The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Press release re sponsorship

Posted by Steven Feldman on January 17, 2013

Can one of the comms team get a press release out announcing the new sponsors:

Ordnance Survey - Diamond
Google - Gold
Edina - Silver

And maybe a separate release re Supporters
MapGears - Supporter
Metaspatial - Supporter
Geocat - Supporter

Should we also do a thank you post on the lists?
What about twitter?


Barry Rowlingson on January 17, 2013:

Have done a discuss-list posting with sponsors announced:

although Geocat is a new one on me. Is someone sorting out their logo+blurb
for the web?

Did we sort our our press channels? Can we employ a press officer?

Steven Feldman on January 17, 2013:

Lovely voice to your post

Jo Cook on January 21, 2013:

Geocat logo/blurb should go up today, now I'm back
