The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Tonight's Workshop & Code Sprint Hangout

Posted by Matt Walker on February 20, 2013


I'm hosting the second Workshops and Code sprint Hangout tonight and I thought I'd just make sure I've got house in order :-). Can I check the following:

@Ian Edward / Ian Holt it would be great if you can join me on the Hangout. I'll look to join 5 to 10 minutes before it's due to start at 20:00.

Details of the event here:




Ian Holt on February 20, 2013:

Hi Matt,
I'll be there.

Matt Walker on February 20, 2013:

Great, thanks Ian.

Jo's just reminded me that there where some technical issues at the last Hangout and that they had to revert to IRC. I think we should see how it goes and switch to the OSGeo UK IRC channel if needed (#osgeo-uk on FreeNode)

Ian Holt on February 20, 2013:

Ok. My phone number is 07901 227383 if it all gets a bit confused and I lose you guys.

Mark Iliffe on February 20, 2013:


I'd recommend that IRC is used as a backup. Connectivity was an issue, however we had people from Asia/India connecting. We were in Indonesia.

Good hunting!

Ian Edwards on February 20, 2013:

Hi Matt, I'm traveling today - It looks very unlikely that I'll be able to
make the call, but will catchup afterwards. It looks like attendance will
be good...

Jeremy Morley on February 20, 2013:


Not sure if I'll make it - the timing's awkward. I'll see what I can do.

Plan is Wednesday, I believe. Probably can run on Tuesday. We have labs booked but more empty rooms - we should be able to borrow a set of 20 laptops to use in an empty room too. I need to double check what labs we have at the moment.

Yes, LiveDVD/USB or equivalent much, much easier than getting anything installed.


Matt Walker on February 20, 2013:

Cheers Jeremy, that's great.

Matt Walker on February 20, 2013:

Can anyone clarify if the proposed cost for Workshops is per Workshop or for a whole days worth?

I'm looking here:


Antony Scott on February 21, 2013:


The plan is that it’s a day, on the basis that anything less gets fiddly to administer.

Mark Iliffe on February 25, 2013:

Can we get some feedback from the hangout in the form of a blog pretty please?

Matt Walker on February 25, 2013:

Hi, sorry it's taken a while to get some notes together. I'm not going to blog as it was fairly low key but here are some notes:

Workshop & Code Sprints Hangout Wed 20th Feb

Hour long Google+ Hangout to discuss the plan for Workshops and Code Sprints with those interested in attending or running at FOSS4G 2013.

Only 7 people attended including Mark and Jeremy from the LOC but it was a good opertunity to catch-up and we did get some feedback from people like Ian Turton to say that our plans seem sound.

Facitities wise we currently have 2 labs booked but may need to book a few more if we are expecting a similar number of Workshops as previous years. We expect to be able to have access to about 20 laptops (8 from Horizon, 8 from Ordnance Survey and 6 from Astun Technology) which can be used for Workshops.

Our preference would be to use LiveUSB or LiveDVD to run the Workshops but we need to consider if we can facilitate using Virtual Machines.

Jo Cook on March 1, 2013:

Matt, there's also that web-based virtual machine version of the OSGeo live DVD, but I can't find the link to it so maybe they are not promoting it any more?

I'll stick these notes on the osgeo wiki page.


Jeremy Morley on March 1, 2013:

I've been on the OSGeo Live mailing list, and haven't seen any mention of a web-based VM.

Barry Rowlingson on March 1, 2013:

There was a site that would roll up a VM for you and then you connected via
what was probably a browser-based VNC client. I can't find it either, but
I'm pretty sure it got us out of a sticky spot once when one machine in a
lab didn't take kindly to VMWare when we did an open-source GIS course a
couple of years ago.

I doubt the project still exists, I've seen no mention of it either.

Jo Cook on March 1, 2013:

I'm thinking of exactly the same event, Barry :-) It might be worth a quick ask, as it's a very easy option for everyone with a web connection