The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

FOSS4G 2013 - GIS for All

Posted by Suchith Anand on September 17, 2012

Hi All,

FOSS4G 2013 will be happening next year this time (Sep 17th). One of the things i would like all of us to think and discuss ideas is on the legacy of FOSS4G 2013 .We didnt get to discuss this in our F2F because of very packed schedule.

I am confident that we will have an excellent conference with biggest participation, excellent workshops etc but what i am thinking is how we can use the event to kickstart bigger aims which benifit not just the participants but wider community globally.

It is a sad fact that very few universities in developing and poor countries have GIS courses until recently. There are many factors: high cost of software, lack of trained staff, good course materails etc etc. But things are slowly changing thanks to Free and Open Source Software.

Personally i think it is not just about having a conference showcasing technical qualities/merits  of FOSSGIS etc but more importantly demonstating the importance of how Free and Open Source software is transforming the provision of education to everyone esp students in poor countries. There are many good examples of this in OSGeo community . For example gvSIG Association's participation with CEIBAL initiative in Uruguay

The bigger vision of ICA-OSGeo MoU is to help enable more universities and schools in developing and poor countries to be able to start courses in GIS. For this we need both good quality training materails (we are doing that with ELOGeo) and establishment of Open Source Geospatial Labs in more universities and educational institutes globally. The good news is that by FOSS4G 2013, we will have around 15 labs established globally which will become nodes for future expansion and FOSS4G 2013 will be an excellent opportunity to accelerate things in our objective to provide GIS Education for All.

We need to make use of FOSS4G 2013 to accelerate efforts for this. My suggestion for theme and legacy for FOSS4G is "GIS for ALL  - FOSS4G 2013"



Rafael Moreno on September 17, 2012:

Great idea!
Good vision.

Steven Feldman on September 18, 2012:

Any way to blend in "The Freedom to ..."?

Suchith Anand on September 18, 2012:

Sure. It is only initial thoughts so everyone feel free to add your thoughts/ideas on this.

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Jo Cook on September 18, 2012:

This is going to sound really picky and I apologise in advance, but it really should be:

FOSS4G 2013: GIS for All

to ensure that the FOSS4G element is the first and most important. Other than that, I think it's a really good title, and the freedom aspect is implicit in the idea of "gis for all" IMHO.


Barry Rowlingson on September 18, 2012:

Didn't we have a discussion about using colons and semicolons at OSGIS?

FOSS4G 2013: GIS for All, and All for GIS!

[although that's the Three Musketeers and not Robin Hood]

Perhaps the 'freedoms' can be worked into the idea of 'All'.

Freedom for All People (no restriction on distribution)
Freedom to do All Things (no restriction on usage)
Freedom of All Choice (interoperability)

etc? Am I writing Steven's intro talk here?

I've tried coming up with a few other brainstormy-type slogans, some of
which probably exist in other contexts, but probably nothing better than
GIS for All...

"Projecting Freedom"
"The Power of Projection"
"Latitude with your longitude" (latitude being a synonym for freedom.
Crossword puzzlers only)


Steven Feldman on September 18, 2012:


Please do write my opening speech with perfectly selected colons, semi-colons, hyphens and commas.

"GIS for all" is growing on me. I can still do a "Freedom to ..." intro

Peter Batty on September 18, 2012:

I quite like the theme ... My main question is whether geospatial is a better term than GIS. The G in FOSS4G does stand for geospatial. Many people see that being a more inclusive term and GIS being more about traditional desktop systems. ESRI has also done a pretty good job of hijacking the term GIS. I don't have super strong opinions on it, just throwing it out for consideration.

Steven Feldman on September 18, 2012:

So should we go for "Geo for all" ?

Suchith Anand on September 19, 2012:

Yes, "Geo for All" is good.

Peter Batty on September 19, 2012:

I like Geo for all too.

Antony Scott on September 20, 2012:

Geo for all is great, especially for those (ie most people) who glaze over at the mention of GIS.

Steven Feldman on October 2, 2012:

I'm thinking this is a decision on a strapline then

FOSS4G 2013 - Geo for All
or even
FOSS4G 2013 - Geo4All

Speak now or forever hold your peace

Mark Iliffe on October 2, 2012:

Geo4All. It's so street or whatever those young whippersnappers say nowadays,

Jeremy Morley on October 3, 2012:

FOSS4G 2013 - Geo4All

Rollo Home on October 4, 2012:

I guess the 4 reflects the FOSS4G concept, but I still think Goe4All looks too much like geofall or even geofail ;-)
What's wrong with 'for'
I'm getting old before my time.....

Steven Feldman on October 4, 2012:

Vote time?

Antony Scott on October 4, 2012:

FOSS4G Nottingham 2013
Geo for All

Suchith Anand on October 5, 2012:

May i suggest that we use both as needed for different audience. For example for Twitter and web stream "Geo4All" is good. For decision makers, professional audience, we can use "Geo for All"

We will also announce "Geo for All Declaration" at FOSS4G 2013 welcoming all interested to join and support our mission of providing geospatial education and opportunities for everyone  which will be the long term legacy of our FOSS4G conference.
