The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Barry Rowlingson on January 11, 2013

Some ideas for entertainment:

I noticed they share an agent, so I contacted the agent who said:

"I think this would be eminently possible and the dates are certainly feasible in theory.
Fee-wise, we'd need to be looking in the region of £3000 - £3500 + travel for both Robin and the Nerds. Perhaps you'd be kind and let me know how that sits with your budget and we can go from there."

(for 'both' I think she means 'either')

Spoken Nerds trailer is here:

Not sure what show Robin Ince could do, but I've seen him do "Happiness Through Science" at Lancaster, and he does top geeky sciency comedy (and a brilliant impression of Richard Feynmann). See here for samples:

Obviously we'd need a venue, not sure the marquee would be big enough. Ideas welcome.


Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

I like both of these ideas. Didn't we throw around some ideas about venues for the entertainment when we were initially coming up with the bid? 


Barry Rowlingson on January 15, 2013:

I'll get back to the agents, tell them we're in the right ballpark fee, and find out about venue requirements. One thing I'm sure we wouldn't want to do is put half the audience in one lecture theatre and the other half in the other with a video link. We need a venue that can seat everyone - how many are we talking? Do we do this in the same space as the conference dinner or do we hike everyone off to a theatre?

Need to know soon as poss.

Barry Rowlingson on January 31, 2013:

Okay, the GeoCamp is the venue.

What day might we want The Nerds? The Gala Event on the 19th or the closing party on the 21st? Am arranging a contract for inspection with agents, that should detail costs and requirements and we can give them a go-nogo decision.

Steven Feldman on January 31, 2013:

I would say Gala Night

Jeremy Morley on January 31, 2013:

Me too

Barry Rowlingson on January 31, 2013:

Great - unfortunately they're one Nerd down for the 19th - Matt Parker the maths guy - but the agent says they can either do their two-person show or get a sub in.

Also, who would the contract be with at this end? Do we have some kind of registered body for the conference or is it all going through OSGeo or what? I don't need the details now, but I assume they'll go on all the contracts and someone responsible will be signing them.

Barry Rowlingson on February 20, 2013:

Replacement Nerd to make the numbers up to three is Seb:

He's a digital artist and has done some interesting things with audience participation and mobile phones. He is currently working with the other nerds on some show material. Have requested the agent gets us a contract for inspection asap...

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

Sounds ideal!

Barry Rowlingson on March 2, 2013:

I've had a contract from the agent. Attached. Don't panic - the filename says 9th but the contract says 19th and that's what I've discussed with them.

The cost is quoted as:

£3,250 + VAT, travel and accommodation (for two people, I guess).

on top of which we will have to provide a rider (beers, cupcakes, whatever), amplification (which I guess we'll have, but they might want wireless headset mics which we should think about anyway), and insurance. I don't think they'll be blowing much stuff up so insurance shouldn't be a problem.

There's no mention of the performance duration, but the contract says if we're not happy about the performance, we have seven days after the show to whine about it formally. I can ask about how long we get so we can schedule the rest of the evening.

If anyone wants to read this and check any other points for clarification please let me know and I'll ask them sometime next week and maybe we can make a decision at the Friday meeting.

Barry Rowlingson on March 25, 2013:

Nerd news. Just got off the phone to Steve Mould of the Nerds. He says they normally do a two hour show including a 20 minute interval, but reckoned that for a standing audience a continuous one hour show might be more acceptable.

The technical requirements aren't excessive - we will need some PA in the tent anyway (a couple of mics, mic stands, small mixer, amp, speakers), they just need a couple of lapel or wireless headset mics (maybe we can scrounge these up from somewhere) and a couple of DI boxes which connect their laptop and ukelele to the PA. (having played in bands and done sound for bands at gigs this is nothing fancy). He can send me their standard tech rider but its not a problem at the moment.

I'm not sure how high the stage needs to be - I suspect at least table-height for visibility at the back. Exact size not known either, but it only has to be big enough for the two of them plus however many members of the audience they wish to embarrass simultaneously.

They also need a projector and screen for graphics, driven from their on-stage laptop. May be a problem if that needs rigging from the tent.

In terms of content, Steve said they can work on some specific map-related stuff just for us.

Health and Safety may prevent us trying to break the world record for the biggest fire tornado though:


Barry Rowlingson on April 2, 2013:

Some haggling with the Nerds' agent has got us a £500 discount for a 1-hour show compared to a full on two-part extravaganza. So that's £2750 + expenses instead of £3250 + expenses. This is looking very good.

I suspect we can't decide on this until Steven returns, but I don't see any problems with it now.

Steven Feldman on April 2, 2013:

If you are all good with it I'm ok too

Cheers all from Rajasthan!

Steven Feldman
KnowWhere Consulting

+44 (0) 7958 924101
Sent from my iPhone

Barry Rowlingson on April 5, 2013:


 can you check the contract PDF in this thread on basecamp is okay (apart from the price) and if its all acceptable I'll get one with the right price from the agent for signature. It looks like standard contract stuff but I've no real experience of this.

Note it wants half the payment on signature of the contract, so that will have to come from somewhere soon.

Claire Gilmour on April 5, 2013:

Do we know if they will be claiming expenses?  section Do we know if they will be claiming expenses?

2.3 The Client will also pay such sums by way of reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Speaker(s) in connection with the event, including reasonable travel costs, all travel to be 1st Class or equivalent, accommodation, meals and refreshments. Such sums to be payable within 7 days of production by Noel Gay of valid receipts for such expenses.

Barry Rowlingson on April 5, 2013:

Yes, I would expect two first-class return tickets London-Nottingham, plus taxi to venue, two single rooms for one night, and however much a nice dinner in Nottingham is. The first-class train will probably be most of that cost - might be cheaper to get a car for them.

Rollo Home on April 10, 2013:

1st class? Wow.....

Mark Iliffe on April 10, 2013:

I'd agree with Barry that a car will probably be cheaper. You can get the executive cars quite cheaply. I've rented them previously they're about a 20% markup on a minicab. 

Barry Rowlingson on April 10, 2013:

A quick go on a car+driver comparison site gets me quotes under £150 from London to Nottingham for up to 4 people in an estate car (so plenty of room for equipment). However that is one-way.

Anyhooooo, I don't think the expenses are (literally) a show-stopper.

Barry Rowlingson on April 19, 2013:

Here's the updated contract and the technical rider from the Nerds' agent, for checking PA requirements.

We'll also need to make sure the tent has a high enough stage.

Barry Rowlingson on May 8, 2013:

Is the contract signing (and initial payment) for the Nerds in hand?

The contact I have at the the agent is:

Catrina and Kas <>

Steven Feldman on May 8, 2013:

I meant to do it today but got bogged down with work stuff and desperate deadlines
Will go through it tomorrow

Barry Rowlingson on May 13, 2013:

Done yet?

Steven Feldman on May 14, 2013:

Yes now over to Claire to sign and send deposit

Claire Gilmour on May 15, 2013:

signed and passed to Maureen to make payment (tomorrow)

Steven Feldman on May 15, 2013:


Barry Rowlingson on May 16, 2013:

For anyone considering things for party night entertainment, the EMCC contract on their web site says:

External providers of entertainment
You must tell us what entertainment or third party
services or activities you have arranged. If they are considered to be
inappropriate or Nottingham Conferences deem it
to be of a racist, sexist or discriminatory nature
or that the activities that could cause offence or damage to our reputation
[etc] we reserve the right to refuse...

- I suspect that's just to weed out strippers and Roy "Chubby" Brown, but note the requirement to inform them.

We also may have to consider PRS licensing for music unless the venue covers this - the PRS web site has some information and the cost for licensing conferences and exhibitions isn't great.

The venue contract also talks about liability insurance and so on. Its a thrilling rollercoaster of a read:

I assume this is broadly the contract we are operating under.

Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

The Entertainment page on the site is looking a bit dull.
  • Could Barry get a Nerds youtube embedded?
  • Could Ant post something about the band and maybe a link to their music or a player embedded?
  • Could Jeremy posts something about the Taste of Britain food for the Gala Night
  • Could Jo or Addy put something up about Mike Parker and about the IceBreaker in general
  • Could Jeremy post something about the Friday night entertainment
  • Could Mark and Ian H post something about the closing party
We've got lot's planned, let's start telling people

Antony Scott on August 1, 2013:

Added Chris Conway to the web page - not sure about embedding - looking for a you tube vid but most of them have him playing Celtic (music not football) or weird instruments. Will ask him.

Barry Rowlingson on August 1, 2013:

Nerds youtube embeddage done.

Jo Cook on August 3, 2013:

Ice-breaker done