The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Venue Contract

Posted by Steven Feldman on October 17, 2012

I have crunched the numbers for the venue contract and you can review them here 

The "Target" tab sets out what I think our low end targets are i.e. what we should realistically expect in terms of numbers for delegates, catering, hotel rooms and university rooms.

The "Booking numbers to commit" tab sets out some lower numbers for the venue contract - we want to keep these as low as possible to minimise 1) our deposit which is 10% of total cost and 2) our overall commitment if anything goes pear shaped. On the other hand we want to secure the hotel rooms (we are expecting them to agree to put the uncommitted hotel rooms on reserve for us until May or June). Delegate numbers for catering etc. going way over the committed level will not be a problem as we can increase numbers nearer the time.

I've discussed this with Claire and we think we have it about right. Please have a look at the doc and let me know if you think there is anything that I have missed.

Claire is going to send the numbers off to the venue later today and then we should expect a final draft of the agreement which will need to be signed by OSGeo and then pay the deposit. Peter can you brief Daniel to expect this.


Jo Cook on October 19, 2012:

I know it's a bit late in the day, but this looks fine to me.
