The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Marquee is up - do we need step-free access?

Posted by Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013

Basic structure & fixtures all done on the marquee, including link-way.

One thing that got lost in the specs is boarding from the side exit to the access road to give step-free access. Do we need this, does anyone know?  (There's grass outside at the moment - passable but a bit soft, it'll depend on weather). F&L can provide boarding as they're at the uni on Sunday for another job. I need to measure up the gap tomorrow for a quote (I'm guessing a couple of hundred pounds).

Anyway, pictures of our 600 sq. metre space attached!



Claire Gilmour on September 12, 2013:

no one has told me about any mobility issues

Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013:

That's what I thought...  Worth the money or worth the risk?

Barry Rowlingson on September 12, 2013:

Is there step-free access via the EMCC to the entrance at the end?

Where's the steps from the side entrance? Or is it just the soggy grass thats a problem?

Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013:

I think it's just the short stretch of soggy grass that's the problem. In the image of the outside of the marquee in this thread you can see the door & perhaps the ramp off the grass. It's just a few metres to the EMCC side access road. I've not checked but it leads up to the loading bay & side of EMCC (but some of those doors are alarmed). Otherwise it's a bit of a haul up round the top of the centre and in. Possible though.

Jeremy Morley on September 13, 2013:

OK - marquee update...

Heating chappy (Paul) has done his work. Four big burners (essentially) at each corner of the marquee, big flexible ducts to feed through hole panels in the marquee and into diffuser boxes. He fired each of them up for me - pretty straightforward. There are also two big fuel tanks - with the help of EMCC padlocked shut to prevent siphoning!

However, one small fly in the ointment: two of the hole panels in the marquee are too small for the ducts!  More on that below - it'll be ok by Monday.

Electrics guys (Gary is the lead) were on site too, still there when I went back at 6:30. It was an open day at the uni today & the roads were terrible on-site and in the area, which had put them back a bit.

Anyway, when I left the stage was up (steps almost up), covered in a grey material. Gary will put some white fringing round it to improve the look. Lighting rig was put together but not raised - partly concerns over Sunday's gales, partly because the projector will go on on Monday. We have two sets of sockets - "general" ones, our double sockets around the edge for laptops, etc., and a second set on a different circuit (phase probably) for the stage, etc.

He'll probably come back on Sunday to catch up a bit, probably to rig the up-lighters and/or fluorescents. We made some decisions about switch locations, etc.

PA, screen & projector will be Monday. Barry, could you do a handover from him on Monday afternoon (he'd prefer about 1pm if you're here then) on the PA kit - Brian's not in till Thursday?

Gary had noticed that the lining of the marquee had come loose from the roof at the stage end & phoned Kate at F&L. They'll attend to that as well as the duct holes on Sunday when they're in for another job. I'll leave Kate a note about a board track to the side door (about 18ft.) - with this rain the step-free access over the grass won't be easily passable.

So I think that's pretty much all on track.

The furniture's there now too (sorry, too busy talking about the electrics, etc. - I forgot to take photos). 100 chairs and 17 tables look utterly lost in the space! The trestle tables are pretty ugly wooden things - we at least need covers for these!  We have no other furniture in there - I think we need more!  Maybe just more tables and chairs, maybe back to poseur tables.  We don't need the extras really till Thursday, I guess, but it needs reviewing.

Status report over!


Barry Rowlingson on September 13, 2013:

I'm not arriving until Tuesday morning.

Jeremy Morley on September 13, 2013:


Hmm, I'll try to get a good understanding - how hard can it be?! ;-)