The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Live DVD

Posted by Ian Edwards on August 26, 2013

Hi Steven,

OSGeo Live has emerged today on schedule and is ready to print.  I think we should go for the cheaper colour labels (non-water proof), but I've listed the options below.  If we go with the cheaper option then I should be able to put this on my credit card.  If we choose an expensive version then I'd probably ask Claire to place the order.
Total cost for 800 units - DVD - in clear plastic wallet
* Inkjet colour = £290
* Inject colour with waterproof coating = £520
* Thermal colour = £636

The clear plastic wallets are free.  We can order without if we prefer.

Also - they are quoting for duplication (burning) instead of replication (pressing). Because of our order size we can benefit from using the later, which means the discs will last longer. They indicate that this is cheaper for orders over 500+, but I need to confirm the price by phone, certainly it is faster.

I'll also circulate example artwork for the DVD label before submitting an order.


P.S. Many thanks Jo for the recommendation. It is reassuring to use a company that we've used before and not had any issues with.


Steven Feldman on August 26, 2013:


I agree re printing. Go with most economic version.

Thanks for looking after this

Cheers to all the team from beautiful Galway

Ian Edwards on August 27, 2013:

I'm aiming to get the OSGeo Live master disc in the post today.

Attached is the label that I'm intending to use, if they require artwork immediately then I will us this - otherwise feedback can be incorporated.

Barry Rowlingson on August 27, 2013:



 this is what happens when you mess with logo files!

Barry Rowlingson on August 27, 2013:

Ooh that's weird. Open in an image viewer, says "FOSSG4". Open in Inkscape, "FOSS4G".

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Weird- I've just tried 2 image viewers and Inkscape, and all say FOSS4G! Anyhow an additional point is that the arrows are going to get truncated, because they extend into the part of the label that will be cut out for the spindle. Not sure what to suggest about to fix that though!

Barry Rowlingson on August 27, 2013:

Weird weird. I just checked about five times to make sure I wasn't going mad. I was using Eye Of Gnome, but same problem in Geeqie and Gimp (they're prob all using the same underlying lib). Maybe its a preview bitmap of an earlier revision that my bitmap image viewers are getting, whereas inkscape gets the vectors, and your bitmap viewers are skipping the preview and rendering the vectors?

The truncated arrows are good (although they don't hit the bullseye!).

Ian Edwards on August 27, 2013:

I've got to the submission stage and they want a bitmap anyway... !  So here it is as png.

The arrows will get truncated (at the green line I think).  I'll have to remove the green template lines before I submit it as bitmap, otherwise they'll print them.

Barry Rowlingson on August 27, 2013:

That's done some font replacement. Arial? Ick!

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Ha Ian, don't even try and get anything past "Eagle-Eye" Barry... :-)

Ian Edwards on August 27, 2013:

The main thing is that the master copy of the disc is in the post. They have a 5-12 working day turn around so even at the outside edge we should be okay.

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Ian, from my experience you'll need to be very detailed in what you provide wrt artwork- for example their heads practically exploded when I sent them a link to the online version of the standard osgeo live dvd label on the svn last time I ordered from them. I'd just make sure that you get written confirmation that they have received and understood any updated artwork so that if there's an issue we have a paper trail about it... not that I don't trust them but...

Ian Edwards on August 27, 2013:

Thanks Jo - their list of formats is strange: PSD, PDF, TIF, JPG
There's no way I'm sending them a jpeg, so I've started with PDF...  I'm hoping to have artwork agreed by the time they receive the disc in the post.

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Hi Ian,

Yeah, that sounds familiar. I think when I ordered from them, they phoned me up and said that all the links on the page in the osgeo svn had made their computers crash! Having said that, I've had no complaints with the results, or the price or speed of service.


Matt Walker on August 27, 2013:

Hi Ian,

How does the 800 units breakdown and in particular have we budgeted for the LiveDVDs being used for workshops?


Matt Walker on August 27, 2013:

Also I can't find a download link for the 7.0 iso or vm disk, can you post one that we can distribute to those workshop presenters that want to test.

Ian Edwards on August 27, 2013:

Hi Matt

My understanding is that people attending workshops will register early,
and receive their conference pack with OSGeo Live early.
Those who are not attending the conference will presumable just receive the

If, instead, we gave DVDs to the presenters to hand out then it's likely
that people will receive multiple copies and we wouldn't have enough.

The 7.0 ISO can be downloaded from either:


Matt Walker on August 27, 2013:

Thanks Ian, that sounds sensible. It would be great if we can also have a handful of extra DVDs in the workshop labs that could be handed out to delegates with out their own copy for whatever reason.

Steven Feldman on August 28, 2013:

At the relatively modest cost of the DVD's we could probably afford to increase the order to 1,000 and it would only cost about £360

We should have a box near the door so that people who don't want to take the DVD home can recycle them for further use in teaching etc

Ian Edwards on August 28, 2013:

The extra 200 DVD are apparently only an extra £21.60 - so I'll get 1,000
total. I've been in touch with them this evening and there seem to be no

Matt Walker on August 28, 2013:

Great thanks Ian.

Jeremy Morley on September 3, 2013:

Dear all,

Urgent query: have the Live DVDs been ordered yet?

I was wondering whether it's worth getting some subset to use for workshops which are pre-configured for the university network's proxies? It makes them more awkward to use after the conference but possibly makes the relevant workshops easier to run.


Ian Edwards on September 4, 2013:

Hi Jeremy,

The master DVD has been with the printers (vponline) for about a week. I
believe that some/all have been created and that they are now in the
process of printing the labels. We ordered 1,000 units in the end.

Is it possible to have a script that updates the proxy settings? Then
people could adjust their settings (and keyboard map: setxkbmap gb) just by
downloading the script:


Let me know if I can help with this.

Jeremy Morley on September 4, 2013:

I'm not sure we have time to develop & reliably test a script, but an instruction sheet/PDF should be possible (and is what Matt and I were planning on putting together). It's only likely to list a few places where we know a proxy needs setting: system environment, apt configuration, QGIS & browser web connections.

Ian Edwards on September 10, 2013:

1,000 Live DVDs have arrived.  I've tested the first one out of the box and everything is working fine.

I'll report success on the live mailing list

Jo Cook on September 10, 2013:

That's good to hear!


Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:


Ian Edwards on September 10, 2013:

Just to allay any fears - I'll be bringing the DVD's with me rather than

I'll also have a small van on site all week (Sunday - Sunday) if anything
needs transporting anywhere.