The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

While I'm away!

Posted by Steven Feldman on February 15, 2013

I'm wrapping up before going away for a week :)

Jo has relieved of web site duties (a long saga of password glitches that you don't want to know about) and has taken the Registration page live. Claire has switched on the RegOnline service so we are go Go GO!

Everyone can we have a crescendo of tweets, posts to mailing lists (inc OSM and other related), press releases etc to make sure we get off to a good start. In my text I refer to some kind of a draw for the first 100 registrations - is everyone happy with that (prize/s don't have to be large)? If so we should include that in our publicity as well as in the text.

Addy can you try to make a start on the principles of the Academic Bursaries? 

Jeremy and Claire can you press Shelley to try to push the contract with EMCC forward (we have now signed the contract for the marquee). I will leave it to you to decide on wifi etc.

Program team we need to finalise keynoters.
Mark could you chase Edward and Kate to provide bios and pictures then we can do an announcement re Keynoters in about a week's time.

Does someone need to reach out re codesprints? We will have to plan accommodation for them (Jeremy can we book uni rooms for the Sunday?)

I am not sure what the consensus was on advertising so let's delay for a few weeks and miss out on the first one.

Can the comms group get a bit active on press releases and possibly signing up a few more media sponsors (we need to downgrade media sponsors prominence a bit, not sure how but it seems unfair that they are getting the same as supporters who pay us dosh)

Have a good call next week. please don't assign too much to me in my absence

That's it I must switch off and get into holiday mode. Ski slopes hear I come



Rollo Home on February 18, 2013:

Of the speakers confirmed, can you confirm the status of their response please? Happy to chase for remaining items:
  • Kate Chapman - to be chased for bio and photo (I've only got Twitter contact)
  • Edward Anderson - to be chased for bio and photo (I've no contact details at all)
  • Ian James - photo & bio provided
  • Paul Ramsey - to be chased for bio and photo (I've no contact details at all)

Don't break anything out there!

Mark Iliffe on February 18, 2013:

Kate has already submitted, it's in my email and Stephen's box. I'll chase Edward.

Jeremy Morley on February 18, 2013:

Claire, re. contract:

My view is that we need some indication back from them on the basis of the requests we've submitted as to what they'll be able to support. As soon as we have a reasonable indication from them that they can do something sensible for us then I think we should sign. In some ways the risk is slipping towards their advantage, day-by-day, in that we're completely committed to using EMCC now.  If they're serious about providing decent WiFi we should lock them in on the contract asap.

Codesprints on the Sunday - room booking would also be done through Shelley. The downside to using non-EMCC rooms at the weekend will be having to organise (a) porter(s) (security) to cover the buildings involved.


Mark Iliffe on February 18, 2013:

@Jeremy, Can't we use the geotent/camp/gazebo?

Rollo Home on February 19, 2013:

Regarding bio's, we only have Paul Ramsey unaccounted for. Jo are you able to prod him (you know him well don't you?)?

Jo Cook on February 19, 2013:

I have at least met him, so yes, I can get in touch. Am leaving FOSS4G stuff till Friday though


Rollo Home on February 19, 2013:

Thanks Jo.

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

Hi All,

Just trying to catch up with things a bit- has anyone done any announcements about registration other than on twitter? ie to the mailing lists, blog posts etc?

