The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshop call?

Posted by Jo Cook on December 7, 2012

Dear Workshop peeps,

I notice that our calendar says we're going to do the call for workshops next week- is that still correct or should the dates on the website be fudged somewhat?




Rollo Home on March 27, 2013:

What resources are available for the workshop? OS are wanting to get a feel for this in planning their proposal. Could Matt contact to discuss?

Matt Walker on March 27, 2013:

Hi Rollo,

We're still a bit hazy to be honest about details, hopefully we will know more when Mark, Ian, Jeremy and I next catch-up. However I'd be happy to talk to Paul, do you have a number I can call him on?



Mark Iliffe on March 28, 2013:

To echo Matt's comments, Rollo, we're waiting to see the submissions and quality of the workshops before deciding a working plan. It's a chicken and the egg sort of problem. I'm reminded of this scene from Bronson (pardon the language, from 0:50)

Rollo Home on March 28, 2013:

Apologies accepted ;-)
Paul can be called on: 02380055143

Rollo Home on April 2, 2013:

The dates for the Hack on EventBrite are wrong - should be Tues/Wed (as per the main site) and NOT Mon/Tues. Mark - are you able to correct?