The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Jeff McKenna

Posted by Steven Feldman on July 19, 2012

I guess most of you will have seen the flurry of mails on the "private" mailing list from Jeff McKenna.

Jeff is a stalwart of the open source geo movement, an ex OSGeo Board and Conference committee member and has been involved in most of the previous FOSS4G events. He also has a slightly checkered past with OSGeo Board and resigned earlier this year.

Jeff approached Jo and through her me to offer to join our LOC. While I was considering whether to propose to you that we co-opt Jeff either onto the LOC or onto the group focussed on workshops etc he initiated a flurry of comms with Jo, set up the "private" list that we had not requested, offered advice which felt like instructions and initiated a conversation with the Eclipse Foundation that was to say the least inappropriate. And that was within a couple of days!

I had scheduled a call for this morning with Jeff to discuss his involvement in which I was going to suggest that he join the workshops etc group but that we did not want to expand the LOC. Last night he picked up that either the board or some of us were not enthusiastic about his involvement in the LOC and decided to withdraw, hence the last couple of mails that you may have seen.

I don't want to waste any more time on this and hopefully this message explains enough to you all but if anyone wants to discuss further don't hesitate to call or skype me. Which  reminds me can we need a contacts list for this team - phones and skypes. I will start a writeboard that you can all complete.

I am sorry that this is one of the first things I have had to deal with as conference Chair, I am assured by Peter that this will not be the pattern for the next year. Look out for a further message from me with some much more exciting news .....




Mike Saunt on July 19, 2012:

Steven - does the BaseCamp contact details hold enough information for
individuals involved?

Steven Feldman on July 20, 2012:

Mike, not sure what details we need, I assumed that everyone had the mail contacts but I have now updated mine to include 1st and 2nd mail preferences.

Everyone add whatever contact details you feel appropriate.