The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Some confusion when registering

Posted by Matt Walker on February 22, 2013


I received an email yesterday from one of the developers at GeoPlace who's finding the registration and schedule a little confusing. The main gist of his message:

I'm having a look as registering for FOSS4G, but I'm a little confused on
a couple of points.  I noticed you were on the organising Committee, so I
thought I'd try bothering you with some questions, hope you don't mind.

1. I'm looking at the programme from
, and it makes me think the best plan is to... arrive Monday evening (keen on the
Tuesday hack day) and Leave Sunday morning?  Recommended?

2. Re. accommodation, do you know if the conference has a block booking
with the hotel on Campus?  And does this need to be booked separately to
the registration process?  The website was a little vague on this.  The
hotel's website is being errorful every time I select those dates!

It seems the main confusion is around accommodation, can we get some details up on the site?




Jo Cook on February 22, 2013: is designed to take the end user through each of the choices that they need to make before they go to the actual registration site. We can certainly add some text to some of the pages, to clarify more on accommodation.

I'm not sure we can help him decide how long to stay for though!


Matt Walker on February 22, 2013:

Thanks Jo.

Just had a follow-up:

After starting to fill out the registration page the accommodation issue became a little clearer.  It appears the accommodation options appear once you've ticked your registration options checkbox.  It might be worth putting a note on the Registration page that the accommodation options will appear during the reg process :-)



Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

I've added a note to the registration page to this effect.

Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

And also on the Accommodation page. Have also added the Accommodation, Additional Options and Conference Packages to the Registration menu item, hope that's OK.

Jo Cook on February 22, 2013:

Antony, well, we had done it deliberately as it was to try and make people read through everything before blindly clicking the registration link :-)

Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

Yes, I wondered if you had... personally I think they should be on the main menu, otherwise they are hard to find. Happy to be voted down though...

Jo Cook on February 22, 2013:

Na, can't be bothered :-) Leave as is


Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

That's what I like, democracy by inertia :-)

Mark Iliffe on February 25, 2013:

And now we become the jury in the 'Pryce' case, eh, Anthony ;-). 

Antony Scott on February 25, 2013:

Hopefully marginally more competent... ☺