The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Programme changes


Barend Köbben on June 8, 2013:

He Rollo,
I'm scheduled in slot 12 on the Thursday, so the easy solution seems to switch our slots... should I contact her directly or will you...?

Barend Köbben on June 18, 2013:

I have contacted Michelle Walker and she is OK with the switch. So can someone switch slot 167 (me) with slot 12 (Michelle Walker)...?

Rollo Home on June 18, 2013:

Barend - that's noted. We're not making changes to the programme on line at present simply because it's a pain to do and Barry is about to migrate to the new format. Once that migration has happenend you'll start seeing those changes. I propose that only Barry/myself makes changes to the programme itself, and that proposed changes are put on this list so that we can monitor changes and any potential secondary impacts

Barry Rowlingson on June 24, 2013:

Progress report: I've sorted out the database structure for presentations, and have managed to unify the regular and academic presentations into it, and regularised and matched the names of all authors and co-authors with their affiliations which I hunted down from OJS for academics. There were a lot of repeat people with minor differences ("Fred Bloggs, GeoWotsits [SAS | S.A.S |  sas ] for example) which I've probably eliminated.

Plan before I go to sleep tonight is to put these on the main web site database, give enough people admin access, and then go away for a few days when you will be copy-editing and correcting like a bunch of mad eejits. I'll write some docs for editors.

The presentations won't yet be assigned to time slots.

Note to self: I've not picked up the 2-3 extra presentations that Rollo added to slotdrop.

  1. the todos above
  2. keynotes, plenaries etc
  3. timetable pages
  4. qr codes
  5. magic ics calendar download
  6. search integration (or we just let google do it)

Barry Rowlingson on June 29, 2013:

  • presentations sessions  ("P sessions") now exist, and have assigned presentations as in the provisional timetable
  • still need to add the few Rollo added to the slotdrop system
  • I've done some editing of all Person objects to sort out names and affiliations - upper/lower case and assorted other obvious mistakes. 
  • Need to rationalise a few Person objects (there's Chris Helm, Christopher Helm, and Zombie Christopher Helm, for example).

Rollo Home on July 8, 2013:

To Do list changes all made to Django database

Barry Rowlingson on July 23, 2013:

I've just changed the gallery rooms to clive granger rooms in the database.

Barry Rowlingson on August 1, 2013:

Is Blake Crosby's presentation withdrawal confirmed? I havent seen a response from Rollo's 'can anyone else do it?' email on the info list.

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

I've had no confirmation from Blake. I suggest leave his paper in there for the purposes of the programme until we know for certain. Other changes will occur after the deadline anyway...

Rollo Home on August 15, 2013:

All known changes to the programme (received as of 15/08/2013) have been made in the database.
These are now being checked against the printed programme and will be incorporated.
No subsequent changes will make it into the printed document.

Barry Rowlingson on August 30, 2013:

Matt, did these recent todo's you completed refer to changes that made it into the printed programme? Because if not then their proper place is in the Errata document:

Matt Walker on August 30, 2013:

Hi Barry,

Thanks for checking, all of these changes have made it into onto the website and printed programme. They just hadn't been checked off.

