The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

project donations

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on November 25, 2013

We have £1000 to play with. The three big systems we used are OJS, Django, and WordPress. If there's nothing else then we split it three ways.

OJS comes out of PKP, they have a "donate" button:

Django dev is funded by the foundation, they have a donate button:

However... WordPress seem to want donations directed to theme and plugin authors, there's no central donation point for the core WP: which means we could end up splitting it between the theme author ( - commercial dev, no obvious donation system) and any of the few plugins we used. Awkward?


Jo Cook on November 25, 2013:

If wordpress is too hard for us to donate to in a fair way, then I say let's not bother.  I did find the conferencer plugin incredibly useful for quickly adding sponsors, but there's precious little information on how to donate to that either!

I'd be happy with £500 each for OJS and Django- but if you think one is more deserving than the other I'd also be happy with that. I can't really make a judgement call though as I didn't have much to do with either of them.

Personally I think there's a valuable point to be made here- we're trying to donate and if people make it hard or non-transparent, then they will lose money!

Steven Feldman on November 25, 2013:

+1 with jo on that!

Barend Köbben on November 26, 2013:

+1 from me to.

Barry Rowlingson on November 26, 2013:

£500 for Django and £500 for OJS is good.