The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Wrap up on 20th and wiki

Posted by Steven Feldman on October 31, 2013

I am back :)
@All - just in case you have forgotten we need to get a first draft of the wiki done before we meet on the 20th
@Claire - when can I get a sight of some accounts?
@Jeremy - where are we up to in settling account with deVere?


Jeremy Morley on November 1, 2013:

Steven, welcome back! I've not heard back from Shelley yet about the catering in Sir Clive Granger - I'll chase. I think it's pretty much settled otherwise.


Barry Rowlingson on November 1, 2013:

Are many people planning to hang around in London on the evening of the 20th for post-wrapup food n beers?  I'll be coming in from Southend on the morning of the 20th for the meeting. Need to book trains soon..

Jeremy Morley on November 1, 2013:

I'd like to and can, Barry, and it would even make the train tickets cheaper. So that's a yes, I guess!

Barry Rowlingson on November 1, 2013:

Last train back to Lancs is 20:30, and staying a night in London wouldn't be cheaper... Still leaves time for some scoff and a beer.

Antony Scott on November 1, 2013:

Yup I’m up for scoff/beer, last train to Briz 9.45.

Abi Page on November 1, 2013:

I'm booked on the sleeper, so plenty of time to fill...

Matt Walker on November 1, 2013:

Not sure what my plans are the following day but even if I'm heading home I can get a train at just past 20:00 so food would be good.

I assume this is the page we're using to capture our lessons learnt:  are we also contributing to the cookbook?

Steven Feldman on November 1, 2013:

Yes we will have a beer and a curry afterwards, will try to finish by 5 so we can have 3 hours to drink and eat before the first people have to rush for trains

This is the wiki page to start work on if there is stuff on the one that Matt referenced then we can copy it over

Barry Rowlingson on November 11, 2013:

I've written a  bunch of stuff about the web on that cookbook wiki page. Or should I have waited until the meeting next week so we all agree on it?

Also, I'm staying in London after the meeting so I can stay long into the evening geobeers  - and there may be a +1 for dinner/beers if m'lady has enough courage to face you lot :)

Barend Köbben on November 11, 2013:

I'll stay in London overnight, so that's +1 for geobeers & curry...

Claire Gilmour on November 11, 2013:

Any expenses that have not been sent in, need to be submitted by the end of this week.

The meeting next week will be at:
The Hubworking Centre
9-11 Grosvenor Gardens

Steven Feldman on November 11, 2013:

@Barry and others - yes you should all be starting to get 1st draft content into our cookbook page. We will review and collaboratively edit to finish on wednesday

Re dinner - all are welcome for beers, curry and any mayhem you feel up to! Partners who have put up with our dedication to the cause (or who haven't) are more than welcome.

We will find a venue nearish-by


Antony Scott on November 12, 2013:

Really sorry but I am going to have to bow out of this one, have been
called up by MapAction in the Philippines, leaving in the morning for 2
weeks... will have to catch up for geo-beers at a later date. Have a good
day, enjoy wiki-ing and once again thanks for being probably the best ever
project team :-)


Abi Page on November 12, 2013:

Antony, sorry to hear you can't join us but what an amazing thing to be able to do. I am in awe of MapAction.
Best of luck with the trip. I will be thinking of you and all involved in what I imagine will be incredibly challenging circumstances.

No doubt see you for a drink around Yatton some point next year if not before.

Mark Iliffe on November 12, 2013:

Anthony, likewise good luck out there! I'm currently in Tanzania but will be able to join remotely. See you all soon!

Jeremy Morley on November 12, 2013:

Ant, this is clearly a much more important calling!  I hope to see you soon, not least to hear about he work in the Philippines, and possibly in the build-up to OSGIS next year?…

I hope the trip is productive, and at least rewarding if not exactly fun.

Addy Pope on November 12, 2013:

Hi All,  I too will not be able to make it.  Seem to be running a course next week, which was new to me.  Can join remotely for a bit i am sure.

Ant - hope the trip goes well, stay safe and i am sure we will catch up soon.

Steven Feldman on November 12, 2013:

@Ant - you have your priorities spot on, we will miss you next week but I am sure we are all rooting for you and your colleagues doing such great work.

I will buy you retrospective wrap up beer and curry when you get back. Be safe Antony



For those of you who can't get out to the Philippines you can still help by doing some armchair mapping via

Steven Feldman on November 12, 2013:

@All - have you noticed how much content there is to add to ????


Suchith Anand on November 13, 2013:

Hi all,

I will add my thoughts to the wiki site this weekend as i  wont be able to attend the London meeting next week as i will be participating in 10th Anniversery of Berlin Declaration on Open Access and i will be batting strongly for our Open Access ELOGeo there and building up the OSGeo education initiative. 

I was really hoping to attend the meeting and thank all of you individually for all your help and efforts which not only made FOSS4G 2013 a success but was key for the excellent launch and momentum we are building for the Geo for All education initiative. 

If you get sometime after the meeting during the geodrinks , please think of ideas for keeping building momentum . I had shared ideas with atleast some of you on OSGeo UK chapter to become more involved with OSGIS and keep continuing the momentum build from FOSS4G 2013. 

Have a great meeting.


Barry Rowlingson on November 14, 2013:

So who is coming to the meeting next week?

I think we'll statify the web site after the meeting so you have a week or so to add final content. Has anyone got anything to add to produce that warm, fuzzy, post-conference glow?

Jeremy Morley on November 14, 2013:

I'm coming. I think I'll be staying in London over-night the night before as I'm down for a meeting the day before so if anyone's around before 11 I'm happy to grab a coffee, even do some early wiki editing…


Kenneth Field on November 14, 2013:

I can’t come. Sorry. Now that we’re in the depths of a Californian winter I have had cause to wear my FOSS4G hoodie around the Esri campus. Makes me chuckle.

Have fun!

Matt Walker on November 14, 2013:

I'll be there, arriving by train in the morning, should be around for food and drink in the evening then heading over to South Wales to do some training on Thu.

Jo Cook on November 15, 2013:

I'll be there too

Barend Köbben on November 15, 2013:

I will be there and I'll stay in London overnight, so beers & curry for me! I plan to add the AT stuff to teh wiki this weekend.

Ian Edwards on November 17, 2013:

I have a train ticket booked (day return) and will do my best to be there.  I have a project deadline for Thurs that's looking very close at the moment.

Jeremy Morley on November 18, 2013:

Two things ahead of Wednesday:

- firstly, I still have a stack of pop-up banners, the big banners & the aero flags in my office. If someone would like to arrange a courier (or similar) to come and get them and take them way, that would be grand. Otherwise I'm minded to dispose of them at the end of the month.
- secondly, the AGI are having geo-drinks on Wednesday from 4:15 PM to 7:15 PM. Is that target for our "first stop" of the evening? My return train is at 22:00 from St Pancras.

I hope to find some time to do some editing of the document before Wednesday…

Jeremy on November 19, 2013:

I'll be there, see you tomorrow!

Ian Edwards on November 19, 2013:

Hi All,

I'm not going to be able to make it in person tomorrow.
I will add to the cookbook before you start at 10 am.
I'm 'watching' the wiki page - so I will be able to see changes throughout the day and I'll comment where I have something useful to add.
You can reach me via Skype chat:  isedwards
I should also be available on Skype audio.  Alternatively I'll be mostly at my desk and reachable on 01392 884078.


Steven Feldman on November 19, 2013:

Lost track of who is and who isn't coming tomorrow. For those of you who will be there here is my suggestion for an agenda:

  • Gathering from 10am onwards for 11am start
  • Brief review of accounts
  • Review delegate and sponsor feedback (can we publish?)
  • Donations
  • Discussion about lessons learnt - agree topics and main content items
  • Start editing wiki
  • Lunch
  • Finish editing wiki
  • Review and delegate some to make any changes/additions
  • Plan archiving of web site, archive basecamp and test, file upload to SVN. 
  • Any other last tasks?
  • 5pm - go to the pub, celebrate, hug, have dinner, hug again, go home
What have I missed?
@Claire can you ensure that we have a projector in the room

Ian Edwards on November 20, 2013:

It may be useful to add a "Registration Systems" section towards the top of the document.

We used
- regonline
- custom django code for workshop credits
- eventbrite / excel for hackathon
-  ... any others?

Registration is touched on very briefly in the website section

Steven Feldman on November 20, 2013:

I've put a stub here

Can someone step up and extend this