The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Jobs Board

Posted by Steven Feldman on September 8, 2013

Mike Saunt asked if we were organising a jobs board to help companies recruiting and individuals seeking a job change. It sounds like a good idea but I don't want us getting involved in anything else so I pushed back to him and he suggested a simple notice board hence previous post.

All it would need is an announcement or two and it should be self organising



Barry Rowlingson on September 8, 2013:

I think its a great idea given the number of potential employers and employees attending.

If Mike (or anyone else) wants to manage it, I suggest we put "Mike Saunt's Jobshop" on the top, and then divide it down the middle with 'opportunities' and 'looking for work' sections. If people leave contacts then they can arrange to meet up during socials or otherwise.

I'll start drafting my 'looking for work' ad now.

Rollo Home on September 8, 2013:

Can this be merged with the 'notice boards' discussion? They seem highly compatible ;-)