The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Archiving FOSS4G 2013 presentations and workshop materails

Posted by Suchith Anand on February 11, 2013

Hi All,

I think Cameron's advice is really useful (details below)  and we need to add fields in the submission system itself so that authors can give permission for their presentations to be added to the ELOGeo repository for archiving FOSS4G 2013 presentations and workshop materails.

My suggestion is add the following field to the abstract and workshops submission process

Please upload copy of your abstract and presentation slides to ELOGeo repository under FOSS4G 2013 ;




Congratulations on your putting out your call for presentations and workshops.


I'd like to suggest a few things for your questionnaire, which we had done when running foss4g 2009.


After foss4g 2009, we retrospectively tried to chase all presenters to see if they would give permission to publish their presentations on the website. It was hard word.

I wish we had a question during the call for presenters along the lines of:


1. May we publish your slides and any related material on our foss4g website after the event?

2. Would you like to attribute to a CC licence? Which one: CC-By, CC-By-SA, ... other: __


Another suggestion which might clash with prior discussions about blind voting. One thing which we have been developing to encourage conferences to find local OSGeo speakers is the "OSGeo Advocate" page.


One way to help keep this Advocate page updated is to request speaker profiles using the same format as the Advocate page, offering that speakers either reference the Advocate page, or update the Advocate page at the same time as they submit presentations.


On 09/02/13 03:17, Barry Rowlingson wrote:

> Hi All,

>   The submission system for presentations and workshops is now live,

> and links are available from here:


>   Note that all we need for these is a summary and a few small details

> - there's no requirement for a paper at all.

> Please recirculate this announcement on other appropriate mailing

> lists that you might belong to. If you don't give us enough to do for

> our presentation selection meeting in April, we'll just be in the pub

> all the time.

> Barry

> _______________________________________________

> Discuss mailing list






Cameron Shorter

Geospatial Solutions Manager

Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050

Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254


Think Globally, Fix Locally

Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source


Suchith Anand on February 11, 2013:

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Rather than changing the form now that we have opened for submissions we could just include the request to upload to ELOGeo in our mail confirming that their abstract has been accepted

Jeremy Morley on February 14, 2013:

Yes, seems like the best solution. i think we do want to be proactive though in making sure we receive and archive materials where possible.

Barry Rowlingson on February 14, 2013:

I suspect if you ask people to upload presentations you might get very small uptake. Especially since I see more presentations these days that are done with fancy HTML javascript tools and can't be boiled down to one PDF or PPT to upload.

Does the offer to have all the talks recorded look much more inviting now?

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

re the uploading we could take the "we will upload your presentation unless you opt out" approach but that puts the onus on us. Depends how important you think it is to archive all of this material, I doubt many people access it after the event.

Recording of presentations is dependent on Eclipse Location Tech which is not confirmed yet.

Suchith Anand on February 14, 2013:

Providing archive facility to those authors, workshop presenters who are willing to share their materials is important. Maybe not all will  upload but if there is a platform available many would. We can include the request to upload to ELOGeo in our mail confirming that their abstract has been accepted.

Archiving and making available as much conference materials online is key part of the legacy of FOSS4G 2013.