The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

OSGEO Workshops and Code Sprint Community Participation

Posted by Mark Iliffe on January 15, 2013

We're planning the conference of the OSGEO community, hence it's a good idea to ask for what they want in listening exercises. No this isn't a plot device from "Thick of It"!

Within the main track and academic we have community or peer review. However, we've had a lot of interest with regard to workshops and the code sprints. For this I'm proposing (and volunteering myself - but in addition with another LoC member Ian and Matt I'm looking at you) a series of Google Hangouts where we can take feedback and ideas from the community on what they want at FOSS4G.

I want to be at the best FOSS4G possible and I feel we've got the team to make it the best conference ever. However, I'm seeing it from the inside, I think by holding a few sessions seeking feedback from the community-at-large we can get them pumped, potentially getting some new ideas as well.


Ian Edwards on January 16, 2013:

This sounds great. Should we try it out this week?

We'll need to think about frequency and how/when we would approach different parts of the community (each Hangout is limited to 10 people?).

Mark Iliffe on January 16, 2013:

I think we should potentially go for late next week, just so we can advertise it. However we should definitely talk this week! I think we should draw up themes here.