The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshop Technical Requirements

Posted by Matt Walker on August 23, 2013

Jo / Ian E,

Thanks for offering to help with ensuring we don't have any surprises when it comes to technical requirements for the main and free workshops.

I've been through the Requirements tab of the spreadsheet ( and identified those workshops that we need to look into further and assigned responsibility for contacting the presenter to one of us.

I've been sent a bunch of emails out this evening. We're going to be away from tomorrow until Wed but I'll check my emails and respond as appropriate.

An example email is:

Hi Francois,
We're using University of Nottingham computer labs for all 
workshops which will allow a PC per delegate. 
Installing software on the lab PCs in generally not possible so we're 
assuming that the majority of workshops will be using a LiveDVD or USB 
and will not require a login to the local machine.

Can you confirm that running via LiveDVD or USB will be fine? Should
 a local workstation login be required we need to know next week.

If you are looking to use something other than the OSGeo 
LiveDVD then we'd be happy to test if you can provide a download and 
instructions in the next few weeks.



Should we require any checks to be made on-site please add a to-do to the Workshops and code sprints list and assign to Jeremy:

@IanH, @Mark We discussed technical requirements on the call today and decided that we'd better contact all presenters that had not explicitly stated that they where using LiveDVD to ensure we can accommodate their requirements (or ideally persuade them to use a LiveDVD).




Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

I've emailed the 4 presenters that were assigned to me, with a slightly more forceful email, trying to ensure that they do actually give us the information we require on time :-)

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:


I've had this response from Maria (Community workshop W25)- my interpretation of her response is that she's going to need local logins that allow USB access (in windows) and access to an FTP site to allow them to download course notes and materials. Can you confirm whether that would be OK or if I need to go back to her and say no?



I am going to use the geonetwork source code, and maven2 to compile and run it. I know it is possible to run maven from a usb, so I am not sure if something is needed on your part. As I understood, the usb will be provided by me. Maybe do you need a copy?

It would be good if I had something like an ftp where I can place code examples and maven installation for the attendants. Using internet probably will not be a fast option.




Ian Edwards on August 28, 2013:

Hi Matt, Jo - I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass back the workshop tasks above (I haven't contacted anyone on the list yet).

I haven't started to prepare my own workshop yet and it's getting increasingly difficult to find a good block of time to do it. I'm getting less help internally on the hackathon than I was promised - but it is on track.

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

I had a phone call today from one of the workshop presenters asking about computer facilities - I pointed him to the osgeo workshop email list, and told him it that OSGeo-Live 7.0 would be the default unless he needed anything special.

Clearly neither message (subscribe to the email list, you can haz OSGeo 7) has got out to everyone.

Matt Walker on August 28, 2013:

Thanks Barry, was it Pete Wells who contacted you? I had a forwarded email from Claire earlier from Pete who is helping with the QGIS Plugins workshop.

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

No, it was Saber, from the same company as Pete though!

Jo Cook on August 29, 2013:

Ian, is there anything that we could do externally to help with the hackathon? Happy to assist wherever I can.


Ian Edwards on August 29, 2013:

Thanks Jo - It was keeping up to date with registrations (and communicating
with people to make sure they really are coming) that I fell behind with.
I caught up last night and we now know that registrations are healthy
enough for us to be happy - currently:
25 confirmed
30 more registered but unconfirmed (2 reminders sent)
12 organisers (staff, volunteers, partners and challenge leaders)
So current totals are in the range 37-67 people. The rest of the hackathon
is ship shape. Will report properly on Friday.