The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Draft accounts

Posted by Steven Feldman on November 19, 2013

In advance of tomorrow's meeting here are the draft accounts

In summary (for those who are less interested in the detail)

Income = £486k (sponsorship and delegates)
Costs    = £373k (including a 3k contingency for late bills)
Surplus = £113k

I would like to discuss contributions to OSGeo UK chapter, AGI (for services above and beyond what they expected when they took this on) and possible a couple of other small donations (wordpress etc) totalling 12.5-15% of the surplus. This would still enable us to return over $150,000 to OSGeo

Please note that the figures have not been thoroughly checked so there could be a change before we go final.
Please keep these draft numbers confidential until we have a) approved the donations and b) double checked everything


Franz-Josef Behr on November 19, 2013:

I'd like to suggest to reserve some more money for further OS developments  / actions / events in UK (or Europe).

Mark Iliffe on November 19, 2013:

I'd like to second that Franz-Josef.

Ian Edwards on November 20, 2013:

I'm very much in favour of the additional donation to AGI.

The funds received by OSGeo UK can also be channelled towards OS dev and events - please add to the following page actions that OSGeo should be considering as a result of the FOSS4G wrap up:

I'm offline for a few minutes, but I should be back shortly after 11

Steven Feldman on November 20, 2013:

@F-J do you mean give more money to OS geo uk or to something else? If so we need to know what organisation we would give to?

Addy Pope on November 20, 2013:

If there is a surplus for donations, then MapAction relies on FOSS and can always use cash, perhaps we could suggest an OSGeo training fund?

Jeremy Morley on November 20, 2013:

Addy, (and others),

We've developed a view here at the meeting. Beyond s/w projects we've directly used in running the conference system, and keeping a sum back for OSGeo UK and the additional support the AGI gave us, we feel that other uses of the money should be argued for with OSGeo itself as notionally the profits are "their" money. We've effectively had approval from OSGeo for the existing donations as it was discussed in our proposal. We also think on the back of this that going beyond taking a 15% part of the surplus for donations is starting to stretch this approval (we're at about 14% at present). Our total payment to the AGI (contractual and the additional donation) is still well below the conference management company costs of other FOSS4G events.

We've effectively already donated to MapAction by giving the proceeds of the Maptember shirts rather than the profits after cost of production.


Franz-Josef Behr on November 20, 2013:

+1 for OSGeo training fund or similar things. I appcreciate the work of OSGeo foundation, but IMHO it's to much centralized to North Amerika.
I am sure that AGI people did a great and supportive job.