The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshops out of sync

Posted by Mark Iliffe on February 6, 2013

Workshops seem to be out of sync in Basecamp and the FOSS4G website proper. 

In the text document ( the workshops are on Tuesday and Wednesday (Days 1 and 2). In the dates section on show it as Wednesday and Thursday (Days 2 and 3).

Which one is right?


Rollo Home on February 6, 2013:

The 'image' on the website is from the bid - and has not (as far I can see) been amended to reflect any of the subtle changes made since then. I can change this to reflect whatever you want (or it could be removed entirely to be replaced by something more legible)

It's possible that there has been some confusion between Hack and Workshop - I note that in the registration system we have:
Hack: 18th
Workshop: 18th & 19th

PS What have you got on your head in the profile image?

Mark Iliffe on February 6, 2013:

I quite like the imagine, if it could be updated that would be grand! However, if you could standfast before Friday's meeting I would be most grateful

I hope there won't be any confusion after our meeting on Friday. The workshops and code sprint team is working hard on setting out a vision. One that delivers on "Geo For All" and one that makes it the Best. Workshop/Code Sprint/Hackathon. Ever.

It is my beret. I'm sorry, it doesn't have any horns in. 

Barry Rowlingson on February 7, 2013:

If anything is wrong (eg the calendar image) on the web site it should be zapped instantly. I've occasionally looked at that image to get our best estimate so far of dates. If our updated dates are other dates then I might have missed them.

+1 for replacing with something more legible - the principle and design are fine,  it just looks a bit fuzzy like its been resized poorly. And if you redo it, it will need to be redone whenever anything changes, so you might want to streamline the workflow that produces it...

Rollo Home on February 8, 2013:

Ahead of today's planning call, please see the attached spreadsheet with the proposed programme structure for the three main days, and the over all structure (as I currently understand it) of the event.

Steven Feldman on February 8, 2013: