The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Programme changes

✔ Request to move slot between days: Michelle Walker has requested that her paper is moved from Saturday to Thursday. If unable to change, she will have to withdraw. Contact: <>


Barend Köbben on June 12, 2013:

I just emailed Michelle with proposal to trade places (I'm in second slot on Thursday).

Rollo Home on June 27, 2013:

Barend, Slot 7 has become free due to speaker drop out. As a result I shall offer this space to Michelle, and allow you to keep your slot as is (i.e. 12). That at least keeps the logic of your group. This means that I have slot 167 to fill with a (hopefully) some form of hydrological web application paper......hmm.

Barend Köbben on June 27, 2013:

Fine by me...