The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Non-urgent requests for files etc for the website

Posted by Jo Cook on July 14, 2012

Hi Steven and Jeremy

To non-urgent requests for the website to get that running asap:

1) Steven could you enable public sharing on the foss4g google calendar- while it says I should be able to do it I can't. I've got a google calendar plugin for the site but it needs the feed to be public. Happy to remove it if you've any objections to it being public.

2) Jeremy, could you get hold of a nice image of EMCC that would work as a 1000 wide x 288 high banner image for the website to replace the stock image? Something like the one on the front of their site would do nicely- I could nick that but I'd rather ask!

Waiting for the domain to be pointed at the site at the moment, then there's a small amount of additional config in wordpress then it will be free for the comms subgroup to work on.




Steven Feldman on July 16, 2012:

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the foss4g google calendar. I didn't know that we had one!

Jo Cook on July 16, 2012:

Hi Steven,

Oh, OK, well we do :-) Perhaps someone else put it together. I got it working in the end anyhow! I've re-shared it with you as I couldn't actually see it your name on the sharing list.


Steven Feldman on July 16, 2012:

Just noticed that your mail was shared with which probably bounced back as I am !

Probably best to use for most things as it links to my Google docs, mindmeister and 37 signals accounts


Jo Cook on July 16, 2012:

Hi Steven,

On the basecamp project I think it does use your gmail address so not sure why anything has gone to steve@... but I'll check that in future. Have you received the new sharing request for the calendar?


Steven Feldman on July 16, 2012:

yes to calendar
it seems to have added itself to my gmail

Antony Scott on August 25, 2012:

Jo (or whoever has these powers)
Could you add me ( to the FOSS4G Google Calendar?


Jo Cook on August 28, 2012:

@antony- done

Steven Feldman on August 28, 2012:

I have made the FOSS4G Google Calendar public, took me a while to find it (getting old)