The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Barry Rowlingson on February 22, 2013

I've just failed to register at 123-reg, their payment system refused to take my card details. I'm not confident they haven't billed me five times for something I haven't got yet, so I've raised a ticket with them and I might try somewhere else later. Ten pounds for a year.
I can probably set up the apache server to host it.

Tour t-shirts anyone?


Steven Feldman on February 22, 2013:

I can register when I get back on Tuesday if you haven't managed it

Steven Feldman on February 28, 2013:

I am now the proud owner of

Tell me where to point the name servers etc.

I also have which is waiting for Mark to make use of, perhaps there is a connection to FOSS4G (pictures of ....)?


Addy Pope on February 28, 2013:

imagine if we could get a local brewer to brew a geobeer!

Jeremy Morley on February 28, 2013:

I think this is in Mark's hands. We want to arrange for local beers (and other produce) at the event but are slightly hampered by having to go through the EMCC caterers.

Answers below, perhaps, for the traditionally punning beer name that we could have...
"Open for Business" (which of course is the GeoCom strap line this year)?

Jeremy Morley on February 28, 2013: could be the back channel for the social events...

Barry Rowlingson on February 28, 2013:

Hoppen Source?

+1 for geobeer social back channel. could it point to hashtags, google
groups etc where people could self-organise entertainments?

try and make it inclusive since we will hope to have people from non
alcohol-based cultures...

which reminds me I think I volunteered to write the code of conduct.

Jeremy Morley on February 28, 2013:

Hoppen Sauce?

Jeremy Morley on February 28, 2013:

BTW, I like the t-shirts, Barry (I'm surprised though that Claire's not jumped in to correct the capitalisation of the AGI brand elements ;-)

Jo Cook on February 28, 2013:

Or indeed the spelling of geocommunity but that's just me being pedantic- otherwise they are great :-)

Jeremy Morley on February 28, 2013:

Maybe the maptember prize should go the first person to get their t-shirt signed by all three conference chairs? Sell the t-shirts to support mapaction (or Tarrifa)?

Claire Gilmour on February 28, 2013:

Ok I have been too focussed on other events this week.  Can it be 'AGI GeoCommunity '13' please?

Barry Rowlingson on February 28, 2013:


if you can point it to the same IP as our main site: then I
can set up an apache vhost that maps requests to (you'll
need to make sure is configured and not just
to a folder on the server.

Jo: is that IP number statically assigned to Because
otherwise bad things might happen.

Will fix the spelling mistake and "fix" the typography (i heart lowercase)
at some point before launch.

Jo Cook on February 28, 2013:

Hi Barry

I assume the IP is statically linked- to be honest I'm not sure exactly how it's done because the OSGeo webcom people did it.


Steven Feldman on March 1, 2013:

I have updated the DNS records for and to I expect this will take a day to propagate.

Over to Barry now

Barry Rowlingson on March 2, 2013:

apache is now configured to serve http://[www] from the files in /var/www/maptember  (currently a holding page) and the main page from /var/www and WordPress as before. Will add proper content later.

Steven Feldman on March 2, 2013:

Easy when you know how :)

Jeremy Morley on April 29, 2013:

Barry: one more for maptember -

(A little more geomatics than GIS, but hopefully it counts).

Barry Rowlingson on April 29, 2013:

Mm catchy title. Added.

maptember now has 11 events in total.

Jeremy Morley on May 1, 2013:

So is this one too "way out there"?
European Planetary Science Congress 2013
University College London
08 – 13 September 2013, London, United Kingdom

Mark Iliffe on May 1, 2013:

I'm feeling a bit mapped out for September…

Ian Holt on May 1, 2013:

+1 for T-shirts.

Barry Rowlingson on May 1, 2013:

I think I'll add the planetary science congress - its got remote sensing, Very remote. Also some GIS sessions and so on. Yeah.

Maptember goes Cosmic

will add later.

Jeremy Morley on May 1, 2013:

Cool. I'm working on my abstract for that conference ATM. Though it may be a postdoc who presents.

Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013:

I plan to do a design like the one above for maptember shirts. They'll only have the big three events listed.
If I got a general bunch done what ratio of sizes should I get? And what ratio of M:F?

Is Cafepress a good idea (other online t-shirt companies are available)?

I've noticed they also do custom badges...

Claire Gilmour on May 3, 2013:

I have just got some tshirts printed and paid £5.43 each (basic 100% cotton fruit of the loom shirts - mens). 

The total price of £282.48 was for 52 shirts and included 3 screen prints.

Rollo Home on May 3, 2013:

Barry - why not set-up a pre-order facility on the maptember website? Then you'll know more realistically sizes. Also you get to a wider potential audience.
Sizes: S = 20%, M = 30%, L = 30%, XL = 20% 
M/F = 80/20 (shame, but ture?)

Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013:

@Rollo: If we let people order them how do we keep them desirable and exclusive? :) I was going to get 20 or so done and give them away.

@Claire: that's about half the price of cafepress! Who did that for you?

Claire Gilmour on May 3, 2013:

Workwear express.  I have used them quite a few times now and they seem to be the cheapest I can find at the moment.

Sara Howe is the contact:

The AGI shirts are these ones:

Jo Cook on May 3, 2013:

I'd go with Rollo's percentages- and only offer one Female sizing- (Medium). I think we could have a limited number printed, give a few away, but sell the rest at approx £20 each.

Rollo Home on May 3, 2013:

Barry, like it - going for the resale value. Always thinking of the long-game. #investment