The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Academic Bursaries - write ups

Posted by Addy Pope on September 24, 2013

Hi all, the academic bursary winners have started to send in their reports of the event.  I have edited one and will add a few hyperlinks to it to make it more useful.  Question is, where should we post these?  Happy to put them on GoGeo but should they be posted in the news section of the FOSS4G 13 instead?

Caught between wanting to get them up as soon as they come in, or collating them into an extended piece. One solution could be to post a few this week, then collate the remaining ones into an extended report which we pop on the FOSS4G website.

Thoughts appreciated,



Steven Feldman on September 24, 2013:

I think it would be good to have as much of the post event writeups collated in one place (our site?). It will make it easier when we archive the site

Addy Pope on September 24, 2013:

OK, would the plan to be to post them as news? Assume this is the section of the site that is acting as a "blog" 

Should have one ready to be uploaded tomor.  Sent a reminder out to the rest of the academic bursary winners.

Steven Feldman on September 24, 2013:

News would be fine