The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Food and Drink

Posted by Mark Iliffe on August 1, 2012

I've kicked off conversations with EMCC about the food, drink and wifi at the centre. 

Wifi:  Very important. There are issues with proxies if we're using EMCC's internet connection, due to it being on the JANET University cable. However as the hotel and management group is changing this is in flux.

Food and Drink: We have to use the suppliers. However we can request things. For the coding and the workshops we want to really showcase the best of british and make it a craft conference: "Crafting Code with Crafted Beer". If I see a Mr Kipling cake (unless it's a Bakewell!) I think I'll go postal. Also Castle Rock could provide beer, but we need to lay the ground work now. I'm happy to lead on these issues. 

On these issues I'll get clarity in about three weeks - effectively they're on holiday. Will report before the F2F meeting.