The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

"Main Track" blurb on site

Posted by Jo Cook on December 7, 2012

Dear All,

I'd like to maintain the structure used for the Academic Track, for the "Main Track"- which leads to the following questions:

1) Is "Main Track" the best we can do, to describe it in the top menu?
2) Can someone put together a paragraph or two as blurb to go on the introductory page for the "Main Track" (I've asked for the same from the Academic Track peeps)
3) The CfP will then go as a menu item below this (same as for the AT)




Antony Scott on December 7, 2012:

How about just 'Programme'? We'll be adding more menu items to this later, and there's an argument that the Academic Track could be a menu item underneath, as it's a subset of the programme, with 'Main Programme' the other menu item. We are eventually going to have other tracks too, so we should avoid using 'track' as a top-level description I think. If we need a blurb, I have done a quick para at the top of the CfP, others might want to review/amend.

Rollo Home on December 7, 2012:

My first attempt at some blurb: edits welcome - 

"The "Main Track" of the conference covers five days of Presentations and Workshops covering every aspect of Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial that you'd care to imagine. The content of the programme is developed from the submissions made by the community which is requested via the various Calls for Paper. How to get involved is outlined in these pages.

The theme for 2013 is "Geo for All" which reflects our aim to encourage attendance from anyone considering using open source and geospatial software for the first time. The numerous current initiatives propelling Open Data have highlighted to an even wider audience the benefits of using geospatial data to gain additional insights into their data, Add the current economic climate, and we see interest in open source geospatial solutions grow ever stronger. This conference therefore provides an excellent opportunity to enhance the already vibrant community with users from a diverse range of industries.

We very much hope that you will want to get involved, be it by submitting a proposal for a paper, a demonstration, a deep dive, a training session or a hack theme, and look forward to seeing you in Nottingham!

Jo Cook on December 7, 2012:

Thanks Antony and Rollo,

I'll go with Rollo's blurb for the moment although I think there will be a need for some rearrangement of the menu items at some point- though we have to be careful about links that are currently going out in documents!

Rollo Home on December 7, 2012:

Antony, I thought you were 'busy' today?! I must have been writing my input as you were adding yours. Sorry for the duplication. 
Suggest 'programme' is a better than 'main track'
Jo - suggest you have a look at the drop down menus on - they have included the 'landing' page of each menu item as item in the drop down list. I think that this is a good idea as I never click on the actual menu item if there is a sub-list - it just never occurs to me to do so (perhaps I'm alone in this?!?!?).

Jo Cook on December 7, 2012:

OK done,

With regards to the menu- we've tried to cover belt and braces- for people that *do* click on the top item :-)

See what you think- I've managed to merge the tracks but still keep the AT URLs so they work for the pdfs we're sending out. We can change as required

(Must do some real work now...)


Rollo Home on December 7, 2012:

Looks good. Can we tweet?

Antony Scott on December 7, 2012:

Yes, busy this afternoon...

All looks good. Agree with Rollo about the head menu item, though if there’s a page there it needs something on it.

Jo Cook on December 7, 2012:

Not till we've been and sorted the dates :-)

Jo Cook on December 7, 2012:

Clarified, changed back, so tweet away! I'll post something to osgeo-discuss after lunch, with the pdf version of the doc as well


Rollo Home on December 7, 2012:

Does Chris Holcroft need to be removed from the committee list now that he's left the AGI? I can't recall whether he wanted to stay on? Either way his bio needs to be changed....would be good to highlight the link to RoMETS especially with the MO sponsoring (hopefully!).

Jo Cook on December 7, 2012:

I've removed his Bio- he is definitely not on the committee any longer
