The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Following up from F2F on 6/9

Posted by Steven Feldman on September 7, 2012

I came away buzzing with excitement from our F2F and also feeling much less overwhelmed by the scale of the task we have taken on. I'm reminded of some advice on how to eat an elephant (with apologies to the vegetarians amongst our team) Q: "How do you eat an elephant?" A: "Cut it into small pieces and invite your friends along to help"

In no particular order:
I will get out a calendar invite for our monthly calls later today (another thanks to Antony for offering Sustain's Webex)




Jo Cook on September 7, 2012:

Following on from this- if I could chase up the minutes from the meeting and the various sub-meetings that would be great. Ideally if they could be added as documents here, then I will just copy them into the osgeo wiki page to keep the traditionalists happy.



Jo Cook on September 7, 2012:

Also (you can tell I'm trying to cover all my actions from the meeting today so I don't forget)- Barry are you going to send a note out on the discuss lists to let people know we had the meeting and that minutes will be up on the wiki shortly, or shall I?


Addy Pope on September 7, 2012:

I will sort out my notes from the morning which includes a list of actions.  If Anthony forwards me his notes then i will add them in..... just got to catch up with the day job ;)

Barry Rowlingson on September 7, 2012:

I'm composing the first foss4g-osgeo-discuss bulletin and i was just about to ask where the minutes were going (website, basecamp, wiki) and now I know.

Rollo Home on September 7, 2012:

Steve - I thought I was pulling together the programme (and associated theme and topics) and text for call-for-papers.

Jeremy Morley on September 7, 2012:

I thought so too, Rollo :-)

I don't think we checked at the time: will the academic CfP clearly relate to the general papers' CfP?  It sounded like the Academic Track already had topic ideas?

Rollo Home on September 7, 2012:

I think it's best for the academic track to do what it needs to do in order to cater for that audience...a theme would simply get in the way. IMHO.

Steven Feldman on September 7, 2012:


Of course you are leading the programme working group activity. The volunteerings that I mentioned were additional things that people signed up for. My final comment was slightly tongue in cheek, I am sure the programme strand will keep you very busy and I could add to that your role as social media guru :D

Mark Iliffe on September 7, 2012:

We don't have explicit topic ideas, it's more around the criteria we're looking for in the papers - high academic rigour etc. We've also making it clear that we welcome high quality submissions from early stage researchers. 

Jeremy and I think it would be a good idea to start a whiteboard where we can sort out the criteria and themes of academic and mainstream papers here:

Rollo Home on September 7, 2012:

Steven - it's best that I don't over commit at this stage (Council, #w3g, SIG and the day job, oh, and some 'other' stuff......)