The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Banner for website

Posted by Jo Cook on September 7, 2012

Steven asked us to include the location and date on the big banner on the website- is everyone happy with me just editing that image (and change the blog strapline so it doesn't repeat itself), assuming that we're going to make other design changes etc at some point soon? I will have to get hubby to help me identify the font etc but that should be OK.



Antony Scott on September 7, 2012:

Go for it.

Rollo Home on September 7, 2012:

Make the change - then people will comment ;-)

Barry Rowlingson on September 20, 2012:

Are you going to get rid of the white banner (one with the search box) soon? Because of that and the OSGeo logo blue-green banner the content starts half-way down my screen.

Jo Cook on September 20, 2012:

It's not a banner, so changing it is part of redoing the design template. Am reluctant to make too many minor changes until we decide on a proper design but I'll see what we can do tomorrow when I'm home

Barry Rowlingson on September 20, 2012:

As a quick hack, adding display: none to the styling for "#branding hgroup" in the CSS will put it away. Point appreciated about minor changes though, plus I don't know zip about wordpress templates and how stuck you are with various parts.

Jo Cook on September 20, 2012:

Will see if we can combine two sections to let us keep search box etc