The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Jo Cook on October 30, 2012

I've done a bit of work on the site today to sort out the menu and so on- this is now done in appearance/menus and new pages need to be manually added- you have been warned. Anyhow, the main thing is that I've switched on the syndication stuff, which appears in a category called "Buzz" and hence a page/menu item called "Buzz". This can be changed to something else if you'd prefer.

I haven't yet switched on the scheduled updating of this- I'm thinking of polling for updates every 3 hours or something like that, but I have checked that it doesn't re-add old posts if I delete them. 

So, from you guys I'd like to know what you want the page/menu item to be called, then I'll set up a document for everyone else to add new blog-sites to.

Sound OK?



Antony Scott on October 30, 2012:


Looks good, I like the way that menu is expanding...

Buzz sounds good to me, unless there are any other bright ideas.

A couple of points:

· What are the selection criteria for inclusion – anything from our selected sites which mention ‘FOSS4G2013’?

· Is there a way of including some more branding/provenance info on the posts? It looks a bit at the moment as though everything has been posted by us, though I can see the links to the source. This may be something we can pick up in the next version of the design


Jo Cook on October 30, 2012:

Selection criteria:
Must be in a defined blog, must include FOSS4G or foss4g as a keyword (I think, not necessarily a tag).

The branding is because they come in as our posts- but the permalinks should point at the original. I think that's best, personally, otherwise the branding could get a bit weird. I can revisit this in a couple of days to test it though...


Barry Rowlingson on October 30, 2012:

Isn't the menu getting a little too expanded? Isn't it going to need
registration and submission pages somewhere too? And then programme pages...

Jo Cook on October 30, 2012:

Can all be adjusted, sub-menued, whatever....
This is me signing off till Thursday now
