The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Steven's opening and welcome bit

Posted by Steven Feldman on August 30, 2013

I thought I might try crowd sourcing some ideas for my opening bit, with you lot being the crowd.

Basic structure:
Thoughts on that?

I was going to hammer the Robin Hood motif and use some old video stills and posters as slide backgrounds.

I will pull together a slide template unless one of the creatives has already done that?

We will also need some rolling slide show to use before the conference and on the screens in the venue through the event, some of that could be filched from my presentation.

Do we want to give delegates the wifi logon at the beginning of the event or at the end of the plenary? I guess it needs to be at the beginning.

Are we going to use #FOSS4G or #FOSS4G2013 as our 'official' hashtag?

OK that's a quick brain dump, pile in with ideas


Franz-Josef Behr on September 9, 2013:

@OSGeo on crest of wave in Europe:
You could mention the rapid growth of the ICA-OSGeo nodes network in Europe.

I can provide some kind of map (, some updates needed)

Suchith Anand on September 9, 2013:

Thanks Franz- Josef.

Steven, i will send you 2-3 overview slides of this. The main messege is that this initiative is transforming geospatial education in both developed and developing countries (there is a good overview article from Charlie and Helena in last month's GIM International). We now have 37 labs established across the planet and will have over 100 labs established by 2015. Our biggest growth is in the USA (6 labs established already and plans in place for establishing over 20 research labs in the biggest universities in US by 2015). In Europe also we have very strong growth with 14 labs established (4 in the UK alone at Universities of Southampton, Newcastle, Warwick and Nottingham). We will have over 50 labs established in European universities by 2015.

This rapid  growth and interest has been beyond our wildest expectation. When we started on this initative our aim was to establish 5 labs in 5 years ! Thanks to OSGeo and ICA members for thier strong support for making this initiative a great success. We are working on a new website for the network and we will be using "Geo for All" as our motto.


Steven Feldman on September 12, 2013:

@F-J any chance of the map today?

@others - I could do with a few impressive statistics about Open Source Geo in Europe. Can anyone help? How many countries have implemented INSPIRE on OS? How many have an OS "preferred" policy? I would love impressive stats and beautiful maps.

Your chance for 15 seconds of glory

Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013:

I'd go (have been going) for #FOSS4G13 for the event - it's a toss up between utter transparency (not the 13th event) and losing 2 characters from the tweet!  (I wish I'd gone for a shorter ID than jeremy_morley sometimes!).

Remember, no Gary now to mention, unless just for being willing.

WiFi access:
  • I'll check today but I don't think the De Vere network needs logging into (but is open) - incidentally Lasse confirmed that the 1Gb/s fibre is in and most of the access point upgrade is done (to 300 or 700 connection points). Some got stuck in UK customs (!) but the installation company have worked around that.
  • Remember that in the rooms on-campus, users will have to log into the UoN-Guest account. Open network to connect to but then fire up a fresh browser instance which should redirect to the self-registration page which just needs an email address (doesn't even check it's valid!).