The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Photos needed for FOSS4G press article

Posted by Suchith Anand on September 24, 2013

I just had a phone call from Robin Waters (GIS Professional) for some photos for his article on FOSS4G 2013. They are planning to put a frontpage collage photo of selected pictures from FOSS4G, SOM, AGI to celebrate Maptember.

He needs a photo of Steven presenting, photo of the whole team also if possible. Could any of you send me the photos or the url, so i can email Robin. He needs it by tommorow. Thanks.



Jeremy Morley on September 24, 2013:

First place to look would be the Flickr group, Suchith -

If Robin needs any of these that are not marked for reuse I suspect he'd get permission from the owner.


Addy Pope on September 24, 2013:

Yup, plenty in there and i am about to add some more.....

Steven Feldman on September 24, 2013:

Should we be offering some post event pr or even an interview to our media sponsors?

Barry Rowlingson on September 24, 2013:

For print they'll need high resolution pics - I uploaded stuff at fairly low res (1024x768 probably) but can supply high-res ones on demand.

Jo Cook on September 24, 2013:

Steven, the media sponsors did virtually nothing, as far as I can tell, so I don't honestly see why we should spend our time writing post-event PR- did you spot anything from them in the lead up to, and during, the event? (with the exception of Robin Waters)

Barry Rowlingson on September 24, 2013:

Yeah, I just went to the web sites of all our media partners and stuck 'Nottingham' in the search boxes. Seems to have been no pro-active reporting, just echoes of our press releases.
How many media passes "reserved for those committed to provide coverage of the event" did we give out? Its only those guys we can complain about, for the rest of them it was an exchange of them advertising us for us putting them on the sponsor wall.

Jo Cook on September 24, 2013:

I think we only gave one "media pass" which was to Robin- no one else turned up!

Jeremy Morley on September 24, 2013:

I did a brief interview on Saturday shortly after the close that may appear in Geoinformatics - one of Barend's Dutch colleagues! (I've yet to sort through all the cards I picked up.)

Addy Pope on September 24, 2013:

I will have stuff on GoGeo but given that it is just me there seemed no point doing a press pass thingy.  
No one on SlashGeo?

Barend Köbben on September 24, 2013:

@Jeremy: This was Erik Meerburg ( He is not employed by GeoInformatics (he has a training outfit called "GeoAcademy" at the GeoFort), but was just asked to write a short article about the event.

Steven Feldman on September 24, 2013:

I agree Jo that their input/effort was low. However it would be good to get some coverage of the event for those who were unable to attend. We could offer them the opportunity to do an interview (via skype or hangout) with me and then leave it to them to write up

Jeremy Morley on September 24, 2013:

Barend - yes, I remembered that he was just asked to review the conference. It was just his name that I was missing!

Overall, some coverage would help point people, particularly those who weren't there, at the videos online & talks in ELOGeo & elsewhere.
