The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013

Claire mentioned an opportunity to share some advertising space in GeoConnexions with AGI. This prompts 3 questions from me:
  1. Should we be paying to advertise FOSS4G in traditional geo press or elsewhere? We have some budget available but it could be used for other marketing
  2. If yes to the above, do we want to advertise in GeoConnexion? There are a host of geo publications both hard copy and online and of course non geo ones too. I am not qualified to choose, is anyone?
  3. If yes to 1 and 2, do we want to share a quarter of the cost of a full page advert with AGI (£275 per edition and they have 4 scheduled)?
Answers on a postcard pronto please


Antony Scott on February 14, 2013:

Yes, yes, (not me), yes.

Suchith Anand on February 14, 2013:

I suggest we contact as many geo publications for free press releases and promotions of FOSS4G 2013( GeoConnextion, GIS Professional, Directions, GIM International,Vector One, GeoInformatics, Geomatics World etc) .In return we offer them Media Sponsor for FOSS4G 2013 with the following info

As media sponsor , you will provide:
1. Press Releases from the conference posted free of charge
2. Free listing of the conference on your Event page
FOSS4G 2013 will provide:
1. You  will be recognized in any print or electronic publications as a media sponsor.

If they agree, then we wont have to pay for advertisement, press releases etc .

Also we can contact AGI to get key press release mails of  FOSS4G 2013 (Registrations, Call for Presentations etc) send through their mailing list. That will be really useful as they have a good contact mail list Maybe Claire can let us know the costs for this. Thanks.

Jeremy Morley on February 14, 2013:

As Suchith doesn't quite say in his email, for the OSGIS conference we've been reasonably successful cutting a deal with the magazines to be media sponsors. Suchith, would it be appropriate for you to contact the people you've dealt with for OSGIS to ask them for the same deal for FOSS4G?

Jo Cook on February 14, 2013:

Slow down chaps, we already have a plan for media sponsorship, we already have some media sponsors lined up, so we'll need to offer everyone the same package. Can you leave this bit for the moment please? (am trying to catch up but snowed under with work)

Jeremy Morley on February 15, 2013:

Yes, I didn't mean that Suchith should by-pass the existing plan, packages and sponsors. Just that there's a set of contacts to exploit. Now would be a good time to get some PR, partly to get papers as well as bums on seats registrations.

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

OK cool, I will put a doc up on basecamp with the current media sponsorship package on it so that people can use as they see fit. I'm going to set up a email account that can be used as the contact email (which will come to me)- then I guess people should just make a note of who they reach out to. I'll try and do that over the next couple of days
