The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Blog and twitter

Posted by Jo Cook on July 15, 2012

Hi Rollo,

I've made you an administrator on the wordpress install, partly because I need you to sort out the twitter integration :-)

I've installed twitter tools but it needs to be linked to the foss4g account and the various api keys sorted etc. If you can sort at some point (non-urgent) that would be cool- I guess I could do it if I had the twitter password but I didn't want random emails coming through to you about changes to the account access if I did it without you knowing!

All the best



Rollo Home on July 15, 2012:

I'll get on to that tomorrow night. Cheers
Sent using a mobile device; please excuse any erratic spelling.

Rollo Home on July 16, 2012:

Jo, have you sent me the website details in an email? Well, you'll guess from the question that I've lost it if you have ;-). Can you re-send me the details please? Thanks.

Jo Cook on July 16, 2012:

Hi Rollo,

You should have had an email automagically from the wordpress install but no matter I will send another one.
