The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

GeoCommunity Cross Over

Posted by Abi Page on September 14, 2013

This is to update LOC on discussions between Anne/ Claire / GeoCom AWG and I, and Steven and I about cross overs with GeoCom.
Obviously GeoCom kicks off with the Ice Breaker on Monday night at EMCC, followed by presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday and the GeoCom party on Tuesday night.

We have come to an arrangement that those attending workshop / hack on Tuesday and Wednesday can attend GeoCom sessions if they find themselves with a bit of free time. GeoCom would positively welcome this - and there are some great speakers lined up. This will be made clear to FOSS4G delegates when they arrive on Tuesday.

In addition, we are able to offer "on the door" tickets to FOSS4G delegates to the GeoCom Party on Tuesday night for only £35. These will be sold during FOSS4G registration periods on Tuesday. If you have been to the party before, you will know this is an excellent price and includes a meal and drinks. Obviously EMCC is a bit of a trek into Nottingham, so I hope that many FOSS4G delegates will want to stay on campus for the evening and it will encourage some healthy cross overs.

These are great benefits for FOSS4G delegates and I hope LOC will be able to encourage them to take it up. Obviously there may be a few sensitivities from some delegates - if there are any queries (strong complaints) about the arrangement from delegates then you can pass them my way or to Anne Kemp... but I hope you will help us get the messaging through consistently on this.

In addition - there is a bit of space left for the GeoCom Ice Breaker on Monday night (full sit-down meal). I believe at least one FOSS4G delegate has already booked to attend this. If any LOC would like to come and get your week off to a good start then let Claire or I know, we should be able to offer these final places at cost price to LOC.


Ian Edwards on September 14, 2013:

Also - if anyone from GeoComm or the FOSS4G workshops would like to
interact with the hackathon attendees anytime on the Tuesday evening then
they will be most welcome in the GeoCamp to see what is going on.

We can promote the GeoCom party on Tues night if you like, some of the
hackers will want a break by the evening.

Mark Iliffe on September 14, 2013:

I've got a definite sale from Kristry van Putten from the Australian Government, possibly waiting for another. Will the Geocom party be allowed to be opened Abi? My understanding is that for part of it, the top tens, beer is provided (Potentially, not true, just what has happened in previous years).

Post this the party will be in full swing, also wondering how the hackers would take a knees up halfway through! Is there something to work in a celebration/party on the Wednesday night that you could work in the for hackers Ian? 

Barry Rowlingson on September 14, 2013:

Will all the rest of the FOSS4G LOC be at the GeoCom party on Tuesday night? If so, then I'm in. Otherwise, what are you doing?

Abi Page on September 14, 2013:

Mark, I'm not on AWG so I am not sure of the full arrangements, but the party is ticketed so I assume it won't just be opened. The ticket includes a meal and some drinks.  I am sure someone more knowledgeable than me can confirm more details next week in time for delegates arriving and ticket sales if more information is needed...

Thanks Ian, I will mention to Anne that this is open for people to have a look in and cross promotion would be great.

Barry I will be at GeoCom party, as I assume will Claire, Rollo, Mark and Jeremy (?) as we are all down for attending GeoCom.

Claire Gilmour on September 14, 2013:

Food is served from 8pm and free drinks will only be for people who have paid for their ticket as they will given 3 raffle tickets to exchange.

I am happy for hackathon people to join in after 8.30pm. (but still want to sell tickets to as many FOSS as possible)

Barry Rowlingson on September 14, 2013:

Great, I'll probably need a break from throwing rocks at the iPad wall. Put me down for it, will pay later....

Jo Cook on September 15, 2013:

Yeah, count me in- in for a penny, in for an as yet unspecified number of pounds...

Antony Scott on September 15, 2013:

Another party? Why not, +1 please.