access.


Steven Feldman on August 23, 2013:

If there's a cost for the porter then we could consider covering that.
Would make sense to cluster multiple Sunday activities in the same place.


Steven Feldman
KnowWhere Consulting

+44 (0) 7958 924101
Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Aug 2013, at 12:24, "Jeremy Morley (Basecamp)" <> wrote:
